Great Lies of the American free press - 05/23/2005 16:02 

In several previous PRAVDA articles, I discussed the Bush dictatorship's
prominent use of Adolph Hitler's "great lie theory" - the political tactic
where a leader fabricates "great lies," then "eternally" repeats them until
a significant portion of the population comes to accept them as truth. The
Bush dictatorship also discovered a residual benefit of the "great lie
theory": People are often so myopic or so embarrassed by their gullibility
that, even after the "great lies" are exposed, they would rather reward the
liar than acknowledge the lie. 

  This benefit, however, has also revealed the disquieting reality that far
too many people in the United States, arguably the most powerful nation on
earth, do not require legitimate reasons before they will acquiesce to the
wasting of billions of tax dollars, and the sacrificing of thousands of
lives, in wars based upon nothing but lies.

  There, of course, are those who claim the "great lie theory" cannot work
in democratic countries like America, because, unlike nations with
government-controlled media, there is "freedom of the press." But this
criticism is easily muted by the events that occurred a little over fifty
years ago, during the height of the "Cold War" era. 

  In 1950, a politically ambitious senator named Joseph McCarthy, during a
speech in Wheeling, West Virginia, held up a piece of paper that allegedly
contained the names of communists who were employed by America's State
Department. This bold announcement helped to usher in an era of hysteria,
fear, censorship and blacklisting that only began to wane four years later
when an attorney named Joseph Welch asked McCarthy during the televised
"Army-McCarthy" hearings, "Have you no sense of decency sir, at long last?"

  Both McCarthy's biographers and friends have stated that Hitler's book
MEIN KAMPF, which discussed the application of the "great lie theory,"
played an important role in the development of McCarthy's political
strategies. And even though the relatively new medium of television helped
to diminish McCarthy's power, the corporate-controlled news media also
shared the blame for McCarthy's ability to disseminate "great lies." During
the Wheeling speech, no reporter asked to examine the list McCarthy held,
and it is said that McCarthy himself later joked to members of his inner
circle that nothing was on the paper but a reminder to pick up his laundry.

  Meanwhile those in the television industry, now so eager to take credit
for the demise of McCarthyism, were also fervent practitioners of
blacklisting during McCarthy's heyday. Mark Goodson, a renowned game show
producer during the 1950s, wrote in an article for the New York Times
entitled IF I'D STOOD UP EARLIER . . . (1991) that he had even been
pressured into blacklisting celebrities simply because they shared the same
name as suspected communists.

  The legacy of McCarthyism demonstrates that, despite popular myth, America
does not truly have a "free press." While the Bill of Rights guarantees that
"Congress shall make no law . . . abridging freedom of the press," it is
usually nongovernmental factors - fear of losing readers, viewers and/or
advertising dollars - that actually control the decisions made by
corporate-controlled news media. These influences can also be labeled the
three "P's": Popularity, Prejudice and Profit. And, to accommodate the three
"P's," corporate-controlled news media have persistently ignored two others:
the People and the Public Interest. 

  To achieve popularity, America's corporate-controlled media censor
legitimate and detailed news stories in favor of sensationalistic and
superficial tripe. Although a celebrity in America cannot have flatulence
without an army of reporters analyzing the smell, corporate-controlled news
media, to avoid being "controversial," incessantly ignore topics that could
actually educate or enlighten. 

  The most recent example of this was revealed by the British newspaper The
Guardian in its article THE FILM U.S. TV NETWORKS DARE NOT SHOW (May 12,
2005). This article discusses the resistance filmmaker Adam Curtis
encountered during his attempts to locate a major American media outlet
willing to show his documentary film, THE POWER OF NIGHTMARES. 

  Although this documentary examines the historical events that ultimately
led to one of the most catastrophic events in American history - the
September 11th, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon - the
cowardice of the American media apparently resides not in the film's
analysis of these events, but in its depiction of the "neo-conservative's"
exploitation of September 11th for political and personal gain. 

  According to The Guardian, the "neo-conservative" ideology originated in
1949 when "political philosopher" Leo Strauss argued that "conservative"
politicians had to "invent national myths to hold society together and stop
America . . . from collapsing into degraded individualism." Of course in
today's America "national myths" really mean "great lies," and the efforts
to terminate "degraded individualism" really mean the death of the Bill of
Rights-the very document designed by America's founders to preserve
individual rights and freedoms. 

