1. To the Serbian Government, to the UN Security Council and to the
international public 2. To the Bar Council of England and Wales 3. To the
Serbian Parliament 4. Joint Sloboda/ICDSM Fundraising Appeal

of the

On its Session of 11 September 2004 the Assembly of the FREEDOM Association
- The National Committee for Liberation of the President Slobodan Milosevic
- deliberated the commencement of the defence case - the second phase of the
process against long term President of the Republic of Serbia and FR
Yugoslavia Slobodan Milosevic, which begun on 31 August 2004.
Special attention has been paid to the decision of the "Trial Chamber" of
the Hague "Tribunal" to impose a defence counsel on President Milosevic
against his will, and by that, to deprive him of the right of defence. After
the matter had been duly considered by the Assembly with participation of
the prominent legal experts, the Assembly adopted the following

To the Governments of Serbia and State Community of Serbia and Montenegro,
to the United Nations Security Council and to the international public

The decision of the "Trial Chamber" of the Hague "Tribunal" of 2 September
2004 to impose a defence counsel on President Milosevic, thus depriving him
of possibility to defend himself, has been strongly condemned not only by
legal experts at home and abroad, but also by all people of good-will who
are dedicated to legality and justice.

In addition to the fact that the Hague "Tribunal" had been founded in an
illegal manner, the decision of the "Trial Chamber" represents a flagrant
violation of the Article 11 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
which provides that an accused is entitled to a "public trial during which
all necessary guarantees for his defence will be ensured".

The decision also violates the Article 6 of the European Convention on Human
Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. That article provides for the right to a
fair trial before an independent and impartial court "established in
accordance with the law". Article 6 also guarantees an accused the right to
defend himself in person or to have an assistance of defence counsel of his
own choosing. That right is guaranteed also by the most important
international document in this field, the International Covenant on Civil
and Political Rights in its Article 14.

The right of an accused person to defend himself in person is also expressly
guaranteed by the Article 21, paragraph 4, of the Statute of the Hague
"Tribunal", and the Statute had been adopted by the UN Security Council.
Again, the said provision provides a defendant with the right to defend
himself in person or have a defence counsel of his own choosing.

In spite of the fact that Slobodan Milosevic continually reinstates his
decision to defend himself in person, the "Trial Chamber" imposed Mr.
Stephen Kay and Ms. Gillian Higgins as his defence counsel. This has been
resolutely rejected by President Milosevic.

The decision of the Hague "Tribunal" has been met with consternation and
strong condemnation by legal expert across the globe. In this respect, we
recall the August 2004 Petition signed by over 90 law professors and lawyers
from 17 countries. The Petition was addressed to the President of the UN
Security Council and to other UN organs. The Petition was an appeal and
attempt to prevent the shameful decision of the "Tribunal". In spite of
this, the decision to impose the defence counsel has been made, causing
bitter protests from legal experts from the USA, Canada, Russia, France,
Italy and other countries.

The Assembly of the FREEDOM Association stresses that the imposition of
defence counsel on President Slobodan Milosevic against his clearly
expressed will represents the flagrant violation of his basic human rights
guaranteed not only by international conventions, but also by the Statute of
the "Tribunal". The decision proves the "Tribunal's" fear of the truth which
will come out and its admission of defeat in this process, during which it
failed to prove any of the false and shameful allegations against President

The decision of the so-called Hague "Tribunal", which pretends to fight "the
gross violations of international humanitarian law" has shown to the world
that, in fact, the "Tribunal" itself violates the basic human rights,
including those guaranteed by its own Statute. Defence counsel imposed on
Slobodan Milosevic are not his lawyers, but represent a new tool of the
prosecution and the "Trial Chamber" whose common goal is to silence the
truth and put the blame for the violent destruction of Yugoslavia and crimes
against the Serbian people on President Milosevic and Serbian people itself.
Thus the illegal "Tribunal" showed once again that it is not a court of law
and justice, but a political tool of the USA and NATO which is used in an
attempt to justify the aggression against the FR Yugoslavia and in order to
provide a cover for numerous crimes against its peoples.

Considering all this, the Assembly of the FREEDOM Association demands the
authorities of Serbia and the State Community of Serbia and Montenegro to
take all necessary steps in order to protect the basic human rights of
Slobodan Milosevic, as a citizen of this country whose rights have been
flagrantly violated and taken away from him by the recent decision of the

The Assembly of the FREEDOM Association calls upon the UN Security Council
to act without delay and suspend the decision of its subsidiary body - the
Hague "Tribunal" - since that decision represents a flagrant violation of
the Security Council Resolution by which the Statute of the "Tribunal" had
been adopted.

