Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   18.08.2002, 16:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Saving Dresden's Treasures

   Dresdeners turned out in force this week to save the city's historic 
   treasures and made saving local museums from the flooding Elbe River 
   a community effort.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,3367,1441_A_612308_1_A,00.html

   Elbe River falls below 9 meter mark in Dresden

   Despite gradually receeding water levels in Dresden and a number of
   other municipalities along the Elbe River, the flooding further down
   the river has worsened. Dikes have broken near the Saxony town of
   Torgau as well as near Wittenberg in Saxony-Anhalt. Tens of
   thousands of residents have been forced to leave their homes, and in
   Saxony the body of a 12 victim of the flooding has been recovered.
   In Bitterfeld, a spokeswoman for the local crisis centre said half
   of the town is under water, however so far, a chemicals complex,is
   said to be unaffected. In Dresden, the Elbe fell below the 9 meter
   mark, a drop of 40 centimeters from the peak reached early

   Flood waters now threatening Budapest.

   Flood waters from the Danube are now threatening the Hungarian
   capital, Budapest.

   Death toll rises in South Asia floods

   The death toll from flash floods and mudslides in south Asia
   continues to rise. Over a thousand people have been killed since
   mid-July in Nepal, India and Bangladesh. On Sunday, officials in
   Vietnam said flash floods killed at least 20 people in northern
   provinces, as thousands work to reinforcement dykes in preparation
   for a further rise in waters. Landslides and floods earlier this
   week forced 22,000 people to leave their homes in the coffee-growing
   provinces of Lam Dong and Dong Nai, where 5,500 houses are under
   water. Weather reports said a major storm was approaching the
   southeast coast of Hainan island in the South China Sea, which could
   bring torrential rains to northern Vietnam if it made landfall.

   Zimbabwean police arrest more defiant white farmers

   A farmers' group in Zimbabwe on Sunday said police have arrested
   more than 130 white farmers over the last three days. They are some
   of the almost 1,000 white farmers who have been defying government
   orders to leave their land for redistribution to landless blacks.
   Earlier this month, President Robert Mugabe's government ordered
   2,900 of the country's remaining 4,500 white commercial farmers to
   quit their land without compensation. Mugabe, who has been in power
   since the country gained independence from Britain in 1980, has said
   his land drive is aimed at correcting colonial injustice.

   Russia confirms trade deal with Iraq

   Russia on Sunday confirmed it would sign a 40-billion-dollar
   economic and trade agreement with Iraq. A top Russian official
   confirmed the deal was being prepared despite concerns expressed by
   Washington, and U.S. President George W. Bush in particular. The
   Bush administration has been soliciting international support for
   its stated goal of toppling Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein.

   Schroeder again says no to military strike against Iraq

   Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder has again stressed Germany's opposition
   to any U.S. led military strike against Iraq. Speaking at a
   conference of his Social Democratic Party in Berlin, Schroeder noted
   that peace and stability was still to be achieved in the Middle
   East, Afghanistan, and even the Balkans. Therefore, he said, it
   would not be prudent to spark a new crisis.

   Sudan renews detention of Islamist leader

   Sudan on Sunday renewed the detention of Islamist leader Hassan

   Sri Lanka plans interim council in peace bid

   Reports out of Colombo suggest the government of Sri Lanka is
   considering setting up an interim council to govern the north and
   east of the country, where Tamil Tiger rebels have been fighting for
   a separate state. According to Colombo newspaper reports, Prime
   Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe believes the council could play a key
   role in bringing and end to the conflict, and he is expected to make
   the offer to rebel leaders during peace talks in Thailand next
   month. Last December, the two sides agreed to a ceasefire in the
   civil war that has claimed the lives of 60,000 people since 1983.

   Barrichello wins Hungarian Grand Prix

   In sports: Ferrari driver Rubens Barrichello won the Hungarian Grand
   Prix on Sunday, just ahead of teammate, Germany's Michael
   Schumacher. The one-two Ferrari finish clinched the Italian Formula
   1 team's fourth straight constructors title. Schumacher of course,
   had long since clinched his fifth drivers' title. And in soccer,
   two games are on Sunday's Bundesliga schedule, with Wolfsburg
   playing host to Moenchengladbach and Hamburg travelling to Bremen for
   a northern derby.

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