Yesterday, May 28, a letter of FREEDOM Association has been handed over to the Embassies of United States of America and United Kingdom in Belgrade UNDER PROTEST.
Today, the same letter will be handed to all other Embassies of the UN Security Council member countries. The Security Council is formally responsible for the works of the Hague "tribunal", but has no mechanism of monitoring of the works of its own Frankenstein child. Annual short discussions in the SC with the President and Main Prosecutor of ICTY, who usually report on number of cases processed and necessary funds is certainly not enough to judge the works of this legal monster. In the same way, e.g. managers of a concentration camp could submit their reports. This situation is very dangerous, but it is not strange, since the SC (nor even the General Assembly) has no judiciary power, so it can not transfer it to its subsidiary organ.
 With the "trial" of Slobodan Milosevic, number of political and legal misuses and malfunctions in ICTY rapidly and shamefully increased. ICTY discredits the very idea of international judiciary.
So it's high time for concrete action of Bars' Associations and Chambers, Law Faculties and Institutes, interested NGOs and all honest and decent lawyers - to expose the primarily political nature of this US/NATO instrument of aggression called "tribunal" by exposing how little it has in common with internationally accepted standards and principles of fair trial and human rights protection.
Experts' opinions, further independent research and even forming of commissions to evaluate all violations of law by ICTY, and especially in the case of Slobodan Milosevic, are needed.
Therefore we call upon all committees for the defense of Slobodan Milosevic world wide and all friends of justice to act in that direction.
Lawyers' community in SC member countries should be particularly concerned, and should submit to their governments concrete recommendations for abolishment of this ad hoc "court" which puts on trial political leaders of the people that opposed NATO and blinds the eyes over the massive crimes committed by NATO itself.
Hoping that letter submitted today by FREEDOM Association, and written by Belgrade law experts, who follow the "trial" in The Hague can serve as good first impulse for such activities, we present below its content:
          In the proceedings conducted against Slobodan Milosevic before the illegal Hague Tribunal established contrary to the Charter of the United Nations, more and more is getting disclosed the true nature of this institution, the frightening malignant tumor in the tissue of civilization created by the mankind for centuries, and a serious offence against law and justice for which numerous generations have been aspiring and building with great efforts.

           Brought to a deadlock and discredited by more and more evident preposterousness of the accusations against Slobodan Milosevic, by total incapability of the Prosecution and by the farce into which the "procedure of presentation of evidence" has transformed and in which, up to now, not a single testifying had any legal and probative value and because of which every observer, even the least interested, cannot help experiencing the feeling of shame, the Hague Tribunal personified in the Trial Chamber presided by the increasingly nervous judge Richard May, is more and more desisting even from the illusion, present at the beginning of the "trial", of valuing the form, and is more and more seriously and drastically violating the rights of Slobodan Milosevic guaranteed to him by international law, and even laid down in the Statute and the in the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of this illegal Tribunal.

           In addition to the wearing-out tempo of the trial and exhaustion by worthless evidence, coupled by simultaneous limitation of the most elementary rights and needs, such as adequate rest, walks in fresh air, regular and timely meals, etc., which is increasingly getting the features of  torture (prohibited by Article 7 of the International Covenant on Civic and Political Rights and a set of other international documents), in addition to limitation of the time for examination of witnesses and interventions of the Trial Chamber's presiding judge whenever the witnesses face difficulties due to the lack of logic and contradictions in their false statements, which (contrary to Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civic and Political Rights) violates the principle of contradictoriness and the right to defence, in addition to accepting and non-sending away the witness having no direct knowledge about the topics on which they testify (almost all witnesses are such, while only one testifying was eliminated because of indirectness), in addition to violating the presumption of innocence (envisaged by Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civic and Political Rights) by proving one set of alleged criminal offences by other criminal offences not identified by the Tribunal (for example, "expert" statistician Patrick Ball was proving by "statistical methods" that movements of the Albanian population from Kosovo and Metohija had been caused by terror and murders committed by the army and the police, without having been such murders established in any court proceedings, and that their "existence" and the "places" where they were "committed" were actually only the "supposed" ones on the grounds of the "statistical methods" used – in which process, according to the extensively defined system of command responsibility applied before the Tribunal, all such imaginary acts and their alleged consequences are automatically charged against the then President of the Republic), in addition to very late submission of the documents and disclosure of identity of the witnesses and of the contents of their statements, in addition to abrupt changes in the order of testifying whereby the right to defence is limited (envisaged by Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civic and Political Rights), the Hague Tribunal has recently started submitting to Slobodan Milosevic very extensive and complex documents relevant for the trial, and for his defence as well, only in the English language and without translation into Serbian in which way his right envisaged by Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civic and Political Rights is violated, as it is also violated pursuant to Articles 21 of the Hague Tribunal's Statute and 66 of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence of this illegal court. Thus, as many as 38 folders containing documents on the exhumation of corpses, with highly complex technical terminology were submitted to Slobodan Milosevic only in English, while the photos contained in the folders were given to the "accused" in the form of photocopies, black and white and thus indiscernible, and not in colors as their originals that the Prosecution and the Trial Chamber dispose of. On the basis of the documents in these folders a finding of expert witness, Dr. Erick Backar, was prepared, he testified before the Tribunal and Slobodan Milosevic had to cross-examine him without adequate preparation for the defence.

           This last case of the violation of Slobodan Milosevic's rights represents more than a serious warning that these illegal proceedings before the illegal tribunal are transforming into an open violence against the "accused", the violence that will by all indications be more and more severe, because the time and the course of the "proceedings" are increasingly disclosing the falseness and fabrication of all charges against Slobodan Milosevic.

           In view of all of the above said, and in particular the most recent violations of Slobodan Milosevic's rights, we are inviting all justice-loving public and all decision-making factors in Yugoslavia and in the world to oppose the violence against Slobodan Milosevic and to advocate accomplishment what the law and justice bid, which is:




To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper advocating liberation)

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