  To advance these goals in recent years, "neo-conservatives" have
propagated the myth (i.e. "great lie") that America's news media are
"liberal." Yet, from their disdain for the anti-war movement to their
jingoistic hyperbole and treatment of war as a "video game,"
corporate-controlled news media's coverage of the conflict in Iraq easily
dispels this myth. Like the Spanish-American war a little more than a
century ago, the Iraqi war will undoubtedly be remembered by history as an
unnecessary invasion fueled by corporate-controlled news media's lust to
boost profits.

  As I discussed in previous PRAVDA articles, the corporate-controlled news
media's self-serving promotion of the Iraqi war was accentuated when several
radio stations owned by Clear Channel, one of the largest media empires in
the United States, boycotted songs by the Dixie Chicks because of statements
the trio made in opposition to the Bush dictatorship; when Sinclair
Broadcasting refused to televise a segment of ABC's NIGHTLINE, where the
names of those killed in Iraq were read; when Ed Gernon, co-producer of the
television mini-series HITLER: THE RISE OF EVIL, was fired from his job
after comparing the demise of civil liberties in Hitler's Germany to the
demise of civil liberties in America; and when CNN Chief News Executive
Eason Jordan resigned amidst allegations that he had claimed American troops
were deliberately targeting journalists in Iraq. 

  By contrast, the corporate-controlled news media have ardently embraced
the plethora of cowards who exploited the Iraqi war to advance their own
careers while conspicuously avoiding combat duty themselves. Cable
television's CNBC rewarded comedian Dennis Miller with a talk show after he
hawked the Iraqi war. And, unlike the fate of Ed Gernon, these media have
permitted two "neo-conservative" cowards, Rush Limbaugh (who avoided serving
in Vietnam because of an alleged "boil" on his posterior) and Ann Coulter,
to utilize Nazi analogies with impunity when attacking those they oppose.
Bill O'Reilly, who, despite his claims to be willing to "sacrifice" himself
for Fallujah, remains safely ensconced in the studios of the Fox "News"
(i.e. Propaganda) Network, frequently uses his talk show to demand economic
retaliation against university professors and African-American hip-hop
artists who express "unpopular" opinions, yet whined about unjust treatment
after allegations that he sexually harassed a female coworker made him the
subject of ridicule on late-night television. Even the so-called "liberal"
Cable "News" Network (CNN) has made a media icon out of Nancy Grace, a
narrow-minded former prosecutor who rarely allows her fanatical
preconceptions to be diminished by factual realities. 

  The censorship practiced by corporate-controlled media has helped them
build entire "news" networks upon great lies-that coverage is "fair and
balanced," that it should be "trusted," or, perhaps the greatest lie of all,
that the drivel disseminated deserves to qualify as "news." 

  The inevitable result of such censorship is that important news stories
are frequently ignored until it is "safe" to report on them. Once this
safe-haven arises, however, corporate-controlled news media consistently
endeavor to conceal their previous censorship with an arrogant "we were
concerned all the time" approach. 

  Today, for example, it would be a challenge to find anybody in the
corporate-controlled news media openly praising the excesses of the McCarthy
era. Yet during McCarthy's heyday it was a challenge to find anybody in
media openly opposing him. 

  This "belated concern" approach also was evident in media coverage of
former Black Panther Elmer "Geronimo" Pratt, who served over twenty-five
years in prison after being framed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI). Although the CBS Evening News did an excellent piece on Pratt while
he was still incarcerated, much of the other corporate-controlled news media
waited until after Pratt was released before denouncing the illegal tactics
used to imprison him. 

  Where were these media when Pratt's release was still uncertain? Ask Eddie
Marshall Conway, a Baltimore Black Panther leader who remains in prison
despite similar concerns about the tactics used to convict him.

  While some may argue that localized injustices against African-American
militants do not a national news story make, it was the illegalities and
abuses of the FBI's COINTELPRO operation that played a significant role in
many of these injustices. Today, thanks to the so-called "Patriot Act," this
very same agency is enjoying almost the same powers it abused in the past.
If corporate-controlled news media refuse to remind Americans of these past
abuses, history may be destined to repeat itself.

  The second "P" spurring the corporate-controlled news media is prejudice.
This not only explains their lack of interest in the Pratt and Conway cases,
but also the abundance of right-wing "hate" radio dominating the airwaves.

  This exploitation of prejudice, however, is not confined to radio: It is
practiced by some of America's premier pseudo-journalists. A few months ago
one such journalist, Barbara Walters, sanctimoniously announced, to the
applause of her predominantly white audience, that she would not interview
former football star turned actor O.J. Simpson, who had been acquitted of
murdering his wife and a family friend. Yet, subsequent to this
announcement, Walters sycophantically interviewed Robert Blake, an actor who
also had been acquitted of murdering his wife.

