Sea change in Southeastern Europe: An effort to 'rebrand the Balkans' 

 Misha Glenny talks of his journey from journalism to history to an
active role in reform 

Weak institutions and corrupt security forces in the Balkan region
(Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia and the Former Yugoslav Republic of
Macedonia) discourage much investment from Western nations.

By Nikos Konstandaras - Kathimerini English Edition

Misha Glenny is one of the most influential voices to have reported from
Eastern Europe and the Balkans in the momentous years that followed the
collapse of the Eastern Bloc in 1989, with his reports, commentaries and
books helping shape Western public opinion. He is an award-winning
journalist who covered the region from the mid-1980s, including as BBC
World Service correspondent for Central Europe. He continued reporting
from the region and lecturing in European and American universities as
he wrote three books which were very well received: <The Rebirth of
History: Eastern Europe in the Age of Democracy> (1990, revised 1993);
<The Fall of Yugoslavia> (1992, 1993, 1996); and <The Balkans:
Nationalism, War and the Great Powers, 1804-1999> (1999). In the last
work, he provided a comprehensive history of the region and the ways in
which it had been affected by Great Power antagonisms over the past two

Glenny was recently appointed managing director of SEE Change 2004, a
UK-based charity that supports economic and political reforms in
Southeastern Europe. He was in Athens last week to present a lecture in
the British Embassy's <Britain and Greece> series, in which he raised
the question as to whether Southeastern Europe has the ability to leave
the past behind and avoid a major social and economic crisis.

You started off as a journalist, became a historian and now you're
involved in the reconstruction effort. Is this the story of the Balkans
in the last few years?

Roughly, I suppose it is... One of the reasons why I decided to write
the history book (<The Balkans>) was because there wasn't a single
up-to-date volume on the region as a whole. What was very clear was
that, despite the proliferation of borders, the historical relationship
between peoples within the Balkans and between the Balkans and the Great
Powers, needed some sort of clarification.

Commonality of history

What the proliferation of borders did, interestingly, was to underline a
really curious aspect of the Balkan peninsula - that there is a
tremendous commonality of history here, but there is a great deal of
ignorance about one another's political, economic and social situation.
This fuels prejudice, this fuels conspiracy theories, and so on and so

And so, by deciding to write the book, it was partly for my own purposes
to clarify my understanding of Balkan history, which was limited when I
started, and also to give people both inside the region and outside the
region a roadmap of how you got where you got to now. Although it makes
fairly depressing reading in the book, I also wanted it as a sign of
hope to demonstrate that change in the Balkans is possible: That Balkan
history is not static, that this idea that there is a mentality here
which is incorrigible is simply false - it changes and adapts to the
local and international environment within which it operates... On the
whole, people inside the region have been very positive about it. One
reason for it is they don't know the history of the other countries in
the region, because it is not taught, or, in certain cases, their own
history. One of the interesting things is how Romanians, for example,
have responded to the book because under (Nicolae) Ceaucescu serious
discussion of the '20s and '30s was completely taboo.

Having done all of that, while reporting (on mainly Yugoslavia) for the
BBC, I wanted to get out of the Balkans. I was fed up to the back teeth
with them. So I was preparing to start writing books which have nothing
to do with the region when, together with a group of people from Greece,
Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Albania and Croatia, we started doing some
informal brainstorming, trying to identify where the real problems of
Southeastern Europe lie beyond the rhetoric of the national question,
beyond the rhetoric of the inevitability of violence and conflict, and
what were the particular issues - the social and economic and
developmental ones - which were hindering the forward march of the
region. And this has been a very different experience. In the end, we
decided to found an organization called SEE Change 2004 which is looking
at ways of assisting policies of reform in the region and making reform
palatable to ordinary people... to make the benefits of reform visible
to Balkan people.


We need to get better lines of communication up and running between
central governments and regions and municipalities within the countries
- and then lines of communication across borders. We're doing this. We
have models. This wasn't just dreamed up out of our own brains. A very
significant model for us was the example of Sicily which, in the early
1990s, reached its low point in Mafia control with the murders of
[prosecutors] Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsalino. The very courageous
and creative mayor of Palermo [Leoluca Orlando] created a network, La
Rete - which means the network - and mobilized civil society, women, the
Church. Civic society in Sicily rose up with all sorts of support coming
from the rest of Italy and basically destroyed the Mafia as a
significant political force in Sicily. In the space of 10 years, Sicily
has been transformed. The way that it was done has significant lessons
for us. They are not all exportable to Southeastern Europe, but a lot of
them are because of the heavy influence of organized crime in local
politics. Also, in perception of the region, Sicily was seen as
incorrigible - that it could not change. It has changed very
dramatically. We want to do the same for the Balkans. One of the powers
of SEE Change, on which we are just beginning to work but on which we
hope next year to see some real results, is a program of rebranding the
Balkans, I know everyone smiles and raises their eyebrows when I mention
the idea of rebranding the Balkans... [Also] Politicians in the region
are saying to us that they lack operational advice. What are the
implications when confronted with policy decisions, if I do this, that
or the other? We want to be able to tell them: These are your options,
this is what they mean. You make the decision...

How is Greece involved?

We want to offer the Greek government, as we do any other government in
the region, assistance in terms of how best one can help regional
cooperation. It's up to the Greek government to say whether they are
interested in this or not, but we are there with information. And we do
have the people involved in this.

