[Posted With Copyrightholders Permission]

Power and Interest News Report (PINR)

October 07, 2004:
For past PINRs that affect the state of Israel, visit the below analyses:

''Can Iran's Pursuit of Nuclear Technology Be Thwarted By Air Strikes?''

''Can Israel Maintain its Nuclear Superiority in the Middle East?''


"Why the United States Supports the State of Israel"
Drafted by Erich Marquardt on October 07, 2004 http://www.pinr.com

One of the most volatile political issues within the United States is
Washington's consistent support for the state of Israel. Proponents of that
support argue its necessity upon the notion that Israel is a Middle Eastern
democracy that shares American values and is surrounded by hostile states.
Critics, on the other hand, argue that consistent U.S. support of Israel is
a liability, as the huge American aid flows to Israel effectively subsidize
a foreign state when that money could be used for social or military
programs at home.

Further, the support creates a situation where the U.S. is perceived to
follow hypocritical policies by supporting a state that regularly ignores
the decrees of the United Nations and has a questionable human rights record
in regard to its treatment of its rebellious Palestinian population; such
critics also frequently argue that this support is primarily due to a strong
pro-Israel lobby within the United States. While both of these arguments --
that of the proponents and that of the critics -- have valid points, they
skirt the main issues..

- Symbiotic Interests Between the U.S. and Israel

U.S. support of Israel is both historical and consistent. While there are
many reasons for that support, it is primarily founded upon U.S.
geopolitical interests. The state of Israel is an isolated country heavily
dependent on the United States for its survival. This dependence allows
Washington to use the country to further its interests in the Middle East --
interests such as preventing any independent Middle Eastern power from
becoming a regional hegemon.

A primary interest of the United States in the Middle East is a stable oil
supply with depressed oil prices. The importance of oil in the world economy
cannot be overstated, as the resource is needed for many forms of production
and physical operation. The failure to develop an alternative source of
energy that is also commercially viable has caused oil to remain the
lifeblood of the global economy. Moreover, in the United States, high
vehicle gas prices are enough to cause potential political fallout for an
administration in power.

For oil dependent countries such as the United States, a cheap, stable oil
supply is essential for their economies. Oil producing states, on the other
hand, have less to fear from global oil supply disruptions and can actually
benefit from a higher price of oil, provided that the price does not have
the effect of causing a global economic downturn that, in turn, reduces
demand and could cause a plummet in prices. Thus, while oil dependent
countries prefer a stable and cheap price of oil, oil producing countries
prefer a stable yet more expensive price of oil.

Due to the United States being a major oil dependent country, a central goal
of its foreign policy aims has consistently been to foster the conditions
necessary for a stable oil flow and depressed oil prices. In order to create
these conditions, the United States has been involved in the internal
affairs of significant states in order to foster a form of government that
will work to fulfill these needs; an example of joint U.S.-British
maneuvering to produce these conditions was the forced regime change of
Iranian leader Mohammed Mossadegh in 1953, shortly after he nationalized
Iran's oil industry.

The goal of oil dependent countries has been to keep Middle Eastern states
dependent on the West for both their economic success and their military
protection. To keep these states dependent, it is imperative that no Middle
Eastern country accrue enough power to be able to shake off their dependency
on the West and to practice a foreign policy that exploits the desperate
need for oil by the dependent consumers. Upon such a development, that state
would be able to extract concessions from oil dependent countries and would
certainly inflate the price of oil to well over the Western-desired $25-28 a

Indeed, a central argument of al-Qaeda has been that the West has depressed
oil prices to such a degree that oil-rich countries, which happen to be
heavily populated by Muslims, are selling the resource at below-market
prices, not taking advantage of the extra money that could be earned and
used to boost the living conditions in these Muslim countries. As C.I.A.
analyst Michael Scheuer writes in his book Imperial Hubris, a central aim of
al-Qaeda is the "restoration of full Muslim control over the Islamic world's
energy resources and a return to market prices, ending the impoverishment of
Muslims caused by oil prices set by Arab regimes to placate the West."

The concern over an independent Middle Eastern country having the power to
manipulate the price of oil explains why the Western powers have taken
actions to stifle Middle Eastern growth and to support and protect Middle
Eastern states that comply with U.S. interests, keeping these societies in a
state of perpetual stagnation and thus offering them little chance of
altering the status quo.

Nevertheless, there have been occasions where a Middle Eastern state has
dominated and attempted to become a regional power. Nasser's Egypt and
Saddam's Iraq both fit this model. In such cases, Western countries, led by
the United States, have utilized the Middle Eastern pseudo-proxy state of
Israel to return the region to the status quo. Washington has unloaded
high-tech weapons onto this state and has given it a grossly
disproportionate military advantage over its neighbors. This advantage can
be seen in the various wars that have returned the Middle Eastern balance of
power into the favor of Israel. Israel has also taken small-scale actions to
deal strategic blows to potential regional powers, seen in its 1981 strike
on the Osirak nuclear reactor in Iraq.

