The European Union acts like a colonial power in the Balkans


Interview with Branko Kitanovic


The following is an informative interview made by Yugoslavia scholar Cathrin
Schütz with Branko Kitanovic, general secretary of the New Communist Party
of Yugoslavia (NKPJ) and published in the German daily newspaper, junge
Welt, on Feb. 12, 2008. The Belgrade-based NKPJ was established in 1990 and
has its departments in all former republics of Yugoslavia. 


Cathrin Schütz: The West's favorite candidate, Serbia’s President Boris
Tadic, has just been confirmed in office. What position did the New
Communist Party of Yugoslavia (NKPJ) take during the election campaign?


Branko Kitanovic: We supported Tadic’s opponent Tomislav Nikolic from the
Serbian Radical Party (SRS), who lost by a small margin. He represents an
anti-imperialist position, which refuses to accept either the separation of
Kosovo or the membership of Serbia in NATO and the European Union, even
though his position towards the EU is ambivalent. We are a Marxist-Leninist
party and categorically against NATO, not only because it bombed our country
in 1999, but because it is an aggressive alliance that supports the policy
of the leading western states by military means. We are against Serbia’s
entry into EU. The European Union is a creature of big western capital,
especially German, English and French. The EU acts like a colonial power
towards Eastern Europe and the Balkans. An EU-membership would be a harder
imprisonment than the ones we suffered under Ottoman or Austrian rule. 


CS: So you support the SRS because of its foreign policy?


BK: Right. It is a bourgeois, patriotic party and we do have different ideas
on how to achieve the national liberation of our country. The SRS stands for
“honest capitalism,” for “fair privatization.” That’s nonsense. Any
privatization of public property is theft. Nevertheless, the SRS, which is
presently the strongest patriotic party in Serbia, struggles against the
government, which carries out the interests of the West. Of course, we as
communists are patriots, too. 


CS: The term “patriotism” is upsetting to progressive movements in Germany.


BK: Patriotism is a characteristic of anti-imperialism. As Germany itself is
an imperialist country, you probably understand the term “patriotism” as
meaning support of imperialism. For us, it has a defensive character. We
fight for our sovereignty and national integrity, and as a party, for the
reestablishment of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The FRY had
deficiencies, for example, Serbia did not enjoy the same rights as the other
republics. However: even the worst socialism is better than the best


CS: During the 1999 war, the majority of the western left did not oppose
their governments’ anti-Serbian agitation and shared the position that
then-President Slobodan Milosevic was responsible for the conflicts in the
former Yugoslavia. What was your relationship to the Milosevic government?


BK: Since its establishment in 1990, the NKPJ supported the Socialist Party
of Serbia (SPS), whose chairperson was Milosevic. The international
circumstances at the beginning of the 1990s forced Milosevic to adopt to
some sort of social democratic line and to carry out some limited
privatizations. I think that he thought that this was the way Serbia could
exist in peace. It turned out to be an error. The West, Germany and the UK
in particular, wanted to destroy first Yugoslavia and than Serbia. In the
end, Milosevic was harmed by not having followed a stricter ideological
line. He was surrounded by the wrong people, many of whom turned out to be
traitors. We did not support the bourgeois orientation of his party, but we
completely stood behind the anti-imperialist features of his foreign policy.


During the years when Milosevic was president, we were able to participate
in all elections. Since the pro-western “democrats” had come to power by the
coup in October 2000, they made unconstitutionally high demands for the
registration for the elections that we still have been unable to fulfill
even once. 


CS: How will you remember Slobodan Milosevic?


BK: In some respect, he cooperated with the West as president of Serbia and
Yugoslavia. After he had been extradited and stood before the Yugoslav
tribunal in The Hague, he was incredible. What he did not fully understand
before--he realized much better then. In The Hague he made sure the truth
was heard. He exposed the methods which the western states used to destroy
Yugoslavia and the rest of the world. "Slobo" will go down in history as a
symbol of the worldwide anti-imperialist struggle.


Interview by Cathrin Schütz, Belgrade

Cathrin Schütz [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Translation by Zoran Sergievski 


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