Peace and war: London: Committee for Peace in the Balkans
Date: 2/23/05 at 5:21PM (4h41m ago)  Modified: 2/23/05 at 5:31PM (4h31m ago)
Mood: Thinking  Playing: War, by Edwin Starr

Depleted uranium
18th February 2005

Dear Friend,

Thanks to all of you who continue to support Peace in the Balkans activities. Even though I will not be standing for re-election to parliament, our activities will continue, including the parliamentary seminar series which has been so popular. I have planned the two events below before I stand down.

The commemorative rally will relaunch the Committee for Peace in the Balkans. I hope you will continue to show your supporting by attending our meetings if you live in or near London, and by making a financial contribution towards the on-going costs of organising activities and maintaining a mailing list if you can.

Peace in the Balkans Public Seminar
ICTY: parliamentary debate report back

I have been allocated time for a parliamentary debate on the International Criminal Tribunal on Former Yugoslavia on Wednesday 23rd February. This seminar will report back on that debate. It takes place as follows:


With Alice Mahon MP and John Randall MP

7pm to 8.30pm in the Grimmond Room, Portcullis House, London SW1

(above Westminster tube station)

6th Anniversary of NATO Bombardment
Commemorative Rally

This commemoration will take place on the eve of NATO beginning its bombardment of Yugoslavia six years ago. Our speakers will be notified by email and a message left on the Peace in the Balkans phone line (020 7582 6263) at a later date. The meeting takes place as follows:


With Alice Mahon MP and John Randall MP

6.30pm to 8pm, Grand Committee Room, House of Commons, London SW1

Please note: in the event that a general election is called and parliament closes, we will aim to find an alternative venue in central London for this rally. In this eventuality, please check our answer phone.

With best wishes,

Alice Mahon MP

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