Israel's small size and cultural isolation has prevented it from forming any
sort of military alliance with neighboring states; its regional position
also has spared it from the vast oil reserves that litter the territory of
other states in the region. These factors explain why Israel has remained a
state reliant on Washington, emitting only a façade of total independence --
a façade that would vanish were the United States to withdraw its support.

Israel's geostrategic dilemma is perfect for Washington policymakers;
Jerusalem is basically a U.S. battleship in the Middle East, largely
beholden to U.S. interests. This reality is what allows the United States to
overlook its harsh measures when it confronts the terror tactics used by its
rebellious Palestinian population, in addition to overlooking its
settlements in the disputed territories of the West Bank, Gaza Strip and
Golan Heights.

- The Challenge from Iran

The world now sees a replay of 1981, the year when Iraq was growing in
regional power and was treading closer to a nuclear weapons capability; a
situation that resulted in an Israeli air strike on Iraq's Osirak nuclear
reactor to stifle Baghdad's quest for nuclear arms. Now, very similar
developments are occurring, this time with the Islamic Republic of Iran.
Iran has the potential of becoming a regional power due to its large
semi-industrialized and educated population, and its strategic position of
sitting on vast oil reserves, while also bordering the Caspian Sea and
acting as a hub between Central Asia, the Caucasus, and the Middle East.

Iran's influence in the Caucasus -- an area that is to be a major oil
transit route from the Caspian Sea city of Baku to the West, via the Turkish
port city of Ceyhan -- is critical, since a powerful Iran would have the
ability to affect events in the strategically significant state of
Azerbaijan. Iran also enjoys cordial relations with Russia, with Moscow
assisting in its nuclear research program; a relationship that partly stems
from Moscow's desire to keep the United States, and the West, out of the
affairs of the Caucasus and Central Asia.

Therefore, Iran's regional position is very significant. If Tehran were to
realize a nuclear weapons capability, it would mean that Iran could become a
regional power in a position to dictate oil resources, endangering the
interests of the oil dependent countries led by the United States.

This explains why the United States has been struggling to prevent Iranian
acquisition of nuclear arms. In September, John Bolton, undersecretary of
state for arms control and international security, told journalists in
Jerusalem that Washington is "determined that they [Iran] are not going to
achieve a nuclear weapons capability." Both the U.S. and Israel have
threatened Iran, and it appears that Israel has been formulating potential
military strategies to strike Iran's nuclear facilities in a repeat, albeit
on a much larger and more dangerous scale, of its 1981 strike on Iraq's
Osirak reactor.

- Regional Dangers

A powerful Iran could cause regional instability. Unlike Israel, Iran's size
and oil resources give it the opportunity to become an independent and
powerful state. A powerful Iran would dwarf Israel's power and suppress that
country's foreign policy leverage in the Middle East. This result would be
hotly resisted by Israel, possibly spawning a military struggle in the
region -- which is still reeling from the invasion of Iraq. Such a struggle
could easily disrupt oil supplies in a market already heavily plagued with
uncertainty. Furthermore, lacking the troops to invade Iran, any struggle
would likely fester and create regional implications for years to come.

A weakened Israel would provide impetus to regional states, such as Syria,
that contest Israeli domination. Non-state actors, too, like Hezbollah -- an
organization already supported by Iran -- would be emboldened and could
escalate their attacks on the Israeli state.

Iran's acquisition of nuclear arms would also certainly affect other Middle
Eastern states, possibly igniting a new arms race. If nuclear weapons were
to proliferate to the Middle East, states such as Turkey and Saudi Arabia
might feel the need to begin their own nuclear weapons programs in order to
protect their territory.

- Conclusion

The primary motives behind U.S. support of Israel can be explained by
Washington's foreign policy aims of securing a Middle East capable of
producing a stable supply of oil at a low price that buoys the economies of
oil dependent countries. Israel, a state that is dependent on the United
States due to its strategic and cultural isolation in a region that is
hostile to its existence, can be relied on by Washington to assist in
maintaining the status quo by preventing any Middle Eastern country from
accruing enough power to alter the regional balance in a way that would
damage the interests of the United States and other oil dependent countries.

- The Power and Interest News Report (PINR) is an analysis-based publication
that seeks to, as objectively as possible, provide insight into various
conflicts, regions and points of interest around the globe. PINR approaches
a subject based upon the powers and interests involved, leaving the moral
judgments to the reader. This report may not be reproduced, reprinted or
broadcast without the written permission of [EMAIL PROTECTED] All comments
should be directed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


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