The Assembly of the FREEDOM Association also calls upon the international
public and media to resolutely and firmly condemn the injustice committed by
the Hague "Tribunal", the injustice which is directed not only against the
freedom and sovereignty of the Serbian people, but also against the peace
and equality in the world. Such body, established in contravention of the UN
Charter, and its practice, have nothing in common with the higher ground of
international law and justice.

The "Tribunal" should be abolished without delay and President Milosevic set
free at once.

Done in Belgrade on 11 September 2004

The Assembly of the FREEDOM Association
- The National Committee for the Liberation of President Slobodan Milosevic

Sloboda/Freedom Association - Member of the World Peace Council
Belgrade, Rajiceva 16    tel./fax +381 11 630 549

To: Mr. Stephen Irwin QC
General Council of the Bar
289-293 High Holborn
Belgrade, September 30, 2004
Via fax No: 020-78319217


Dear Mr. Irwin,

We are writing to express our deepest concern about the acceptance of Mr.
Stephen Kay and Ms. Gillian Higgins of the role of imposed defence counsel
and co-counsel in the Milosevic case before Trial Chamber III of the
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY). We
understand that Mr. Kay and Ms. Higgins are members of The Bar Council of
England and Wales and are subject to the Rules of your Code of Conduct.

As you are very well aware the right of an accused to defend himself in
person, as well as to have a counsel of his own choice, is guaranteed by
numerous international human rights instruments. These rights are, for
instance, provided for by Article 6 of the European Convention on Human
Rights, Article 8 of the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights, as well
as by Article 14 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights. The said Article of the Covenant also ensures an accused the right
to personally examine the defence witnesses under the same conditions as
witnesses of the prosecution. In addition, Article 21 (d) and (e) of the
Statute of the ICTY expressly provides an accused with the right to defend
himself in person. We hope that you, dear Sir, share our view that these
rights represent ius cogens. The very intention of the Trial Chamber III of
the ICTY to impose a counsel on President Slobodan Milosevic, as an
unwilling accused, has been challenged recently by 100 lawyers and law
professors from several countries (please find here attached their joint

Our concern lies in the fact that Mr. Kay's and Ms. Higgins' acceptance of
the role of imposed counsel of Mr. Milosevic may represent the case of
professional misconduct in accordance with Paragraph 303 (a) of the Code of
Conduct (Part III - Fundamental Principles). According to this Paragraph, a
barrister must promote and protect his client's best interests. In the
situation in which Mr. Milosevic himself claims that to impose a defence
counsel on him represents the breach of his basic human rights, as well as
that he expressly contends that such an imposition is against his best
interests, it is our opinion that Mr. Kay and Ms. Higgins are not acting in
their »client's« best interests.

We are also concerned that this represents the case of professional
embarrassment. And indeed, in the submission to the ICTY filed on 13 August
2004 entitled »Amici Cuiae Submissions in Response to the Trial Chamber's
Further Order on Future Conduct of the Trial Concerning Assignment of
Defence Counsel«, which we attach for your attention, the then Amici Curiae
Mr. Kay and Ms. Higgins state: »...given the consistent stance taken by the
Amici Curiae against the imposition of counsel upon an unwilling Accused, it
is submitted that a situation of professional embarrassment may arise if the
Amici Curiae were asked to assume that role...« and that »...conversion of
the role of the Amici Curiae to imposed or assigned counsel would alter the
original role considerably and could be interpreted as professional
embarrassing...« (p.13 and 14 of the Submission). In spite of such stance,
the former Amici Mr. Kay and Ms. Higgins accepted the role of defence
counsel of an unwilling Mr. Milosevic.

We ask you, dear Sir, to deliberate the matter and decide whether the
acceptance of your members Mr. Kay and Ms. Higgins to be the imposed defence
counsel on an unwilling Mr. Milosevic represents the violation of your Code
of Conduct. We here also have in view your Annex A: The International
Practice Rules, Paragraph 2, and Article 9 of the Code of the Professional
Conduct of Defence Counsel of the ICTY.

