Russian Foreign Ministry: Kosovo Extremists Provoking New Outburst Of Violence

Russian Information Agency (Novosti)
March 15, 2005


MOSCOW - Extremists in Kosovo are trying to provoke a
new outburst of violence and undermine the settlement
process, official spokesman for the Russian Foreign
Ministry Alexander Yakovenko said commenting on the
terrorist attack on Kosovo President Ibrahim Rugova in
Pristina (Kosovo, Serbia and Montenegro). 

On Tuesday an explosive device blasted near Mr.
Rugova's car injuring some people. The president did
not suffer from the blast. 

"This incident proves that the Kosovo extremists are
trying to cause a new outburst of violence, undermine
the settlement and deprive the local population of a
prospect to build secure and prosperous society on the
basis of multi-ethnic and democratic principles," Mr.
Yakovenko noted. 

According to him, the situation in Kosovo demands the
increased activity of the international military and
civil forces for security and order in Kosovo in order
to prevent the events which happened last March. "The
key task is to cease the actions of the extremist
forces," Mr. Yakovenko emphasized. 

Leaders of the Albanian community should be
responsible for the stability and peace in the region,
the diplomat stressed. 

He expressed hope that relevant structures of the UN
mission in Kosovo and interim self-government bodies
will thoroughly investigate the accident.
                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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