  The key difference, of course, was that O.J. Simpson happened to be
African-American, and his alleged victims were white, young, and attractive;
thus his acquittal inspired outrage across white America. On the other hand,
Blake and his alleged victim were both white, and she was older and not as
attractive; thus his acquittal scarcely caused a whimper across white

  Besides pandering to race, corporate-controlled news media convey their
biases through "split-screen" interviews. During these interviews the
questioner's image occupies half of the television screen, while the image
of the respondent occupies the other half. In most cases the respondent has
no visual contact with the questioner, relying instead on an earpiece that
simply transmits sound. As a result, the questioner can smirk, frown, scowl,
or employ numerous other forms of non-verbal communication to indicate
approval or derision, all without the respondent's knowledge. 

  Media censorship can also be based on the personal biases of editors or
telephone "screeners," who have the power to decide whether or not a news
segment, comment, article or letter should be aired or published. 

  I experienced such censorship first-hand when I became interested in the
plight of a local African-American man, who was serving a seventy-year
sentence after being convicted by an all-white jury of crimes I believed he
did not commit. I began writing letters and articles about his case, and my
local newspaper initially published them almost verbatim. It was later
discovered that I was indeed correct about this man's innocence, and he was
ultimately released from prison.

  Not surprisingly, after his release, a police officer who had been
involved in his case decided to adopt the media's "I had concerns all the
time" strategy in interviews and articles, even though she had remained
publicly silent about these alleged doubts throughout this man's years of
incarceration. Although he eventually filed a lawsuit against local
officials, including this police officer, seeking compensation for his years
of wrongful imprisonment, a federal magistrate dismissed the case, claiming
the man had not established that his arrest and conviction were made in "bad

  As an attorney, I always had misgivings about the "bad faith" standard,
and many states have bypassed it by passing laws to compensate those
wrongfully convicted. The state where this man resided, however, had no such
laws; consequently I thought his case would provide a good opportunity to
expose the egregious nature of the "bad faith" standard. So I wrote an
article explaining that, aside from an admission of wrongdoing by police or
prosecutors, the "bad faith" standard was practically impossible for a
wrongfully convicted person to meet. 

  After submitting this article to my local newspaper, an editor informed me
that my critique of the "bad faith" standard would not be published as
written, allegedly because it could be construed as an attack on the
professionalism of the local police department. 

  Subsequently I discovered that the editor who had reviewed my article and
the police officer who had belatedly espoused her "doubts" were friends, and
this was the real motive behind the censorship. Tragically, an opportunity
to raise legitimate concerns about the "bad faith" standard and the
injustices it engendered was obliterated by the personal bias of a lone

  The final, and most powerful, "P" driving corporate-controlled news media
is profit. In their pure form, however, these media are incompatible with
standard theories of capitalism. 

  Capitalism contends that companies manufacturing and marketing similar
products will endeavor to improve those products to gain an advantage over
their competitors, which, in turn, benefits consumers. 

  But news is not a product, simply a reporting of events. Nevertheless, to
increase profits, corporate-controlled media have decided to "manufacture"
and "market" news. Many radio stations owned by Clear Channel sponsored
pro-war rallies, while Sinclair Broadcasting, shortly before the 2004
presidential election, sought to air a documentary hostile to candidate John

  The manufacturing and marketing of news is even accomplished by deceiving
people into believing they will be given a fair opportunity to articulate or
defend their positions. Most television or radio interviews, unless they are
aired live, are usually subjected to "editing." So even though an individual
may provide several minutes of intelligent and well-reasoned analysis, the
words are often condensed into a few seconds of "sound bites" that can be
manipulated to give a deceptive, and even dishonest, impression of what was
actually said. 

  During my brief legal career, rumors had been circulating in our local
community that people were being unjustly purged from voter registration
rolls. Since I specialized in constitutional and civil rights law, I was
asked to contact the proper investigative agency about these alleged
practices. Although I did so, I stressed to the investigator that nobody had
presented any actual evidence to substantiate these rumors, so I would leave
it to her discretion about whether or not an investigation was warranted.

  I forgot about this matter until a few days later, when a reporter for a
local television station requested an interview. During the course of this
interview, I was persistently asked if I believed the alleged purging was
the result of one political party trying to dilute the voting strength of
the other. 

  Since I repeatedly replied that this was not the case, very little of the
actual interview was aired. What noticeably appeared instead was this same
reporter opining that the interview had left her with the impression one
political party was attempting to dilute the voting strength of the other! 

