Okay, all you Serbian history buffs, answer, "First, the Albanians are
direct descendents of the ancient Illyrians."  So many holes in this letter,
you could drive a truck through it.  This letter appeared right under
Michael Pravica's letter at the same link as shown.  Stella




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The Washington Times


2 February 2008


Kosovo and Albanians



In "Distorting the truth on Kosovo" (Letters, Jan. 23), Tika Jankovic is a
typical example of many who are brainwashed by Serbian myths, who believe in
the theory of invasions, who believe that Kosovo is the cradle of the
Serbian civilization and that the Serbs were superior among other
ethnicities that made up mosaic Yugoslavia. The Serbian national
consciousness, deeply influenced by these myths, caused four wars in the
Balkans during the 1990s: Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Kosovo.

First, the Albanians are direct descendants of the ancient Illyrians.
Albanians never occupied Serbian territories. It is the other way around.
The Serbs migrated to the Balkans from the sixth century on.

Second, no serious history book backs up the following assertions that Miss
Jankovic lists: that more than 200,000 Serbs were expelled from Kosovo by
German, Italian and Albanian fascists; that Albanians terrorized Serbs under
Tito; and that Albanians practiced ethnic cleansing after World War II by
allowing immigrants from Albania proper to take over Serbian territories.

Third, historical sources confirm that after Serbia occupied Kosovo in
1912-1913, many Albanians were massacred and expelled to Turkey. Leo
Freundlich (1875-1954), a Jewish publicist living in Vienna, wrote a book
titled "Albania's Golgotha: Indictment of the Exterminators of the Albanian
People." In 1937, Vaso Cubrilovic, a Serb nationalist, presented a
memorandum in Belgrade titled "The Expulsion of the Albanians."

I am appalled that a reporter continues to believe in myths and presents
unsubstantiated statements to readers.



Lehman College

City University of New York

New York City

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