Embassy of Norway                                                     
               Tika Jankovic

The Honorable Ambassador                                              
          6083 Loma Prieta Drive

2720 34th Street, NW                                                  
                 San Jose, CA 95123

Washington, DC 20008-2714                                             
         T:( 408 ) 435-3450

T: (202 ) 333-6000                                                    
                    F: (408 ) 224-0420

F: (202 ) 337-0870

Copies: Permanent Mission of Norway

           to the UN 

           Missions to the UN 

           International News Outlets

           US Congress and Senate

           The White House 

May 17, 2005

Your Excellency,

I would like to bring to your attention and care an ugly and
reprehensible incident that occurred in Kosovo the other day,
involving a unit of the Norwegian contingent of KFOR.

As you may have already heard a group of exhilarated, looking and
sounding like being drugged, Norwegian soldiers, were depicted in a TV
spot dancing on a huge military transporter with glee while singing
anti-Serb ethnic and racial slurs. The lyric like : " We

will toss bombs at the bad Serb boys wherever they happen to hide.."
and "You, Milos

Obilc, son of a bitch.." (Milos Obilic is a Serbian hero, slain in the
historic Battle of Kosovo against the invading Ottoman Turks on June
28, 1389)  has been fashioned

into a music spot by the KFOR "musical artists" to an American
ensemble  "Beach Boys" theme and distributed on Internet.

I am urging you to immediately notify your government of this
unforgivable act of such a crass and to the Serbs humiliating and
painful racial attack by the Norwegian soldiers, unbecoming to any
civilized person anywhere in the world, including Kosovo and the
international military and civilian forces charged with the
responsibility for peace and protection o human rights in this Serbian
province of Kosovo and Metohija ( It is incorrectly referred to as
"Kosovo" only!). If you, and your government, ignore this horrific
incident, and do not take a serious investigation into it and bring
the perpetrators to justice, the world will rightfully deem this act
as being tacitly approved of by the Norwegian authorities. Your
respectful and freedom loving people do not deserve a besmirched image
of the nation of savages because of the condemning behavior of a bunch
of unruly Norwegian soldiers in a foreign country and under the UN

In the anticipation of your favorable reply,

I remain faithfully yours,


Tika Jankovic

Serbian Unity Congress 

Scandalous move by Norwegian KFOR
May 17, 2005

Norwegian KFOR soldiers are dancing in untidy uniforms. They are in
Kosovo, on a personnel carrier. Everything would be o.k., but let us
hear what they are singing: 'We shall drop bombs wherever bad Serb
guys are hiding' and 'Obilic Milos, you son of a bitch'. This song has
a musical spot directed by KFOR members and is on Internet. It is in
the rhythm of a famous hit of the 'Beach Boys'.

'KFOR is not leading anti-Serb policy. That is by no means the policy
of NATO mission in Kosovo. We are working on the case of Norwegian
soldiers and the matter will be investigated', on of KFOR spokesman
said for 'Blic'.

In a way the spot can be understood as ironical stance that young
soldiers have regarding not only Kosovo, but the whole NATO mission
throughout the world. Although the message can be 'why on earth are we
going there' and the soldiers do not mention Kosovo only but other
area of crisis in the world, this is not the first case that KFOR
soldiers in Kosovo and Metohija have gone beyond their competencies.
After March violence in Kosovo in 2004, KFOR soldiers opened a café in
the churchyard of burnt St. Sava Church in southern Mitrovica. A
French priest, without asking anybody took with him the holy bones
from the destroyed Devic Monastery.

'The song by Norwegian soldiers is unacceptable behavior that hurts
the historic feelings of our people. Such relation towards the history
of a nation is to say the least absence of culture', Oliver Ivanovic,
one of Kosovo Serbs leaders says for 'Blic'.

Norwegian soldiers were stationed in Kosovo Polje and then were
transferred. Today they are almost not present in Kosovo and Metohija.

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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