Please forward  far and wide:

  Jewish, Serb, Armenian, Greek, Roma people,say enough to the
suffering of our peoples!
  For centuries, generation after generation of our people are subject
to genocide.  Let us unite in our demand that suffering of our peoples
be finally recognized.  Join our effort to organize symposium on this
subject.  The symposium will be held in Belgrade on April 22-24, 
  Send your experts, participate.
  See the attached file.For http://srpska-mreza.comPetar MakaraNew York 
                            FUND FOR GENOCIDE RESEARCH
                                          Yugoslavia, Belgrade, 27 marta 24/I,
                                        tel/fax: (381-11) 323-8790,
(381-11) 334-7758
                                        E-Mail [EMAIL PROTECTED]

                                            22-24. APRIL 2005

              Genocide is the most severe crime against Humanity and
International Law. It is
              frequently a consequence of the crime against peace
which occurs at times when great
              world powers attempt to achieve world domination.
              The 20th century is marked by Genocide. In 1915, Turkey
committed Genocide on
              Armenian and Greek populations. During World War II,
Croatian Nazis known as Ustasha
              committed a Genocide in the system of Concentration
Camps of Jasenovac. Literally
              hundreds of thousands of Eastern Orthodox Serbs, as well
as Jews, Romas and some
              Croatian anti-fascists were bestially murdered.
              On 22 April 1945, a few surviving inmates made a heroic
break through and liberated
              themselves from Jasenovac. The day of April 22 is
declared Victims of Genocide
              Remembrance Day. The Council of the Serbian Eastern
Orthodox Church decided that every
              year on that day, a holy liturgy will be held with
prayers for the souls of the victims of
              At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th
century, from 1894 to 1923, the
              Ottoman Empire committed a Genocide on the Christian
population of the Near East, in Asia
              Minor between the Black Sea and the Meditteranean. The
estimate is that some 3.5 million
              Christians were murdered during that period. Sultan Abud
Hamid started a state Genocide
              against Armenian Christians in 1893. By 1896 some
300,000 Armenians were brutally
              murdered. In a repeated massacre in 1909, some two
hundred Armenian villages were
              pillaged. Only in Adan, district of Cilicia, between
20,000 and 30,000 Christian Armenians
              During World War I, the Ottoman Empire, in alliance with
Germany and Austria-Hungary,
              was resolved to fulfill the plan of "Turkey to the
Turks." This plan of building "Greater
              Turkey" (so called "Turan") included complete
elimination of all Christiansâthe Greeks,
              Armenians, Syrians and Nestoriansâwho constituted some
10% of the population of the
              country. The pogrom started on 24 April 1915. The
Turkish Government deported
              1,800,000 Armenians, some two-thirds of the entire
Armenian population. They were send
              on a March of Death, Southward through the Syrian desert
and to East Anadolia, the Asian
              part of Turkey. The desert was the scene of massacre,
rape, starvation and dehydration,
              which is how most of these poor people perished. Over
1.5 million Christian Armenians
              were thus murdered. This included some 4,000 priests and
bishops. The Turks tried to
              forcefully convert Armenian children. Those who forsook
their Christian roots and became
              Muslims were allowed to live, but now under new Muslim
names. This was but a repetition
              of what the Ottoman Turks did over centuries to the
Serbian population as they forcefully
              converted kidnapped Serbian children into Janissaries.
              After they cleansed the Armenians, the Turks turned
their attention toward the Greeks. In
              the town of Smyrna, the Turkish conquerors went from
house to house. There they raped
              and murdered the Greek owners and then pillaged and
burned their houses. French,
              British and American ships were at bay and witnessed the
carnage but were sure not to
              interfere. The American Consul, though, compared the
destiny of Smyrna to the Roman
              destruction of Carthagina.
              To this day, the Turkish Government did not acknowledge
its responsibility for the crime of
              Genocide perpetrated on the Greek and Armenian
populations. This behavior enabled even
              Hitler to try to excuse his own act of Genocide and
Holocaust by saying: "Who ever
              mentions Armenians today?"
              On 18 June 1987, the European Parliament issued a
decision to bind acceptance of Turkey
              to the Union on the condition that the Turkish
Government should acknowledge its
              Genocide perpetrated on the Armenians. Mr. Roberto
Kalderoli, the Italian Minister for
              Reform, went so far as to say in December of 2004 that
eventual acceptance of Turkey into
              the European Union "would be a crime against our History
and against our Christian
              Today, 60 years after Genocide perpetrated against the
Orthodox Serbs, Jews, and Romas
              in Nazi Croatia, there is no recognition of that fact.
Without this basic recognition, it is
              impossible to understand the roots and the causes of the
events of the last few years of
              the 20th century as they happened on the grounds of the
former Yugoslavia.
              Unfortunately, in the trials conducted in Croatian
capital of Zagreb in 1986 and 1999, both
