The Lord Byron Foundation for Balkan Studies
invite you to a lecture and discussion by
Serge Trifkovic
Monday, February 4, at 5:30 p.m.
3105 Etcheverry Hall
University of California, Berkeley 
Introductory remarks by Dr. Jasmina Vujic
Professor and Chair, Department of Nuclear Engineering
A major security issue facing the Balkans, Russia, the West, and the rest,
is the future of the Serbian province of Kosovo. The United States and key
members of the European Union are facing an important choice: to persevere
in their stated intention to recognize Kosovo's forthcoming unilateral
declaration of independence, or to uphold the rule of law, the UN Charter,
and the key Westphalian principles, by considering - even at this late stage
- some alternative solution to independence.
A flawed, misguided and needlessly hasty decision on Kosovo may undermine
the stability of the Balkans for decades to come. As the Serbian
presidential election has shown, it could easily turn the key country in the
Balkans away from the West. It would negatively impact America's ability to
fight Islamic terrorism. It is bound to create unnecessary yet serious
problems in our relations with Russia, and it is almost certain to produce
cracks in the facade of EU unity.
As Iraq has shown, predictable mistakes turn into costly disasters. It is
therefore necessary to prevent them before they do so. The speaker will
provide a diagnosis of the problem of Kosovo, analyze different aspects of
the problem, and recommend workable and legal solutions.
Dr. Serge (Srdja) Trifkovic is the Executive Director of The Lord Byron
Foundation, Foreign Affairs Editor of the monthly Chronicles: A Magazine of
American Culture and the author - most recently -
of Defeating Jihad: How the War on Terrorism May yet Be Won, In Spite of
Over the past four weeks Dr. Trifkovic has visited Belgrade, Rome,
Bratislava and London, where he has met some of the key political figures,
officials and analysts who are actively involved with the issue of Kosovo.
The Lord Byron Foundation for Balkan Studies was founded by the late Sir
Alfred Sherman in 1994 as a non-partisan research institute devoted to
studying southeastern Europe in all its aspects. The Foundation's research,
publications and conferences are designed to correct the current trend of
public commentary and analysis, which tends not to understand events but to
construct a propagandistic version of Balkan rivalries.
For more information e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] or call 510-710-7008

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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