Bravo Srpska deco fala bogu da ste videli pravu svetlost dana. Da ste konacno svatili da vas marionetska vlada vodi u cistu propast. Na dan Vidov dan zatvorite granice i nedajte nikome ni unutra ni vani dok ne puste sve do jednog Srpskog suznja iz prokletog haskog mucilista. Ne dozvolite niti jednom svapskom ili bilo cijem brodu da plovi dunavom dok ne plate ratnu ostewtu zlikavci koji su unistili nasu ocevinu. Gvozdje se kuje dok je vruce. Ne dozvolite nikome da prodje sa bilo kojom rodbom dunavom dok ne vrate sve do poslednjeg milimetra Srpske zemlje kakao u kosovu tako u Bosni hecegovini i Hrvatskoj. Bog nmeka vam je na pomoci deco Srpska. Pozdrav od cffkale milan kasic

Miroslav Antic wrote:



During the NATO-Russia summit in Rome, Belgrade had shown that it is still capital of European resistance. Several thousand of left, right-wing and non-partisan patriots have demonstrated today in front of British and US embassies in Belgrade. They demanded end of the NATO political farce at The Hague and release of Serbian leader Slobodan Milosevic. Embassies' representatives received a letter for their governments from the organizer of the demonstration - Citizen Association FREEDOM. Written by Belgrade law professors, letter focuses on numerous misuses of law and violations of international documents on protection of human rights, including the "Tribunal"'s own Rules in the "trial" of Slobodan Milosevic and demands his release.

Once again, US/NATO aggression in Europe has been condemned. Following line of President Milosevic, demonstrators called for people's unity and broadening on protest actions against the present corrupted and undemocratic regime in Belgrade, which serves only to foreign interests and has completely lost popular support. "Our only goal is freedom" - said one of the speakers, chairman of the Association of Veterans of Wars since 1990 Ratko Zecevic. Former famous basketball player for the Yugoslav national team and now known activist Ljubodrag Simonovic Duci blamed capitalist arrogance and aggression for global oppression and stated that 'their stupid and ignorant Hague machinery is ashamed and in panic after clever and courageous appearance of President Milosevic, who expresses much higher civilizational level'. Messages from Russia have also been read and President Milosevic was called not only Serbian leader, but also a leader of a free world.

Demonstrations have been supported by Socialist Party of Serbia, Serbian Radical Party, Yugoslav Left, New Communist Party of Yugoslavia and numerous organizations from Serbia, Montenegro, Republic of Srpska, Macedonia as well as by organizations of expelled persons from Kosovo, Bosnia and Croatia.

Culmination of the wave of protests in Serbia is expected on June 28, on St. Vitus Day and anniversary of abduction of President Milosevic. Almost all opposition parties have scheduled its mass rallies on that day in Belgrade, which is expected to be a 'day of truth' for the present regime and future of Serbia.

To join or help this struggle, visit: (official SPS website) (forum for the world of equals) (the international committee to defend Slobodan Milosevic) ('morning news' the only Serbian newspaper advocating liberation)

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