NATO soldiers, but civilians, too, are dying from uranium radiation

Cancer increasingly frequent among Kosovo Serbs

In Italy, 34 members of NATO mission in the Balkans have died so far. They
all were serving in Bosnia and Kosovo during which time they were exposed to
radiation from depleted uranium contained in NATO missiles fired during air
strikes in 1999.

The last victim was Professor Giovanni Casselli who was in Kosovo after NATO
bombing as participant in 'Rainbow' operation.

Although no detailed results are available, medical experts claim for 'Blic'
that consequences of the use of deplete uranium are obvious among civil
population in Kosovo. Our soldiers who were on duty in contaminated areas
also have health problems.

Professor Casselli is the first civil victim in Italy, while all others were
soldiers. Another 270 Italians are affected by various kinds of tumor. Long
list of victims and pressure by public opinion resulted in setting up a
commission to Italian Senate that has to establish who the responsible
people are.

Missiles with depleted uranium were used in 112 missions against Serb
troops. The largest number /total 40 missiles/ was used in
Pec-Djakovica-Prizren triangle. That is exactly the area where Italians
troops are stationed after NATO came in Kosovo.

Soldiers of former Yugoslav Army who were in that area are also under
permanent medical check at Medical military Academy in Belgrade.

'At the beginning we were controlling health of 2,000 soldiers. Within these
five years their number decreased to 400 that are still a high-risk group.
Their health is going to be supervised in the following five years, too. All
of these soldiers were mainly in the area along border with Albania. They
were involved in decontamination and pulling out of the staff and
technique', Colonel and Doctor Milan Misovic of Military Medical Hospital in
Belgrade says. According to his words the possible reasons for the changes
on their organs are the living conditions at the time of service in Kosovo.
The soldiers spent almost 20 days in trenches, smoking and eating tin-food

IN our southern province so far not a single serious medical research of the
consequences of NATO bombing on civil population was carried out.

'We are faced with increased number of malignant tumors, especially
malignant melanoma with deadly outcome. Over eight years, from 1991 to 1999
in Strpce municipality there were four cases of malignant melanoma. After
bombing, within a year only, 2000 and 200l, there were even eight cases of
this disease', Doctor Sasa Krstic, of Health Center in Strpce Municipality
says for 'Blic'.

USA, GB and France have missiles with depleted uranium. According to
estimations about 10 tons of depleted uranium was contained in missiles
fired by mainly American combat planes. Unlike Italians, American NATO
soldiers wear gas masks, gloves, goggles and impermeable uniform even at
high temperatures. French soldiers wear protection, too. Soldiers serving in
Kosovo are advised not to have children for the period of three years.

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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