Serbian Government
January 9, 2008

Sending EU mission to Kosovo-Metohija will breach
Serbia’s sovereignty, territorial integrity

Belgrade – The Serbian Minister of the Interior Dragan
Jocic stated today that the best thing would be if the
EU decides against sending its mission to
Kosovo-Metohija and thus enables a normal signing and
implementation of the Stabilisation and Association
Agreement (SAA).

In a statement to the Beta news agency, Jocic stressed
that Serbia is a free and sovereign country and added
that if the EU wants to sign the SAA with Serbia on
January 28, it will have to respect Serbia’s
sovereignty and territorial wholeness.

If the EU decides to send its civil mission to
Kosovo-Metohija, which will also include police
forces, a puppet creation will emerge on Serbia’s

Serbia’s territorial integrity will thus be violated
and the already initialled agreement directly breached
and annulled, said the Minister.

He said that all state institutions are under the
highest obligation to respect the Serbian Constitution
which by the will of its people clearly determined
that Serbia’s state borders are unalterable and the
province of Kosovo-Metohija an inalienable part of its

By illegally sending a mission to implement
Ahtisaari’s rejected plan, the EU will commit a harsh
violation of Resolution 1244 and the Serbian
Constitution, thus harming Serbia’s sovereignty and
territorial integrity, warned Jocic.

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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