AMERICAN USAID AND CHF ARE REALIZING NUMEROUS PROJECTS IN THE NORTH OF MONTENEGRO ˆ1.76 MILLION DOLLAR PROJECTS Podgorica – By the end of this month, the American organization for the international assistance USAID, by means of the CHF, should realize around 40 out of the planned 55 projects in 13 municipalities of Montenegro, through the project “Community Revival Through the Democratic Action". The value of these projects has been estimated to ˆ1.76 million, and around 190 thousand citizens of the north Montenegro will benefit from these programmes. BAR: SUCCESSFUL THIS YEAR’S SUMMER SEASON THIS YEAR TWO TIMES MORE VISITORS THAN THE PREVIOUS ONE Podgorica – The past tourist season in the Bar riviera has been considered successful, since around 84 300 tourists stayed on that part of the Montenegrin seaside, which is by 14.8 per cent more than last year. Around 21 thousand foreign tourists stayed in the Bar riviera, which is 2.2 times more than the last year. Most of them came from Slovakia, Russia, Czech Republic and Germany, and some of the hotels from the Bar riviera have already signed the contracts for the next season. MONTENEGRIN EMIGRANTS REPAY THEIR DEBT TO THE HOMELAND MONEY EARNED IN THE USA WILL BE INVESTED IN MONTENEGRO Podgorica – Most of the emigrants from the Malesija area, who have been living and working in the United States of America (USA) for decades, are ready to invest their money and knowledge in the development of Montenegro – a group of that Diaspora representatives said to the Podgorica-based “Vijesti”. We want all the best for Montenegro and all of us would like to bring back to our native country what we have been earning through the hard labour in America, because we do not have any alternative country – said Djerdj Zefi, one of the emigrants living in Michigan. In Montenegrin NA SJEVERU CRNE GORE AMERICKI USAID I CHF REALIZUJU BROJNE PROJEKTE PROGRAMI VRIJEDNI 1,76 MILIONA EURA Podgorica - Americka organizacija za medjunarodnu pomoc USAID posredstvom CHF-a, kroz projekat "Obnova zajednice kroz demokratsko djelovanje" u 13 crnogorskih opstina do kraja ovog mjeseca treba da realizuju oko 40 projekata, od ukupno planiranih 55. Vrijednost tih projekata procjenjuje se na 1,76 miliona eura, a korist od tih programa imace oko 190 hiljada stanovnika sa sjevera Crne Gore. BAR: OVOGODISNJA LJETNJA SEZONA USPJESNA STRANIH GOSTIJU DVOSTRUKO VISE NEGO PROSLE GODINE Podgorica - Minula turisticka sezona na barskoj rivijeri ocjenjuje se uspjesnom, jer je na tom dijelu crnogorskog primorja ovog ljeta boravilo 84.300 turista, sto je za 14,8 odsto vise nego lani. Na barskoj rivijeri boravilo je oko 21 hilajdu stranih gostiju, sto je za 2,2 puta vise nego prosle godine. Najveci broj stranih gostiju bio je iz Slovacke, Rusije, Ceske i Njemacke, a neki hotelijeri sa barske rivijere vec su potpisali ugovore za narednu sezonu. CRNOGORSKI ISELJENICI ODUZUJU SE ZAVICAJU NOVAC ZARADJEN U SAD ULOZICE U CRNU GORU Podgorica - Vecina iseljenika sa podrucja Malesije, koje vec decenija zive i rade u Sjedinjenim Americkim Drzavama (SAD) spremna je da ulozi novac i znanje u razvoj Crne Gore - najavila je grupa predstavnika te dijaspore podgorickim "Vijestima". Mi zelimo dobro Crnoj Gori i svi na neki nacin hocemo da ono sto smo godinama mukotrpno sticali u Americi vratimo u rodni kraj, jer rezervne drzave nemamo - kazao je Djerdj Zefi Ivezaj, jedan od iseljenika koji zivi u Micigenu. Serbian News Network - SNN [EMAIL PROTECTED]