
Serbia prepares measures against Kosovo independence

The Associated Press

Published: February 12, 2008


endence.php> : Serbia prepared to adopt retaliatory measures Tuesday against
Kosovo and Western countries planning to recognize the province's expected
declaration of independence.

The measures will be adopted at a meeting of Serbia's National Security
Council, a top security body that includes the president, prime minister and
other senior officials. They will be kept secret until Kosovo declares
independence, possibly next weekend.

The so-called "Action Plan" is believed to include the downgrading of
diplomatic ties with countries that recognize the province's statehood and
legal action against them at international courts.

Some Serbian officials have said the retaliatory steps may also include an
economic blockade of the province and a ban to prevent ethnic Albanians from
Kosovo from entering Serbia.

They said the measures will also encourage Kosovo's Serb minority,
concentrated mostly in the north of the province, to shun the declaration of
independence and formally keep their territories under Belgrade's control —
de facto partitioning of the province.

Serbia's leadership hopes the measures would legally annul the declaration,
which is expected to be pronounced by Kosovo's parliament in the provincial
capital, Pristina, possibly Sunday or Monday.

Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica said in a statement Tuesday that
Serbia "will in advance cancel out the illegal unilateral creation of a fake
state on its territory."

Serbia wants to keep hold of Kosovo — considered the cradle of its medieval
statehood and religion — although it has had no control over the province
since a 1999 NATO bombing campaign ended a crackdown against ethnic Albanian
rebels and forced Belgrade to pull out.

The U.S. and most EU nations support statehood for the U.N.-run province,
where 90 percent of the population of 2 million is ethnic Albanian. Serb
ally Russia believes that recognizing an independent Kosovo would set a
dangerous precedent.


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