Letter to Wall Street Journal regarding Wesley Clark commentary "Set Kosovo

Stella L. Jatras
February 03, 2005
The Wall Street Journal 
2 February 2005

In his myopic and self-serving commentary of Feb.1, Set Kosovo Free, retired
General Wesley Clark avoided the hard questions concerning Kosovo:  Should
Kosovo be set free for Albanian mobs to finish their ethnic cleansing of
Serbs from their Jerusalem?
"Serbs are being murdered and their 800 year old churches are in flames.
Much of the Christian heritage in Kosovo and Metohija is on fire and could
be lost forever,"  (National Review, 19 March 2004).  In a UNMIK Police
Briefing Notes on 20 May 2002, DerekChappell, reported that "sex slavery,
prostitution & rape are rampant in Kosovo."
Former Canadian UNPROFOR Commander, Major General Lewis MacKenzie wrote in a
National Post (Canada) article of 6 April 2004, that "The Kosovo-Albanians
have played us like a Stradivarius.  We have subsidized and indirectly
supported their violent campaign for an ethnically pure and independent
Kosovo. We have never blamed them for being the perpetrators of the violence
in the early '90s and we continue to portray them as the designated victim
today in spite of evidence to the contrary. When they achieve independence
with the help of our tax dollars combined with those of bin Laden and
al-Qaeda, just consider the message of encouragement this sends to other
terrorist-supported independence movements around the world."
Just like "Kosovo-Albanians have played us like a Stradivarius," perhaps
General Clark is also playing us like a Stradivarius for his own political
gain.  A Washington Post Opinion piece by Layne and Schwarz, headlined, "Was
It A Mistake?  We Were Suckers For The KLA."  Are we to continue to be
suckers because of Wesley Clark's anti-Serb bias?  Now, a former KLA warlord
who faces possible indictment for war crimes, was elected president of
Kosovo. In his commentary, General Clark states that the "pace at which
Kosovo is allowed to progress toward full independence should be made
contingent on its treatment of minorities."
 Haven't KLA thugs, to whom General Clark wishes to give control, already
shown what minorities can expect?   General Clark writes of the "rioting of
last March," yet he does not identify who the rioters were and, given the
usual media spin, most Americans will be led to believe that the Serbs were
the culprits.  The reason for this omission?  Perhaps it is because of his
close association with Albanian-American organizations such as the National
Albanian American Council  (NAAC) which he thanked in a letter of 1 November
2001 for their support of his future [Presidential] activities.  General
Clark further stated his intentions to NAAC in a statement on 14 November
2003 that "Kosovo Will Be Independent."
The Wall Street Journal is doing a disservice to its readers by providing a
podium to someone whose sage advice on the future of Kosovo came from the
man who was willing to risk a major confrontation with Russia because of his
ego when he ordered British paratroopers to storm Pristina airport after
Russian peacekeepers entered first, without his permission.  British General
Sir Mike Jackson, commander of the international KFOR peacekeeping force, is
quoted as having told General Clark when he refused that order, "I'm not
going to start World War Three  for you."
Camp Hill, PA
BIO:  As a career military officer's wife, Stella Jatras has traveled widely
and has lived in many foreign countries where she not only learned about
other cultures but also became very knowledgeable regarding world affairs
and world politics. With the advent of the war in Bosnia, Mrs. Jatras
immediately recognized the bias of the Western media and the Clinton
administration's flawed foreign policy in the Balkans and began her efforts
to present to the American people a more accurate view of that tragic
situation. Her letters and articles have been published in The Washington
Times, The Washington Post, The Arizona Republic, The Patriot- News
(Harrisburg, Pennsylvania), Chronicles, The Stars and Stripes, and the Los
Angeles Times, as well as a number of magazines and periodicals. In addition
her writings have had worldwide distribution via the Internet such as
Citizen Soldier and Jihad Watch.  Stella Jatras lived in Moscow for two
years (where her husband, George, was the Senior Air Force Attache), and
while there, worked in the Political Section of the US Embassy. Stella has
also lived in Germany, Greece and Saudi Arabia.  Her travels have taken her
to over twenty countries.
For the editor(s). Links to my sources. Kristallnacht in Kosovo:
General Clark's letter to NAAC:  "Kosovo Will be Independent":
Jerry Seper's KLA rebels train in terrorist camps:
A Prime Minister with a Kalashnikov:
Sex slavery, Prostitution and Rape Rampant in Kosovo:


                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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