Thanking you for your attention, I remain

Yours sincerely

Professor Mirko Zurovac
Chairman of the Assembly of the Freedom Association - National Committee for
the Liberation of President Slobodan Milosevic


Sloboda/Freedom Association
Member of the World Peace Council
Belgrade, 13 October 2004


The Freedom Association has submitted to the parliamentary factions of the
Serbian Radical Party, the Democratic Party of Serbia and the Socialist
Party of Serbia in the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia an
initiative to adopt, in urgent procedure, a Resolution against the human
rights violations by the Hague tribunal.

The initiative emphasizes that the recent depriving of President Slobodan
Milosevic of his right to defence represents a peak of the many-years
practice of negation and violation of human rights by the tribunal. This
practice had as a consequence, inter alia, the loss of at least seven human

The Freedom Association demands also a set up of a Parliamentary
Investigative Commission and an experts' team to prepare an extensive
professional report on human rights violations by the tribunal to be
submitted to the United Nations.

In the reasons for the initiative it is also said that its acceptance would
considerably strengthen the position of our country before the political
pressures connected with the "cooperation" with the tribunal.

ICDSM   www.icdsm.org
Sofia-New York-Moscow

SLOBODA/FREEDOM ASSOCIATION - Member of the World Peace Council
www.sloboda.org.yu Belgrade


After the Hague tribunal declared war on International Law by banning the
defense of President Milosevic, our activities for his liberation and the
restoration of freedom and national sovereignty for the Serbian people must
be reorganized and intensified.

We need legal professional work more than ever, so the creation of
conditions for that is the imperative of the moment.

The petition of 100 lawyers and law professors from 17 countries (
http://www.icdsm.org/Lawappeal.htm  )  and other activities of ICDSM Legal
Committee produced a public effect incomparable to any other our previous

President Milosevic has truth and law on his side. In order to use that
advantage to achieve his freedom, we must fight the totally discredited
tribunal and its patrons through professionally conducted actions, which
would involve Bar Associations, the European Court, the UN organs in charge
and media.

Our practice had shown that ad hoc voluntary work is not enough to deal
properly with these tasks. The funds secured in Serbia are barely enough to
cover the living expenses and work of President Milosevic's legal associates
at The Hague (one at the present time). The funds secured by the German
section of the ICDSM (still the only one providing regular
contributions) are enough only to cover the minimal additional work at The
Hague connected with contacts and preparations of the foreign witnesses.
Everything else is unfunded.

3000-5000 EUR per month is our immediate need. History and people oblige us
to go on with necessary action. But without these funds this will not be

Please organize urgently fundraising activity and send the donations to the
following ICDSM accounts:

Peter Betscher
Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Darmstadt, Germany
IBAN: DE 21 5085 0150 0102 1441 63


Vereinigung für Internationale Solidarität (VIS) 4000 Basel, Switzerland PC

All your donations will be used for legal and other necessary accompanying
activities, on instruction or with consent of President Milosevic. To obtain
additional information on the use of your donations or to obtain additional
advice on the most efficient way to submit your donations or to make bank
transfers, please do not hesitate to contact us:

Peter Betscher (ICDSM Treasurer) E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: +49 172 7566 014

Vladimir Krsljanin (ICDSM Secretary) E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Phone: +381 63 8862 301

ICDSM and Sloboda have to address governments, international human rights
and legal organizations, to launch legal proceedings. ICDSM plans a legal
conference at The Hague. Sloboda has just sent to the patriotic factions in
the Serbian Parliament an initiative to adopt a parliamentary Resolution
against the human rights violations by the Hague tribunal and to form an
international experts team to make an extensive report on these violations
which would be submitted to the UN.

By truth and law against aggression!
Freedom for Slobodan Milosevic!
Freedom and equality for people!

On behalf of Sloboda and ICDSM,

Vladimir Krsljanin,
Foreign Relations Assistant to President Milosevic


To join or help this struggle, visit:
http://www.sloboda.org.yu/ (Sloboda/Freedom association)
http://www.icdsm.org/ (the international committee to defend Slobodan
http://www.free-slobo.de/ (German section of ICDSM) http://www.icdsm-us.org/
(US section of ICDSM) http://www.icdsmireland.org/ (ICDSM Ireland)
http://www.pasti.org/milodif.htm (ICDSM Italy) http://www.wpc-in.org/ (world
peace council) http://www.geocities.com/b_antinato/ (Balkan antiNATO center)

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                                   Serbian News Network - SNN

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