Deutsche Welle
   English Service News
   30. 05. 2005, 17:00 UTC
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   Today's highlight on DW-WORLD:

   Merkel Chosen as Chancellor Candidate 

   Angela Merkel, the leader of Germany's opposition Christian Democrats,
   has officially been chosen as the conservative challenger to 
   Chancellor Gerhard Schröder in early elections in the fall. 

   To read this article on the DW-WORLD website, just click on the
   internet address below:,1564,1599706,00.html

   Barroso: No new debate on EU treaty

   The head of the EU's executive commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, has
   said no new debate will be started on the proposed EU constitution
   after France officially rejected it. Barroso said governments of
   the other 24 EU member states had given no signal they wanted to
   re-open discussions on the treaty. His statements followed France's
   rejection of the constitution in a referendum on Sunday. Around 55
   percent of the French voted against the constitution, technically
   putting an end to it. But European Trade Commissioner Peter
   Mandelson said the ratification process would continue. Nine other
   countries - including Germany - have approved the treaty but it can
   only come into force if all 25 EU member countries formally ratify

   4 dead in Mosque suicide bombing

   At least four people have been killed and several injured after a
   explosion at a Shiite Muslim mosque in the Pakistani city of
   Karachi. The blast happened as worshippers attended evening prayers
   at the Madinat-ul-Ilm mosque in Gulshan, a busy neighbourhood in the
   southern port city. The apparent suicide bombing comes three days
   after a deadly suicide bomb at an Islamic shrine in the capital
   Islamabad killed 19 people and wounded nearly 100 others.

   Blast aimed at NATO wounds 7

   A bomb attached to a bicycle has exploded in the Afghan capital
   Kabul, wounding at least seven people. Afghan police said the attack
   had targeted a NATO vehicle carrying peacekeeping soldiers, but none
   of the troops were reported injured. Police said the bomb was
   attached to a parked bicycle and appeared to have been detonated by
   remote control.

   1000 German tourists stuck in Antalya

   Around 1000 German tourists are stranded in Turkey due to the
   financial difficulties of their travel operator, Interflug. German
   consular officials said many of the tourists had spent a second
   night in Antalya's airport, waiting for news of possible flights
   home. Because of Interflug's financial problems, there are no
   scheduled flights to bring the vacationers back to Germany.

   Afghan women still oppressed, Amnesty

   The human rights organisation Amnesty International says that women
   in Afghanistan still live in danger of being kidnapped, raped or
   forced into marriage. In its latest report, Amnesty International
   also said the current Afghan government wasn't doing enough to
   protect women, three years after the fall of the oppressive Taliban
   regime. The organisation called on the Afghan government, under
   President Hamid Karzai, to reform the justice system in order to
   better protect the rights of women.

   Angela Merkel is chancellor candidate

   Germany's conservative opposition has named Angela Merkel as its
   candidate for chancellor in a general election later this year,
   giving her a chance to become the country's first woman leader.
   Merkel, the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), will
   challenge Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder in the election which is
   expected to take place in September. Schroeder called for early
   elections last week after his Social Democrats suffered another
   major defeat in a state election. The 50-year-old Merkel, who grew
   up in communist East Germany, moved ahead of Schroeder in opinion
   polls for the first time last week.

   Iraq to probe arrest of Sunni leader

   Iraqi Prime Minister Ibrahim Jaafari has ordered an investigation
   into the detention of a leading Sunni politician. Jaafari said he
   believed the arrest was made by mistake. US soldiers detained Mohsen
   Abdul-Hamid, the head of the Iraqi Islamic Party, in a raid on his
   home in Baghdad on Monday. He was later released. Abdul-Hamid is
   regarded as a moderate and served as a member of the US-appointed
   governing council after the fall of Saddam Hussein.

   Germany mature democracy - Katzav

   Israeli President Moshe Katzav is on a visit to Berlin to mark 40
   years of diplomatic ties with post-war Germany. Katzav and German
   President Horst Koehler announced the creation of a special fund to
   to foster future contacts between youth, scientists and artists of
   both countries, in memory of Holocaust victims. Katzav praised
   Germany, saying it had become a mature democracy whose leaders were
   determined to tackle a current rise anti-Semitism and extremism.

   Bombings at Hilla in Iraq kill 20

   In Iraq two suicide bombers blew themselves up among crowds of
   Iraqis outside government offices at Hilla, a town south of Baghdad,
   killing at least 20 people and wounding over 100 more. One bomber
   blew himself up among public service recruits waiting for medical
   checks. The second bomber was among a crowd of former police
   commandos who had gathered to demand their reintegration into Iraq's
   new police force.

   Hariri wins all 19 seats in Beirut

   In Lebanon, Saad Hariri, the son of slain former premier Rafiq
   Hariri swept to victory winning all 19 parliamentary seats in the
   Beirut round of general elections. The elections were the first in
   three decades with no Syrian troops in the country. Beirut was the
   first region to go to the polls. Other regions vote over the next
   three Sundays. Syrian troops withdrew last month, after an
   occupation lasting 29 years, following a wave of opposition protests
   blaming Damascus for the murder in February of Rafik Hariri.

   China lifts textile restrictions

   In an escalation of trade tensions, China says it has abolished
   export tariffs on 81 categories of textiles. The move, effective
   from next Wednesday, follow curbs by the European Union and the
   United States on imports of cheap Chinese-made textiles and clothes
   in bids to safeguard European and American manufacturers. Since
   January, when a decades-old global quota system was abolished,
   Chinese textile exports have boomed. Last Friday, the EU sought
   World Trade Organisation intervention. China argues that this
   undermines free trade ideals promoted by Brussels and Washington.

   HypoVereinsbank in talks with UniCredito

   The German HypoVereinsbank, Germany's second largest bank and
   Italian bank UniCredito Italiano have confirmed they holding merger
   talks to become one of Europe's largest financial groups. Monday's
   confirmation follows speculation that two Spanish banks are also
   interested in acquiring HypoVereinsbank. HypoVereinsbank chalked up
   losses of several billion euros in the past three years and
   announced massive job cuts in February. Meanwhile, Germany's largest
   bank, Deutsche Bank is looking at acquiring Commerzbank, Germany's
   third largest bank. Commerzbank is also being eyed by several
   foreign banks including the Royal Bank of Scotland and France's BNP

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