              Dr. Anrija ArtukoviÃ, who was Minister of Interior of
the Ustasha (the Croat Nazi)
              Government and Mr. Dinko ÅakiÃ, who was a commander of
Jasenovac Concentration
              Camp, were sentenced only for common acts of murder and
not for the crimes of Genocide.
              All of this explains how it was possible that the
Serbian people were targeted for genocide
              once again at the end of the same century. In the 1990's
the Serbs were victims of jihad as
              Mujahedin pored into Bosnia and Herzegovina. The
Croatian government fulfilled its World
              War II genocidal plan as almost the entire Serbian
population, who had lived for centuries
              as the majority in Krajina and Western Bosnia, was
cleansed by Croat armed forces in
              1995. The last census in Croatia conducted in 2001 shows
that only 4.2% of Serbs are still
              citizens of that country! In Kosovo and Metohija the
Serbian population is again a target.
              In that Province, under UN supervision, the Albanian
terrorists are cleansing all Christian
              Orthodox, as well as all non-Albanian population, and
have destroyed more than 100
              ancient Orthodox churches, some dating back to the 14th
century. The Albanian terrorists
              already dare threaten the integrity of the remaining
parts of Serbia as well as question the
              integrity of neighboring Macedonia and Greece.
              Neither the President of Croatia Franjo Tudjman nor the
President of Muslim part of Bosnia
              Alija Izetbegovic were charged with Genocide. On the
other hand, the entire political
              leadership of the Serbian peopleâall the Presidents of
Serbia, Yugoslavia, Republic of
              Srpska Krajina, Republika Srpska as well as the entire
military leadership of the Serbian
              peopleâwere charged with nothing less than Genocide!
This was done by the self-declared
              "International Community" as the Western Governments
like to be call themselves.
              The Muslim-controlled Bosnian Government is charging the
remaining Serbian lands of
              Serbia and Montenegro with Genocide. In the lawsuit
submitted to the International Court,
              they demand compensation worth between 200 and 300
billion dollars! Croatians who
              cleansed the Serbian population from large swaths of
historicaly Serb-populated Krajina,
              dared charge the Serbian people with the same.
              The complete truth about the Genocide perpetrated in
20th century is not fully known. The
              responsibility is not acknowledged. The perpetrators are
not yet charged and brought to
              justice for their crimes. This situation enabled a
climate in which it was possible that
              someone like Mr. RamuÅ Haradinaj, an ethnic-Albanian who
committed crimes of Genocide
              against the non-Albanian population, was declared a
Prime Minister of Kosovoâthe very
              place where he perpetrated his crimes. The self-declared
"International Community"
              refused to intervene. In 2004 alone, the same
"International Community" issued 59
              (fifty-nine) orders in NATO-occupied Bosnia, with the
express purpose of enslaving the
              surviving Serbian population that fell under their
control. The orders were to
              single-handedly depose the entire leadership the Serbian
people elected in the Republic of
              Srpska, the remaining Serbian entity in Bosnia. All
Ministers as well as generals of the
              entity were deposed in a dictatorial fashion. 
              From Serbia, the "International Community" demands
surrender of the Yugoslav general
              who was in charge of suppressing Albanian terrorism in
Kosovo and Metohija. This is but
              another attack on the sovereignty of the Serbian people.
              This 21st century started with mass Genocide in Darfur,
Sudan. The "International
              Community" did nothing to protect the victims. They did
not even use harsh words to
              describe this Genocide against the non-Arab population.
              On 22 April 2005, it will be 60th anniversary of the day
when a surviving few charged to
              liberate themselves from Jasenovac. 
              On 24 April 2005, it will be 90th anniversary of the
Turkish Genocide perpetrated on
              Armenians, Greeks and other people.
              The Days of 22-24 April 2005 we declare the Days of
Remembrance of the Armenian,
              Greek, Serbian, Jewish and Roma Victims of Genocide.
              We ask you for help to commemorate those events.
              We plan to organize an International Symposium as well
as an Exhibition which would
              present to the publicâhere and abroadâthe historical
roots as well as causes for continued
              Please respond as soon as possible.
                Boda Markovic, President
                Miodrag Vartabedijan, Honorary President
                SOCIETY OF GREEKS OF SERBIA #65533;RIGA OD FERE#65533;
                Jannis Savas, President
                Prof.dr. Miodrag Stojanovic, President 
                JEWISH-SERBIAN FRIENDSHIP SOCIETY Academitian Ljubomir
Tadic, President
                ROMA WORLD PARLIAMENT Dragoljub Ackovic, Vice-President
                SOCIETY OF JASENOVAC SURVIVORS Smilja TiÅma, President
                Archbishop Atanasije Jeftic, President 
                Dr Milan Bulajic, President 

                                            The truth belongs to us all.
                                    Feel free to download, copy and
                                            Last revised: March 10, 2005

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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