Stop "Playing With Fire" in Kosovo

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December 21, 2007 (LPAC)-- Lyndon LaRouche warned on Dec. 
  20 that there must be "No sympathy for the Kosovo independence 
movement--crush it... by tolerating them, you'll have World War III."

Today, upon reflection of LaRouche's statement, it was made amply clear that 
Russia would endorse nothing more than an autonomy for the majority 
ethnic-Albanian province of Kosovo by Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, 
who told the Vremya Novostei daily on today: "If a (UN) resolution is proposed 
that approves a unilateral declaration of independence by Kosovo, then of 
course there will be a veto."

The European Union and United States announced late on Dec. 21, after a UN 
Security Council meeting, that the potential for a negotiated solution in 
Kosovo was "exhausted" and said they would spearhead the drive to implement a 
phased independence of Serbia's breakaway Kosovo province without United 
Nations Security Council approval. The US and EU independence plans "in essence 
represent an attempt to say that the West is no longer interested in the United 
Nations and that they are ready to solve the complicated problems outside of 
the UN," Lavrov stressed. 

Sergei Mironov, president of the upper house of the Russian parliament, in 
response to these actions said that "those who entice Kosovo sovereignty are 
playing with fire. If Russia's stance on Kosovo is ignored, she retains the 
right to correct the stance on many other issues."

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