
Latest Press Releases


AI Index: MDE 15/058/2002
Publish date: 22/04/2002

On their return from a research mission to Israel and the Occupied 
Territories, Amnesty International delegates presented today their 
preliminary findings during a press conference at the Foreign Press 
Association. Delegates interviewed eye-witnesses and met government 
representatives, including from the Israeli Defence Forces. They 
visited Rumaneh village, Jenin city, Jenin City Hospital and Jenin 
Refugee Camp.

"The evidence compiled indicates that serious breaches of 
international human rights and humanitarian law were committed, 
including war crimes, but only an independent international 
commission of inquiry can establish the full facts and the scale of 
these violations," said Javier Zúñiga, Director of Regional Strategy 
of the organization's International Secretariat.

The delegation received credible evidence of such serious violations

* Failure to give civilians warning or time to evacuate Jenin refugee 
camp before Apache helicopters launched their first attacks.

* Failure by the Israeli Defence Forces to protect the people of the 
refugee camp, who are "protected people" under the Fourth Geneva 
Convention relative to the Protection of Civilians Persons in Time of 

* Allegations of extrajudicial executions

* Failure, for 13 days, to allow humanitarian assistance to the 
people in the camp who were trapped in the rubble of demolished 
houses or running out of food and water.

* Denial of medical assistance to the wounded in the refugee camp and 
deliberate targeting of ambulances.

* Excessive use of lethal force and using civilians as a "human shield".

* Ill-treatment, including beatings and degrading treatment, of 
Palestinian detainees.

* Extensive damage to property with no apparent military necessity.

Commenting on his preliminary findings following the autopsies he 
carried out in Jenin Hospital, Professor Derrick Pounder said:

"What was striking is what was absent . There were very few bodies in 
the hospital. There were also none who were seriously injured, only 
the 'walking wounded'. Thus we have to ask: where are the bodies and 
where are the seriously injured?''

"Delegates stressed that the UN fact - finding mission which was 
being set up was an important first step towards establishing the 
truth. However, an independent international commission of inquiry 
should follow without delay. This should have the means and the 
expertise necessary to carry out a serious and thorough 
investigation. "The report of this investigation must be made public 
and those found responsible brought to justice".

Press conference (Real Video file):

Read the report at: http://web.amnesty.org/web/web.nsf/pages/IOT_home

Direct link to report: "The heavy price of Israeli incursions":

For more information please call Amnesty International's press office 
in London, UK, on +44 20 7413 5566. Address: Amnesty International, 1 
Easton St., London WC1X 0DW. Website: http://www.amnesty.org



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