Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   January 31st 2005, 17:00 UTC
   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Germany United in Praise for Iraq

   Germany's political parties all praised the millions of Iraqis who 
   braved threats of violence to vote in Sunday's election. Chancellor 
   Gerhard Schröder spoke of an encouraging sign for the country.

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,1564,1473955,00.html

   Are you coming to Germany soon? DW-WORLD has just the thing 
   for you: Ever Monday, we compile a list of the top five events that 
   are going on this week -- from exhibitions to concerts to festivals 
   and markets. 
   Check out "Germany's Top Five" at


   Allawi calls poll victory over terrorism

   In Iraq vote counting is underway after the country's first
   multi-party elections in 50 years. Iraq's interim Prime Minister
   Iyad Allawi hailed the election as a victory over terrorism. He
   spoke as the UN's senior election official said turnout was higher
   than expected. However he stressed that voting among Sunnis, whose
   participation in the poll is seen as key to the success of the new
   government, was nonetheless low. Western leaders have reacted
   positively to the poll in Iraq. A spokesman for German Chancellor
   Gerhard Schroeder said the higher than expected voter turnout was a
   sign of the country's resolve to determine its own future. The
   leaders of United States and Britain praised the courage of Iraqis
   in casting their ballots.

   British military plane crashes in Iraq

   Ten British troops are missing and feared dead after their transport
   plane crashed in Iraq. The British defence ministry says it is
   investigating the cause of the crash, which happened some 40
   kilometres northwest of Baghdad on Sunday. A spokesman said the
   aircraft was on its way to the US airbase at Balad, with weather
   conditions reported fine at the time of the crash. An Islamist group
   has posted a message on the Internet saying it shot the plane down,
   and security analysts say the crash happened in an area where
   several US aircraft have been hit by ground-to-air missiles.

   Hamas fires mortars at Gaza settlement

   The radical Palestinian group Hamas has fired mortar shells at a
   Jewish settlement in the southern Gaza Strip after the fatal
   shooting of a Palestinian schoolgirl. The attack came after the
   10-year-old girl was shot dead at a UN-run school in the southern
   town of Rafah in an incident which medical sources said was the
   result of Israeli army gunfire. An Israeli military source said that
   the army was not aware of any shooting incident and was
   investigating. The violence has strained a de facto cease-fire
   brokered by new Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ahead of a
   planned Israeli pullout from Gaza.

   Guantanamo tribunals "unconstitutional"

   A US judge has ruled that the Guantanamo military tribunals for
   terrorism suspects are unconstitutional. In a setback for the Bush
   administration, US District Judge Joyce Hens Green also ruled the
   prisoners at the US military base at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba have
   constitutional protections under the law. More than 540 suspects are
   being held at Guantanamo after being detained during the 2001
   invasion of Afghanistan and in other operations in the so-called war
   on terror. Bush administration attorneys argued the prisoners had no
   constitutional rights and their lawsuits must be dismissed.

   Yugoslav general jailed over Dubrovnik

   Former Yugoslav general Pavle Strugar has been sentenced to eight
   years in jail for his role in the 1991 siege of the Croatian town of
   Dubrovnik. At least 50 people died and hundreds were wounded during
   the three-month siege of the medieval town. The UN war crimes
   tribunal at The Hague ruled that he did not order the bombing but
   failed to stop the attack when he could have done so. The war crimes
   tribunal at The Hague is also currently hearing the trial of the
   former head of the Bosnian army, Sefer Halilovic, over the killing
   of Bosnian Croat civilians during the civil war. Halilovic is the
   most senior Bosnian Muslim commander to face trial at the tribunal.
   His charges relate to an operation to retake territory controlled by
   Bosnian Croat forces and to end the blockade of the city of Mostar.

   Trial of Mont Blanc disaster opens

   A trial has opened in France to establish responsibility for a fire
   in the Mont Blanc tunnel which killed 39 people almost six years
   ago. Sixteen defendents are being charged and could face up to three
   years in prison. The blaze in the tunnel, which links France and
   Italy, was believed to have started in a Volvo truck and spread to
   other vehicles, creating thick smoke that killed most of the
   victims. It took firefighters nearly three days to put out the
   flames. The trial proceedings are being translated into four
   languages and are expected to last three months.

   UN "says" no genocide in Darfur

   The Sudanese foreign minister claims that a United Nations report
   says that genocide was not committed in Darfur. If genocide was
   found to have taken place, signatories to a UN convention are
   legally obliged to act to end it. The report has been given to UN
   Secretary General Kofi Annan who said it would be published shortly.
   More than 70,000 people have been killed and two million forced to
   flee their homes in Darfur. The United States says that government-
   backed militias have committed a genocide against Darfur's non-Arab
   groups. The government denies arming the Janjaweed militias and
   blames Darfur's rebel groups for starting the conflict.

   German jobless total passes 5 million

   Germany's economics minister Wolfgang Clement has said he expects
   the latest labour market figures to show that unemployment in
   Germany has passed the five-million mark. In a newspaper interview
   he said that although the increased figure was influenced by
   seasonal factors, it was mainly due to labour market reforms. As
   part of these changes, for the first time 200,000 people receiving
   social welfare are now counted as jobless. The latest official
   unemployment figures are due to be announced on Wednesday.

   German club admits player took money

   Germany's football match-fixing and betting scandal has taken
   another turn with lower league soccer team Paderborn saying that its
   captain took money before the game at the centre of the scandal.
   Dutchman Thijs Waterink accepted 10,000 euros from an unidentified
   man shortly before Paderborn's German Cup tie against Hamburg on the
   understanding he could keep the money if his side won. Referee
   Robert Hoyzer has already admitted helping Paderborn beat first
   division Hamburg 4-2. Paderborn's anonymous backer was reportedly
   connected with Croatian mafia circles that persuaded Hoyzer to rig
   matches for 70,000 euros. The Hoyzer scandal shows no sign of
   abating with three Croatian men arrested in Berlin on Sunday. Three
   Hertha Berlin players have also been named in the scandal.


   The waiting is over: On Jan. 21 the Bundesliga returned from its 
   winter break and starts off the second half of the 2004/05 season. 
   The remaining match days leading up to the final on May 21 
   guarantee plenty of excitement. Can FC Bayern-Munich keep its lead 
   at the top of the table or will one of the strong contesters Schalke 04 
   or VfB Stuttgart overtake the club from the Bavarian capital? And how 
   do the lower ranked teams keep up with the rest? Who will survive into 
   the next season and who will be forced down a notch? Keep informed 
   of what’s happening in Germany’s premier soccer league at


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