February 23, 2010


Reprinted on Serbian websites


Dear Online Panel: 


Today I received your email requesting my participation and opinion in your 
Online Panel. I have nothing but contempt for such Chutpzah! 


For the entire decade of the 1990's The Los Angeles Times followed the lead of 
the New York Times by refusing to publish one single article regarding the 
dismemberment wars in the Balkans written by a Serbian journalist, author, 
scholar or political leader.  The late Dr. Alex Dragnich, recipient of the 
Thomas Jefferson Award for Outstanding Scholarship at Vanderbilt University 
wrote 12 books on Balkan history and politics. He submitted over 40 articles to 
the New York Times in the 1990s and not a single one was published.  You both 
deserve to burn in hell!


The Serbs in this community were treated to racist and hateful journalism at 
its finest... now you want my opinion on your newspaper and your articles?  You 
have demonstrated a disgusting cesspool of partisan reporting followed by some 
of the ugliest muzzling tactics against Serbian views in this nation. Shame on 
your editorial staff for exposing the depth to which they continue to stoop in 
their bias politics.


"Freedom of the Press"? ... what a joke. The Times' record clearly demonstrates 
that you believe only in freedom for those who own the printing press.  Over 
the past decade I have submitted more than 60 letters to the editor... 3 were 
printed in ten years while the Times printed over 35 articles written by a 
rabid Croatian Serbophobe from Orange county. She became a regular contributor 
of hate speech in your letters section as you muzzled Serbian views.


In 1999 on the day bombing began in former Yugoslavia your news desk editor 
asked me to write an article from the Serbian perspective.  

I obliged immediately and was told that my article "was not strident enough" 
... in other words, I did not call President Clinton a bastard for going to war 
without a Act of Congress or a vote by the United Nations.  Clinton violated 
the UN Charter, the NATO Treaty, the Helsinki Final Act and the Geneva 
Conventions.  I sent the article to the Washington Times who found it plenty 
strident and published it two days later in their Sunday edition.


You have proven time and again that you do not deserve the trust of your 
readers. Your hideous record of contempt for facts, truth or opposing views has 
been immoral.  The repulsive transgressions by your Balkans correspondents 
included outright fabrications, widespread use of dubious secondhand sources, 
photographs of Serbian victims deliberately misidentified as Muslim victims and 
blatantly one-sided accounts full of racists terminology toward the Serbian 
people. Collective guilt was and continues to be your method of Balkan 
reporting.  That is not journalism, this is pure propaganda. 


I pray that the Los Angeles Times continues to have difficult financial times 
and that this rag will eventually fail. The citizens of this city deserve an 
honest press, not a deceptive one.


William Dorich


Author of Serbian Genocide 1941-45 (1991); Kosovo (1992); The Suppressed 
Serbian Voice and the Free Press in America (1994); A Brief History of Serbian 
Music (1995) and Hilandar Octocentenry (1996).  Recipient of The Order of St. 
Sava, the highest recognition given to a layperson by the Holy Synod of Serbian 
Orthodox Bishops, An Award of Merit from the Serbian Bar Association of America 
and The White Dove Award by an international Serbian organization.

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