<http://www.nytimes.com/>  <http://www.nytimes.com/> The New York Times 



February 21, 2008

Serbs Press Their Drive to Control Northern Kosovo 


CABRA, Kosovo 
  — Serbs in northern Kosovo on Wednesday continued what appeared to be a drive 
to force a partition three days after the ethnic Albanian majority declared the 
province’s independence from Serbia 

A mob of 300 Serbs wielding clubs and tools gathered on a road near this small 
village of ethnic Albanians in northern Kosovo, prompting NATO 
  to send armored vehicles and tanks to head them off.

Earlier, ethnic Albanian police officers, part of Kosovo’s multiethnic police 
force, were forced out of the neighboring Serb village, where they were 
patrolling with fellow Serbs. It was the latest sign that Serbs in Kosovo, 
incensed by the declaration of independence, are trying to assert control over 
the northern part of Kosovo, the majority of whose residents are ethnic Serbs.

NATO peacekeeping troops closed off roads between Serbia and northern Kosovo, 
and United Nations 
  police officers guarded checkpoints still smoldering after they were burned 
down Tuesday by several hundred Serbs in what the police said appeared to be an 
organized operation, The Associated Press reported. 

Indicating that the violence could be a prelude to an effort to force a 
partition of northern Kosovo, the Serbian minister for Kosovo, Metohija 
Slobodan Samardzic, said the destruction of the United Nations checkpoints was 
in line with Serbia’s policies. “It might not be pleasant, but it is 
legitimate,” he said, adding that Serbia would be seeking to enlarge its 
operations in northern Kosovo, where it provides education, culture and health 
services to the ethnic Serb population. 

In Mitrovica, a northern Kosovo city that is divided between Serbs in the north 
and ethnic Albanians in the south, 3,000 demonstrators marched to the bridge 
dividing the communities, chanting, “We won’t give up Kosovo!” The daily 
protest, begun this week, starts precisely at 12:44 p.m., in reference to 
United Nations Security 
  Council Resolution 1244, under which Serbia insists that it still has 
sovereignty over Kosovo under international law.

Capt. Bertrand Bonneau, a spokesman for NATO’s 16,000-member peacekeeping force 
in Kosovo, said the peacekeepers were under orders to maintain security in all 
of Kosovo, including the north, and would not tolerate any action by either 
side that undermined this goal.

The European Union 
  on Wednesday formally began a program that will bring 1,800 police officers 
and judges to Kosovo to help administer its affairs. The move provoked 
criticism from Russia, which has supported the Serbs in opposing an independent 
Kosovo. Pieter Feith, the European Union’s special envoy, appealed to Serbs, 
who consider the mission an occupying force, to stop demonstrating. 

But European diplomats, speaking on the condition of anonymity because they are 
not authorized to discuss the subject for attribution, expressed worries that 
Kosovo’s Serbs could provoke ethnic Albanians, undermining whatever collective 
Serbian and Albanian authority remained in northern Kosovo, and entrenching 
Serbian control so that de facto partition became a political reality. 

“The Serbs appear intent on provoking an Albanian reaction and to make the 
international community’s mission here impossible, but we will not allow legal 
partition,” said one senior European Union diplomat.

But another European diplomat said that if Serbs pursued de facto division, 
“there is not a lot that could be done.”

The political temperature in Cabra, an agricultural village of about 70 ethnic 
Albanian families, has particular resonance because it was here in March 2004 
that three ethnic Albanian boys drowned under mysterious circumstances, 
prompting Albanians to riot across Kosovo. 

As the Serb protesters gathered on the road outside the village Wednesday, 
local ethnic Albanians vowed they would stay to ensure that northern Kosovo 
remained in ethnic Albanian hands. Children wearing T-shirts with Albanian 
flags gathered to observe the peacekeepers’ tanks parked at the edge of the 

“This is my land, and we must stay here to show Serbia that this is Kosovo,” 
said Zuka Ilir, an unemployed 28-year-old. “But we are afraid. We don’t know 
what will happen.”

Xhevadet Beka, a 26-year-old engineer, added: “I will stay here and fight if I 
have to. For now we put our faith in NATO, the E.U. and the United States. But 
we are very, very afraid that the Serbs will try and take over northern Kosovo, 
and it is impossible. We will not allow it.”

Kosovo was placed under United Nations administration in 1999, after NATO 
intervened to halt repression by the Serbian leader, Slobodan Milosevic 
 , of ethnic Albanians, who make up 95 percent of the population. Yet the 
northern part of Kosovo — 15 percent of its territory — remains under de facto 
Serbian control. 

The Serbian leader of Kosovo, Nebojsa Radulovic, demanded Wednesday that the 
border between Serbia and Kosovo, sealed on Tuesday by NATO troops to keep 
militants from crossing into Kosovo, be reopened or “the Serbs will continue 
with the protests, with consequences we cannot predict.”

Germany, meanwhile, joined the United States, France, Britain and seven other 
countries in recognizing Kosovo, calling Kosovo’s independence a necessary 
measure to stabilize the Balkans. Austria and Norway said they also were 
planning to recognize Kosovo’s sovereignty.

The Serbian foreign minister, Vuk Jeremic, addressed the European Parliament 
  in Strasbourg, France, warning that diplomatic relations with countries that 
recognized Kosovo would be damaged. “This is going to have an impact on our 
future progress to European Union membership,” he said. 






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