
Time: Saturday, 01/15/2005, 07:18:17 AM 
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US-Nato Attack on Kosovo and Serbia
The Conservative Caucus
January 14, 2005
Excerpted from Howard Phillips Issues & Strategy Bulletin of May 31, 2000


Eric Schmitt reports (New York Times, 5/17/00, p. A11) that "Gov. George W.
Bush of Texas, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, today
sharply criticized a bill backed by Senate Republicans that would set a
deadline for withdrawing American ground troops from Kosovo. Mr. Bush called
the bill a 'legislative overreach' that would tie his hands if he becomes
president. ...

"Until today, momentum seemed to be building among most Senate Republicans
for the measure, which would cut off funds for the 5,900 United States
forces in Kosovo by July 1, 2001, forcing their withdrawal, unless Congress
authorizes an extension. Many Republicans said they assumed that Mr. Bush
endorsed the measure, which may be voted on as early as [May 24]. ..."

"'The Clinton-Gore administration has failed to instill trust in Congress
and the American people when it comes to our military and deployment of
troops overseas, but the governor does not believe this provision is the way
to resolve the lack of presidential leadership,' Scott McClellan, a
spokesman for Mr. Bush, said. 'Governor Bush views it as a legislative
overreach on powers of the presidency.'"

"Top aides to President Clinton have recommended that he veto an $8.6
billion military construction bill if the Senate language is attached. The
bill includes $4.7 billion for American military operations in Kosovo,
anti-drug efforts in Colombia and other defense spending."


                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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