(All dailies) 


All dailies report about the meeting of working group for Freedom of
Movement and Sustainable Returns, which concluded that full freedom of
movement exists in 92% of Kosovo territory.


Koha Ditore reads that following this meeting, Local Governance Minister
Lutfi Haziri stated that Kosovo municipalities have reached great results in
meeting the standards. According to him, the result is that freedom of
movement exists in almost 100% of Kosovo territory. 


In addition, Zeri quotes Minister Haziri on front page as saying, “In 92% of
Kosovo territory, freedom of movement is 100%, except for the three
municipalities in the north of Kosovo, where Albanians, other ethnic groups,
as well as the residents of that region cannot move freely because of the
security conditions.” 


Koha Ditore quotes Minister Haziri as saying, “In north, our authorities are
weak in comparison to what they should do. I can say that there are
psychological obstacles in Kosovo, because there are people who do not feel
fully secure because of the huge impact of parallel structures,” Haziri


According to the Minister, this has an impact on reaching a bigger progress,
which would take Kosovo closer to the final status. 


He assessed this as a challenge which may be bypassed by the implementation
of 22 projects, which are ready for a sustainable returns. “The Kosovo
Government has donated 8.8 million Euro, which will be used for sustainable
returns this year. This figure shows that Kosovo Government is the biggest
donor of this project, which has started to be applied in Rahovec,” Haziri. 


However, according to him, 22 million are needed for the implementation of
the sustainable returns policy. 


Only 8 percent of Kosovo territory lacks freedom of movement

In 92 percent of the Kosovo territory, freedom of movement, a standard set
by the International Community, has been provided one hundred percent to all
citizens, “except in three municipalities in the north, in which there is
limitation in the freedom of movement not only for Albanians as the
majority, but also for other ethnic groups and for residents of that area
themselves due to security conditions. Of course, eight percent is too much
in Kosovo at this stage when general political evaluation is required,” said
Minister of Local Government Lutfi Haziri.


While our authorities are vain towards what is requested for fulfilment one
hundred percent of the freedom of movement, UNMIK authorities even six years
after the war continue not to exercise full administration in the entire
territory of Kosovo. Psychological barriers, prejudices, and above all
allowing functioning of parallel structures are considered as an opportunity
provided to the Serb minority to use the right for setting freedom of


On the other hand, 22 projects have been approved so far for sustainable
return. The strategy for returns has cost €8.8 million to the Kosovo budget.
“Additional €22 million are needed for implementation of the policy of
sustainable return in Kosovo within the framework of the protocol with
Montenegro and Macedonia and in the framework of talks we are having with
Belgrade authorities at the Technical Group,” Minister Haziri said.


Number of Kosovo minority members who have returned to Kosovo is 12,500. The
exact number of refugees and IDPs within Kosovo continues to be an
approximation. Census, which Kosovo has been lacking for more than two
decades, is expected to destroy various speculations and tendencies.
Governmental data state that over 100,000 minority members live in Kosovo.

(All K-wide broadcasters, RTK)


Freedom Of Movement Exists In 92% Of Kosova Territory, Except Three Northern

Trans. B. Sylejmani 

Prishtina, 14 Jul (Radio Kosova) – The Kosova government working group for
the implementation of the third and fourth standards discussed the
realization of the action plan for the months of June and July. “The UNMIK
and government representatives of this group said that an affirmative result
is achieved and recommendations throughout municipalities have marked a
dynamic increase in the implementation of several technical duties about the
naming of settlements, streets and taking care of necessary funds,” Minister
of Local Authority Lutfi Haziri said after the meeting. “The role of the
municipalities in preventing the crime and the working groups at
municipality levels have showed great results and also by gradually
involving the three Kosova municipalities in the north, which were the
greatest challenge for the coordination of activities in this level,” Haziri
added. “Our objective for the coming month mainly aims engagement and
improvement of the freedom of movement,” said Haziri claiming that they have
already ensured the freedom of movement for all the citizens in 92% of
Kosova territory. “Except in the three northern municipalities where a
limitation of the freedom of movement exists not only for Albanians, but for
other ethnic groups and the residents of that zone because of the security
situation,” Haziri adding that Kosova government allocated €8.8 million and
for now is the only donor for the 22 approved projects for a lasting return.


                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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