Commentary: Independence for Kosovo? Why?

By Fred E. Foldvary

President Bush is promoting the independence of Kosovo from Serbia, but why? 
Kosovo has been under the administration of the United Nations. The Kosovars, 
as ethnic Albanians, seek to be an independent country, while the Serbs 
consider Kosovo to be an important part of their history and territory. Do the 
Kosovars have a natural right to independence? The answer becomes clear when we 
realize that countries and nationalities have no natural rights. All natural 
rights are inherent in individual persons. Each human being has the moral right 
to be sovereign, to be independent of the mastership of any other person.
The problem with national independence is that if there is a minority that 
opposes independence, then those individual are forced be under an authority 
not of their choosing. So the Kosovars have a moral right to be independent 
only if they in turn let those not wishing to be under Kosovar rule to be 
independent of Kosovo.
But there is also another complication. There are historic Serbian churches in 
Kosovo. These belong to the builders, the Serbs. Complete independence would 
put these properties in the hands of not just those who did not create them, 
but who are indifferent or even hostile to these buildings.
Kosovo was the national and religious heart of the medieval Serbian empire. 
Serbs venerate the epic 1389 battle in Kosovo in which Prince Lazar 
Hrebeljanovic and many Serbs were killed, after which Serbia became ruled by 
the Turkish Empire. Serbians honor this battle like Texans remember the Battle 
of the Alamo. Kosovo taking control of that hallowed ground would be like 
Mexico gaining sovereign rule over San Antonio and the Alamo, only more so.
This intertwining of ethnic Serbs and ethnic Albanians can be resolved by a 
Confederation of Serbia and Kosovo. The old Yugoslavia could be resurrected as 
the Confederation of Yugoslavia, with Serbia and Kosovo as members. The 
Confederation could then take control of the historic Serbian places. 
Individuals in Serbia and Kosovo would be able to choose which of the republics 
they wish to affiliate with. Ideally there should be a third choice: to be a 
citizen directly under the Confederation rather than under Serbia or Kosovo.
Because of the historic conflicts, a Confederate army made up of both ethnic 
groups would not be feasible at first. The Confederate government could pay the 
United Nations to continue to keep the peace in Kosovo, but under Yugoslav 
authority. Serbian and Roma (Gypsy) refugees who fled from Kosovo after 1998 
would be able to return to their home locations. The old Yugoslav constitution 
had provided autonomy for Kosovo. This self-governance was overturned in 1989 
by the tyrant chief of Serbia, Slobodan Milosevic. The Kosovo Liberation Army 
then conducted a violent campaign for independence, including attacks on 
civilians. The Serbian government then fought the KLA, also inflicting harm on 
civilians. The Rambouillet Conference of 1999 proposed that Kosovo’s final 
status would be set by an international conference. This was rejected by 
Milosevic, which then led to NATO’s war against Serbia by an international 
coalition, including the United States under president Clinton.
The fate of Kosovo has to be seen in a global context. If the principle of 
national independence for minorities is to become a basic principle, then it 
would have to be applied globally, including independence for national 
minorities everywhere, and for the minorities within the minority national 
territory. For example, if Quebec is to be independent from Canada, then the 
native Indian nations within Quebec should be able to secede and be independent 
also. But what about those individual Indians who do not wish to be citizens of 
the native Indian country? They should have the right to be citizens of Quebec 
or Canada or some other native Indian country. And if an individual seeks 
complete independence from any country, to be consistent, any person should be 
able to be his own independent sovereign entity.
Such anarchism if applied globally and peacefully would indeed be a wonderful 
policy. But in our world today, majority peoples oppose breaking up their 
territory, and so independence for Kosovo, which would spur other national 
minorities to also become independent, would exacerbate conflict world-wide. 
Independence would reward violent rebels such as the KLA, and would in effect 
legitimize violence by insurgents world-wide. Confederation is a compromise 
that would prevent such conflict, as it would grant national self-governance, 
allow all people to choose their governmental affiliation, while preventing the 
majority group from resenting a loss of territory. The U.S. government has been 
hypocritical about national self-determination. On one hand, it grabbed the 
Philippines in the Spanish war of 1898 and fought against a national 
independence movement there. On the other hand, after World War I, President 
Wilson foolishly promoted independence for the nationalities of eastern!
  Europe, which later let Nazi Germany conquer these countries one by one, so 
in the end, there was no national self-governance but domination by Nazis and 
National independence is a good goal provided it is applied consistently, 
peacefully, and sustainably. None of these apply to Kosovo today, so the U.S. 
government should stop advocating independence for Kosovo. This has done 
nothing to make Muslims hate America any less; it is not applied as a 
consistent policy; it would legitimize violent insurgency; and it would hurt 
the interests of the other nationalities. The policy with the least amount of 
damage is confederation.

Fred Foldvary lives in Berkeley and teaches economics at Santa Clara 
University. This article also appeared in the online journal The Progress 

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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