(Most Kosovo dailies)

Most dailies report about the second day of the visit S-M Foreign Minister Vuk Draskovic and the reactions regarding this visit.

Koha Ditore writes that by saying six times “battle and war”, S-M Foreign Minister Vuk Draskovic said in Gazimestan that Kosovo’s status should resemble to the one of Southern Tyrol in Italy.

“This means that existing borders of Serbia, Macedonia, and Albania will not be changed or renamed. At the same time, these should be European borders – open, invisible and existing on maps in documents, but not in reality. This is the solution. The Serbian side is open to compromises and to a European solution. I believe the Albanian side would move towards compromise, too,” he said.

In addition, reporting about the commemoration held in Gazimestan, Zeri reads that those nostalgic of 28 June 1989 had the chance to gather yesterday 16 years later in the same place – Gazimestan to mark the 616 anniversary of Kosovo Battle.

KFOR soldiers and KPS members guarded the Serbs, who came mainly from Novi Pazar and cities in Kosovo to mark that battle which historically the Serbs lost from the Ottoman Empire.

On the other hand, most dailies report about the reactions of Kosovo leaders regarding this visit.

Writing about this, Express quoted Government’s spokesperson Daut Dauti as saying, “Draskovic is not considered a serious politician and the Government considers this visit inexistent.”

On the other hand, President Ibrahim Rugova stated, “UNMIK allowed this visit. Probably UNMIK had a good goal to let him visit Kosovo for humanitarian reasons and see developments here.” Regarding the protest, President Rugova said, “We are a democratic society and I consider the protests were legal. There were arrests but there should be no consequences.”

In addition, most dailies report that the journalists that were detained on 27 June were set free yesterday.

Zeri reads that Shaip Mustafa, a journalist of news agency KosovaLive was released but the charges against him have not dropped. On the other, Jahja Ternava, a photo-reporter of news agency Kosova Press, has been found non-guilty since the Offence Court in Prishtina could not find sufficient evidences that he obstructed police officers carry out their duty.

The newspaper reads that Kosovo Government neither reacted nor liked the behavior of the KPS towards journalists.

The Council for Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms condemned the violence the police used against the protesters. “This is not that citizens’ protests are being obstructed and this is not first time that protesters and journalists face with police force,” read a reaction of this Council.

Reporting about the situation created during the visit of S-M Foreign Minister Draskovic, Epoka e Re published a reaction of UCK War Associations, which read, “The arresting of KAN activists, citizens, and journalists is a flagrant violation of democracy, which is trumpeted so much in Kosovo by ‘STANDARDS’. If similar arresting scenes take place again, the situation in Kosovo may escalate and it may have unpredictable consequences. The blood that martyrs shed showed in the best way that violence cannot be used in Kosovo.”

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