Seselj’s "Great Serbia“ speech endures | 13:59 -> 22:10 June 14 | Beta

HAGUE -- Monday – Leader of the Serbian Radical Party, Vojislav Seselj, said yesterday at a press conference that his part will never give up on the plan of creating a "Great Serbia."

“We will never stop trying to create a Great Serbia, one in which all Serbian countries east of the Karlobag-Oguli-Karlovac-Virovitica line, will be united.“ Seselj said.

Seselj, who is currently on trial for war crimes in Hague said that in a Great Serbia all Serbs including those who are Eastern Orthodox, Catholic, Muslim and Protestant will live together in peace.

According to Seselj, the war in the former Yugoslavia was a civil war between Serbs.

Seselj has asked the Tribunal for financial aid for his defense, stating that last year alone, he paid $200,000 to legal advisors.

B92 Jun 14 2004 5:03PM GMT

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