An information conduit

We can reach into the corridors of any government in the region very
quickly and act as an information conduit. But, the Greek government
will also be looking into Southeastern Europe, as far as I understand,
in the EU presidency, as a key aspect. And if it wants any assistance
from us, then we are happy to offer that assistance. But we won't be
foisting anything upon people... We want to show people where solutions
lie but we don't necessarily want to own those solutions.

Are you well connected with all the region's governments?

Yes. At low levels as well. Right from municipalities through to
government. We don't want to exclude anyone. We have bipartisan,
multipartisan support in Bulgaria, Albania, in Serbia, and across
communities of Macedonia.

What is your view of the region now? Is it regenerating?

There is the key political question of final status - not just for
Kosovo, but also the actual final shape of Bosnia-Herzegovina,
Serbia-Montenegro, Macedonia, remains obscure. But I would say that the
most pressing issue is the Kosovo issue... Tremendous progress is being
made... With Greece having a tremendously beneficial influence over the
past few years, because of its policy of rapprochement with Turkey and
because of its engagement with Southeastern Europe; you begin to get a
kind of cocoon, a buffer around the really difficult zones of the
western Balkans. It's difficult to see big investment projects in
Southeastern Europe. But in Romania, Bulgaria, parts of Serbia,
Macedonia, in Croatia and Albania, you are beginning to see a steady
inflow of capital from Greece, Italy, Austria, Germany and Russia. These
are the first arteries and veins of a new economic order in the region.

EU appetites feed off organized crime in region

Where does organized crime fit as a threat to the region?

Organized crime is, of course, the pinnacle of dysfunctionality in the
region. Organized crime feeds off weak state institutions. It feeds off
economic insecurity and it also feeds off the massive profits that can
be made by being part of a huge market which is the EU. Let us not
forget that, first of all, you can overstate organized crime. Secondly,
you can blame it all on the locals. But organized crime could not exist
the way it does in Southeastern Europe if the EU as a consumer market
did not have the ability to absorb the vast amount of untaxed
cigarettes, the trafficked women who work as prostitutes, and illegal
migrant labor as it does. It can absorb even more than the Balkans can
throw at it. So, the EU has to look at its own policies as well.
Fortress Europe, which is generally the response to this, is a waste of
money and a waste of time. Nor does it solve the problem. Because the
people who are excluded from Europe are those people who want to work
honest jobs there; the people who are hardly ever excluded from Europe
are those involved in organized crime. Because their business is knowing
how to get past border controls, they do it very successfully. Thus, I
think that the European Union, as a very important issue, should be
looking at Southeastern Europe as a possible source for legal migrant
labor, probably on short-term contracts, to fill the void that exists in
the EU. We lack labor in the EU. We need people to come and work in the
EU. Greece has shown exactly how this works and what the benefits are
with its remarkable policy toward Albanian immigrants over the past five
years. This needs to be applied Europe-wide. And what better place to
provide that labor than Southeastern Europe, which is an integral part
of our continent, and which we have a moral and political responsibility
to help stabilize. That also is something for which SEE Change argues, a
recognition of the potential of Southeastern Europe as a problem solver
for the EU and its economic changes. I mean, the simple fact of the
matter is that we are aging in the EU as a population and I need someone
to generate the wealth to pay my pension when I am too old, tired, sick
and stupid to do the job myself.

Your book is constructed around the Great Power involvement in the
Balkans. What is the involvement of the Great Powers today?

Great powers have changed. If you look at the enlargement process for
2004 - which I think is a remarkable achievement, although we have to
wait and see what the capacity of the EU to digest this is - it
nonetheless puts to rest some of the most significant Great Power
conflicts that emerged through the 19th century. That hasn't yet been
extended to Southeastern Europe. There was a real danger of a revival of
Great Power antagonisms during the 1990s vis-a-vis Southeastern Europe.
I think that is largely gone. The Europeans and Americans recognize that
the economic reconstruction of Southeastern Europe and its transition
and development is a European business. There is no reason for the
Americans to be involved in this. The Americans are involved in
security. Everyone is looking to reduce their security commitment to
Southeastern Europe.... There may be, in the next few years, a problem
between Europe and the United States over the final status of Kosovo.
The EU and the United States should be seeking to coordinate their
policy on this as from yesterday or the day before or last month or last

Are they not?

No. It is happening in the region, there is good cooperation between
American diplomats and European diplomats in this region. But when you
expand out to the capitals, because there is not nearly as much
attention paid to Southeastern Europe, it means that you also have a lot
more room for people who want to pursue their own agendas, who might not
be as well apprised of the reality of the region in Washington, London,
or Paris as they would be if they were here.

But I am confident that the Europeans and the Americans have learned
with regard to this region about the need for cooperation.

Misha Glenny

Misha Glenny is an award-winning journalist and historian who has
covered Eastern Europe and the Balkans since the mid-1980s. He has
lectured on these subjects at universities throughout the USA and
Europe, and is the author of three books, most recently <The Balkans:
Nationalism, War and The Great Powers: 1804-1999,> published by Granta
Books. Misha Glenny was recently appointed managing director of SEE
Change 2004, a UK-based charity that supports economic and political
reforms in Southeastern Europe.

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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