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 Komanda Korpusa Ratne mornarice saopstila je da je jedinica za obezbedjenje drzavne granice iz sastava Korpusa, uz punu saradnju sa organima Ministarstva unutrasnjih poslova Republike Crne Gore, sprecila u sredu iskrcavanje na Adu Bojanu grupe od oko 12 naoruzanih ljudi, koja je na dva velika glisera dolazila iz pravca Albanije.
"Oko 10,20 casova granicna patrola je uocila glisere sa naoruzanom grupom pri pokusaju iskrcavanja na Adu Bojanu. Patrola je energicno postupila po Pravilu granicne sluzbe i vatrom iz streljackog naoruzanja sprecila ilegalni prelazak drzavne granice i iskrcavanje na Adu Bojanu. Pripadnici Korpusa Ratne mornarice i ovom prilikom iskazali su visoku strucnu osposobljenost i spremnost za dosledno i profesionalno izvrsavanje zadataka na obezbedjenju drzavne granice", navodi se u saopstenju.

Zamenik nacelnika GS VJ za Kopnenu vojsku general-pukovnik Vladimir Lazarevic rukovodio je strucnom raspravom o kriterijumima organizacije komandi i jedinica Kopnene vojske u sklopu procesa reorganizacije Vojske Jugoslavije.

Nacelnik Intendantske uprave general-major Milan Jevtic nastavio je sa obilaskom baza u zoni odgovornosti Pristinskog korpusa, radi sagledavanja mogucnosti za izgradnju objekata za vodosnabdevanje.

Komandant Novosadskog korpusa general-major Milomir Miladinovic kontrolisao je obezbedjenje drzavne granice u rejonu karaula "Medja" i "Srpska Crnja".

Mesovita ekipa centra za razminiranje i unistavanje neeksplodiranih ubojnih sredstava iz Savezne Republike Jugoslavije i Republike Hrvatske nastavila je tehnicko izvidjanje minske situacije u rejonu karaule "Debrnja".

U zonama odgovornosti Uzickog i Pristinskog korpusa u sredu su, u rejonu sela Rainci i Dobrosin, odrzani sastanci predstavnika Vojske Jugoslavije i Kfora na lokalnom nivou.

U opstinama Tivat, Berane, Herceg Novi, Andrijevica, Plav i Kotor ovih dana su organizovani ispracaji regruta u jedinice Vojske Jugoslavije.

Dan Vojnog muzeja, 22. avgust, svecano je obelezen u toj ustanovi kulture. Tim povodom u Vojnom muzeju na Kalemegdanu danas je odrzana prigodna svecanost. Preduzece "Impa" iz Zemuna poklonilo je Muzeju sablje, a predstavnici ustanove urucili su saradnicima zahvalnice za uspesnu saradnju. U umetnickom delu programa nastupio je "Srpski muski hor".

Pripadnici 57. pesadijske brigade iz Pljevalja u sredu su u kasarni "Vladimir Knezevic - Volodja" svecano obelezili Dan svoje jedinice, koja neguje i nastavlja tradicije 5. NOU brigade, formirane 21. avgusta 1942. godine.

Na terasi Centralnog doma VJ veceras u 21 cas bice prikazan film "Nicija zemlja". Cena ulaznice je 80 dinara.

Na danasnji dan 1848. godine rodjen je srpski general luzicko-srpskog porekla Pavle Jurisic Sturm, jedan od najistaknutijih srpskih oficira u balkanskim ratovima i u Prvom svetskom ratu, veoma zasluzan za blistave pobede Srpske vojske nad austrougarskom armijom u Cerskoj i Kolubarskoj bici. U Srpsku vojsku je primljen 1876. kao dobrovoljac sa cinom porucnika i vec u srpsko-turskom ratu 1876-1877. istakao se kao komandant Sabackog i posavsko-tamnavskog bataljona. U srpsko-turskom ratu 1877-1878. veoma je uspesno komandovao Prvim dobrovoljackim a potom Krajinskim kombinovanim pukom. U srpsko-bugarskom ratu 1885. komandovao je Sestim pukom Drinske divizije, u Prvom balkanskom ratu 1912-1913. Drinskom, a u Drugom balkanskom ratu 1913. Dunavskom divizijom. U Prvom svetskom ratu je 1914. kao komandant Trece armije primio prvi udar znatno nadmocnije austrougarske Pete armije i usporio njeno napredovanje, sto je omogucilo srpskim snagama da se pregrupisu za Cersku bitku. Trecom armijom je komandovao i u Kolubarskoj bici i na Solunskom frontu do avgusta 1916. godine.