  This experience alone indicates that the corporate-controlled media's
impetus to manufacture news rarely results in an honest product. Instead it
compels these media to sink to their lowest common denominator, sacrificing
truth, impartiality and ethics for the sake of ratings and profit. 

  This proclivity to sink to the lowest common denominator has even made
members of the corporate-controlled news media susceptible to bribery.
Armstrong Williams, a "conservative" African-American pseudo-journalist, was
recently paid two hundred and forty thousand dollars ($240,000) by the Bush
dictatorship to promote an education reform law on his syndicated television
show. Another pseudo-journalist, Maggie Gallagher, was paid twenty-one
thousand, five hundred dollars ($21,500) by the federal government's
department of Health and Human Services to encourage marriage. This same
department also paid columnist Mike McManus ten thousand ($10,000) dollars
to "train marriage counselors." Yet, according to the Associated Press
(1/29/05), "all three columnists failed to disclose to their readers their
relationship with the [Bush] administration."

  But such bribery does not have to be strictly on a cash basis. During the
build-up to the Iraqi war, one of the primary disseminators of the Bush
dictatorship's "great lies" was then-Secretary of State Colin Powell. And
during this time, in one of those remarkable "coincidences" that nepotism
spawns, Powell's son Michael was head of the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC)-the very agency that possessed the power to change FCC
rules so monopolistic media empires could acquire even a greater share of
the marketplace. In return all these empires had to do was endorse, or at
least not dispute, the warmongering lies of the Bush dictatorship, and
accept, or at least not question, the fraudulent results of the 2000 and
2004 presidential "elections." 

  Perhaps the greatest hypocrisy of the corporate-controlled news media is
that, while they expend a substantial amount of effort questioning or
criticizing the actions of others, they are extraordinarily intolerant of
criticism themselves. Whenever ordinary people attempt to criticize American
media they are guaranteed at least one of three responses. 

  The first response, already discussed in this article, is censorship. My
local newspaper, for example, has flatly refused to publish any of my
letters criticizing its use of personal bias to censor legitimate stories.
Since this newspaper is the only one with significant readership that
reports on local issues, my voice regarding these issues is effectively

  The second response is the "What came first, the chicken or the egg?" This
response was ridiculed in a recent episode of the adult-themed cartoon SOUTH
PARK. The main characters, all elementary school children, were told that
their news program, which they broadcast across the school's closed-circuit
television system, was in danger of being canceled due to low ratings. To
improve these ratings, the children simply began focusing their program on
salacious gossip. When one character expressed concern about "dumbing" down
his fellow students, his colleagues replied, "People are already dumb. We're
just giving them what they want." 

  The third response is, "Don't blame the messenger." Even though, as
explained above, the corporate-controlled media make ubiquitous efforts to
manufacture and market news, they consistently seek to present themselves as
mere "innocents" reporting upon events they cannot control.

  Ironically, in today's America, people who want real news or honest
criticism are better served by not watching "news" programs at all. Comedy
Central's satirical program THE DAILY SHOW, for example, often covers
current events with more insight than the so-called cable "news" networks,
where "discussion" routinely consists of "experts" of dubious qualifications
shouting and interrupting each other. 

  Following the South Park trend, a character on a recent episode of the
animated comedy THE SIMPSONS rhetorically asked where America's "koo-koo,
bananas commander" intended to start the next "military quagmire." A
character on the medical drama "ER" derisively mocked the Chicago Tribune
newspaper for endorsing Bush in the 2004 presidential race, while the series
itself devoted several episodes to the war in the Congo, where, as one
character said, the suffering is largely ignored because "there is no oil." 

  Finally, on May 15, 2005, the Associated Press reported that many critics
were comparing the decline of civil liberties and democracy in the new "Star
Wars" movie REVENGE OF THE SITH to the decline of civil liberties and
democracy in the United States. George Lucas, the creator of the Star Wars
franchise, acknowledged that much of the film was inspired by "historical
transformations from freedom to fascism." Ironically, in a nation that
boasts about "freedom of the press," it appears that only the fictitious
adventures of characters in a "galaxy far, far away" might awaken Americans
to the factual realities here on earth.

  For the reasons mentioned above, the hands of America's
corporate-controlled news media are now dripping with the blood of those
sacrificed in a war promoted and exploited for ratings and profit. May this
blood that has been shed for their greed never wash clean, lest we forget
how easily corruption, avarice and deceit can usurp democracy, blacken the
hearts of humanity, and destroy the soul of a nation. 

  David R. Hoffman, Legal Editor of PRAVDA

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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