Slovenia conference “mission impossible” 

12 March 2010 | 09:24 | Source: Beta LJUBLJANA 

-- Slovenian Prime Minister Borut Pahor said that getting "Serbia and Kosovo to 
participate" in the EU-Balkan summit “appears to be an impossible mission”.

“But, there are many who believe that if someone can do it, we can. Our success 
is not guaranteed, we are working on it,” Pahor said. 

He and Croatian Prime Minister Jadranka Kosor decided in January to organize a 
summit on March 20 in Slovenia dedicated to speeding up the European 
integration of the Western Balkans. 

This would be the first meeting of all regional leaders in the last 20 years. 

The Slovenian and Croatian PMs are hoping that they will be able to convince 
the Serbian delegation to participate in the conference along with the Kosovo 
Albanian officials, whose unilaterally proclaimed independence Belgrade does 
not recognize. 

Serbia refused to participate in international conferences at which Kosovo is 
not represented as a delegation headed by UNMIK. 

Kosovo Prime Minister Hashim Thaci said on Tuesday that he will only 
participate in the conference as a representative of Kosovo. 

“I believe that we will succeed,” Pahor said, adding that he is in constant 
contact with Kosor and other European leaders. 

Pahor said that he met on Thursday with European Council President Van Rompuy.

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