 Yugoslav Navy Corps HQ reported that a YN border patrol, in a joint action with the Montenegrin Interior Ministry, prevented Wednesday a group of about 12 armed persons in two large speedboats coming from the direction of Albania, from reaching the Ada Bojana Montenegrin Adriatic resort.
"Around 10.20 a.m., the border patrol located the armed group in two speedboats trying to land on Ada Bojana shore. The patrol acted in compliance with the Regulations, firing several warning shots to prevent them from crossing the state border and landing ashore. The Yugoslav Navy Corps units have once again demonstrated their outstanding skills and readiness to professionally secure the state border", reads the report.

Deputy Yugoslav Army Chief of Staff in charge of the Army, General Vladimir Lazarevic chaired the formal meeting discussing the criteria for the Army headquarters' and units' organization, within the process of the Yugoslav Army reorganization.

Head of the Quartermaster Department, Major General Milan Jevtic continued the tour of the YA bases in the Pristina Corps zone of responsibility and the inspection of the possibilities for the construction of water-supply facilities.

Commander of the Novi Sad Corps, Major General Milomir Miladinovic inspected the security of the state border in the area of "Medja" and "Srpska Crnja" border watchtowers.

A mixed mine-clearing team from the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and Croatian Republic continued their activities in the area of the "Debrnja" border watchtower.

The YA and Kfor representatives held meetings on a local level Wednesday in the Uzice and Pristina Corps zones of responsibility, in the area of the villages of Rainci and Dobrosin.

The municipalities of Tivat, Berane, Herceg Novi, Andrijevica, Plav and Kotor organized warm send-offs for the YA recruits.

The Military Museum at Kalemegdan Fortress formally celebrated the Day of this institution - August 22nd, organizing a formal ceremony in the Museum premises. "Impa" company from Zemun donated sabers to the Museum and the Museum official representatives handed honorable mentions to the outstanding employees. Serbian Men's Choir took part in the artistic program.

The YA 57th Infantry Brigade from Pljevlja formally celebrated the Day of the unit in the "Vladimir Knezevic - Volodja" military barracks, Wednesday. This unit is cherishing the tradition of the 5th National Liberation Elite Brigade formed August 21st 1942.

The YA Central Club Open Air Cinema will be showing the film "No man's land" this evening at 9.00 p.m. The admission fee is 80 dinars.

August 22nd 1848 - the date of birth of the Serbian general of Serb-Lusatian origin, Pavle Jurisic Sturm, one of the most outstanding Serbian officers in the Balkan Wars and the WW I, responsible for the Serbian Army victories against Austria-Hungary in the Battles of Mt. Cer and Kolubara. He joined the Serbian Army in 1876 as a volunteer holding the rank of lieutenant. Already in the 1876-1877 Serbian-Turkish War, he distinguished himself as the Commander of the Sabac and Posavina-Tamnava Battalion. In the 1877-1878 Serbian-Turkish War, he successfully commanded the First Volunteer Regiment and, afterwards, the Krajina Combined Regiment. In the 1885 Serbian-Bulgarian War, he commanded the Drina Division Sixth Regiment, in the 1912-1913 First Balkan War, the Drina Division and in the 1913 Second Balkan War, the Danube Division. In the WW I, as the Commander of the Third Army, he received the first blow of the much stronger Austria-Hungary Fifth Army and considerably slowed down its advancing, allowing the Serbian Army to regroup its troops for the Battle of Mt. Cer. He commanded the Third Army also in the Battle of Kolubara and on the Thessalonica Front, until August of 1916.



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