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 <http://www.washingtontimes.com/> The Washington Times


Recognition of Kosovo a boon for terrorists


March 9, 2010

Thank you for publishing Julia Gorin's excellent column on Albanian blackmail 
of U.S. leaders vis-a-vis Kosovo ("The blackmail of America," Opinion, 
Thursday). It was an accurate portrayal of the sort rarely seen in our 
mainstream media. 

The illegal recognition of Kosovo's independence initiated by our government 
stands as one of the greatest failures and embarrassments of our foreign 
policy. It continues to haunt us in the form of the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, 
the Madrid train bombings, attempted attacks on Fort Dix and the London bus 
bombings (among numerous other examples). That our State Department initially 
proclaimed the Kosovo Liberation Army to be a terrorist drug-running group and 
then suddenly switched its position to support the group speaks volumes about 
our leaders. They were not interested in pursuing true justice and resolving a 
decades-old conflict but instead were interested in stealing territory from the 
Serbs to establish the largest U.S. base outside of America (Camp Bondsteel) to 
use against Russia and to protect the AMBO oil pipeline, being constructed 
through Kosovo. 

By assenting to Albanian extremist demands, we have set an example for the 
world: The borders of sovereign nations can indeed be altered by terrorism, and 
international law is meaningless. We have created a terrorist safe haven that 
will always be a failed, landlocked and impoverished territory with plenty of 
desperate Muslim extremists and anti-Western recruits. We also have established 
a road map for irredentists in our own nation. 

I strongly encourage President Obama to learn what is really going on in Kosovo 
and rescind our recognition of Kosovo's independence. Only honest compromise on 
both sides - not just the long-suffering Serbs - will enable a peaceful 
resolution to this long-standing conflict. If the Albanians try to blackmail 
him against doing this, he can wash his hands of the region and let the Serbs 
and Albanians find a solution on their own. 


Henderson, Nev. 


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