That was a war council in Damascus

*       Last Updated: March 01. 2010 12:13AM UAE / February 28. 2010 8:13PM GMT

The three-party meeting that took place in Damascus on Friday gathering the 
Syrian president Bashar al Assad, the Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and 
the Hizbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah was a war council to devise counterattack 
plans and assign tasks in the event of an Israeli offensive on one or all 
parties, wrote Abdelbari Atwan, the editor-in-chief of the pan-Arab newspaper 
Al Quds al Arabi.

“The timing of the meeting, the way it was undertaken and the ensuing press 
conference that was held at its conclusion, all point to a strategic coalition 
being reinforced. This is the build-up of a new front that will spearhead the 
confrontation with the US-Israeli alliance and whichever Arab countries that 
may, expressly or implicitly, be affiliated with it.”

The Iranian president said he expects war to break out somewhere between spring 
and summer of this year. Meanwhile, the Hizbollah chief vowed to strike the 
Israeli capital, its airports and power stations if Israel dared to attack 
Beirut’s critical infrastructure.

“Indeed, we are being exposed to a new discourse here, an unprecedented sense 
of self-confidence and an unheard-of preparedness for retaliation.”

For its part, the Syrian leadership appears to have made up its mind to close 
off the US administration’s “trite and cheap” flirtation with Damascus and 
opted for bolstering its tactical partnership with Tehran.


Clatter over Iraqi vote is good news

It is a matter of several days before the Iraqi people go to the polls and have 
their say on their country’s political future. These national elections may 
bring Iraq great opportunities to thrive and develop, but they may also be the 
country’s last elections, commented Abdul Rahman al Rashed in the London-based 
newspaper Asharq al Awsat.

“The clatter we’re hearing and the heated media battles and polemics currently 
happening in Iraq in the lead-up to the elections prefigure a decisive outcome 
of the ballot polls. I don’t think that the past four years, during which an 
elected government was in power under Nouri al Maliki, will be reduplicated 
even if Mr al Maliki himself is reappointed prime minister.”


That’s because a number of factors on the ground will be changing as of next 
year. Most important of all, US troops will pull out of the country. And the US 
presence, besides the protection it offers to the opponents of the 
post-occupation regime, has had a political influence balancing out the 
competing forces.  

“Doubtless, the new foundations that were laid after the fall of Saddam’s 
regime won’t be easy to preserve in the absence of a US umbrella.”

Still, whichever leadership ends up with the majority of the votes, the 
upcoming elections carry the hope that the rocking Iraqi ship will finally 
berth safely.


The uncertain fate of Arab Christians

Two months ago, Christians from Jerusalem, mostly clergymen from various sects, 
issued a statement about the dreadful conditions that Jerusalem and all 
Palestinian territories are facing under the Israeli occupation, wrote Redwan 
al Sayid, a professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Lebanon, in the 
UAE newspaper Al Ittihad.


Another statement then came from the Vatican diagnosing the status of “Eastern 
Christians”, as it labelled them, according to four main factors: the declining 
numbers of Christians in the Levant region due to intensive immigration; 
pressure Christians are subjected to in Israel, the Palestinian territories and 
Iraq; marginalisation and violence they are facing in other Arab states due to 
the rise of fundamentalist ideologies; and major schisms within the Arab 
Christian community resulting from the indifference of Christians of the 
western world.


A one-day conference was then convened under the theme of “Living Together: 
Christians and Muslims in the Middle East.”

“I noted that Christians and Muslims in the Levant suffer from three main 
issues: the rise of fundamentalism, the perpetuity of the totalitarian state 
and the dreadfulness of the Zionist regime.”

True, Israeli occupation has oppressed and humiliated Muslims and Christians 
alike, but Christians felt it most, precisely because they are a minority.


The effect of 10,000 detained Palestinians

“Israel holds in captivity more than 10,000 Palestinians as part of a scheme 
that no imperial power has undertaken before,” wrote Rimonda Hawa al Taweel in 
the comment pages of the Palestinian newspaper Al Quds.

Locking up such a large number of Palestinians has multifarious implications. 
First, it bespeaks Israel’s ill will regarding any peace initiative.


“It seems that Israel wants to make peace with itself rather than with its 
‘enemies’. For peace would cost it the critical foe that unifies it internally.”

Second, with so many of their loved ones in jail, Palestinians will quite 
naturally never stop their resistance or relinquish their struggle for freedom. 
Israel wrongly thinks those 10,000 Palestinians are “hostages” that will 
dishearten the resistance, but the exact opposite is true.


These inhumane incarcerations rather sow the seeds of a deeper hatred for 
Israel in the next generations. If Israel doesn’t care about love because, as 
it claims, it can always command respect through intimidation, it can never 
root out abhorrence.

“Let’s open the Palestinian prisoner files to the whole world, so it may read, 
learn and then decide.” 

* Digest compiled by Achraf A El Bahi

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