"Mr. McCain claims he is the best candidate to handle Muslim terrorists, yet
he supports the Kosovo Liberation Army, many of whose members were trained
in Osama bin Laden's terrorists camps, as reported by The Washington Times'
Jerry Seper ("KLA rebels train in terrorist camps," May 4, 1999)."

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The Washington Times


Letters to the Editor


5 February 2008

McCain's 'disturbing elements'

If Debra J. Saunders thinks her Sunday Commentary column, "GOP stronger or
broader?" will sway true conservatives by making threatening comments, such
as that Florida "shows many Republicans have come to understand that when
you aren't willing to bend, when you view compromise as disgraceful not a
necessary part of democracy when you insist on all or nothing, then you get
nothing," she is wrong. She is wrong because unlike those who are willing to
"compromise" their conservative principles, we understand the difference
between compromise and surrender.

Besides the McCain-Lieberman, McCain-Feingold, McCain-Kennedy betrayals of
conservative principles, other disturbing elements of Sen. John McCain's
character are emerging, including his ill temper, displayed too often in the

This has led Republican Sen. Pete V. Domenici, who witnessed a particularly
nasty scene, to say that he had considered supporting Mr. McCain for
president but had changed his mind. "I decided," the senator told Newsweek,
"I didn't want this guy anywhere near a trigger" ("Senator Hothead," Feb.
22, 2000).

The endorsements of Mr. McCain by California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger and
former New York Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani should have sent warning bells to
conservatives throughout the country, but didn't, which tells me that too
many conservatives are turning into RINOs "Republican in name only."

Mr. McCain claims he is the best candidate to handle Muslim terrorists, yet
he supports the Kosovo Liberation Army, many of whose members were trained
in Osama bin Laden's terrorists camps, as reported by The Washington Times'
Jerry Seper ("KLA rebels train in terrorist camps," May 4, 1999).

As for former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, the other candidates don't
like him because he is handsome, rich, articulate and a true conservative.
The only reason former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee is still in the running
is to take votes away from Mr. Romney.

It won't make much difference if it turns out to be Sen. Hillary Rodham
Clinton versus Mr. McCain. Either way, the country will go down the tubes,
and I would prefer to see this train wreck happen under the Democratic Mrs.
Clinton than under the Republican Mr. McCain. Perhaps it has to get worse
before it gets better.

I would not go so far as Ann Coulter to say that I would work for Mrs.
Clinton if Mr. McCain is the nominee, but I certainly do not plan to vote,
once again, for "the lesser of two evils." That's what got us into this mess
in the first place.


Camp Hill, Pa.

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