March 18, 2010

11 Years Later: NATO Powers Prepare Final Solution In Kosovo
Rick Rozoff

March 17 marked the sixth anniversary of a concerted assault against Serbs and 
other ethnic minorities in Kosovo that resulted in 800 Serbian homes and thirty 
five Orthodox churches and monasteries being destroyed, 4,000 Serbs and Roma 
(Gypsies) forced to flee their homes, 900 hundred people injured and 19 killed.

The attacks followed the accidental drowning of three ethnic Albanian youth 
which local separatist politicians and media attributed to the actions of Serbs 
and used to incite an orgy of intolerance, ethnic hostility and violence. 

They marked the worst, and deadliest, violence in the Balkans since NATO's 
78-day bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 and the war in Macedonia two years later 
launched by an offshoot of the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) operating 
out of NATO-occupied Kosovo. Clashes occurred between ethnic Albanians and 
Serbs and between both and NATO Kosovo Force (KFOR) troops. The dead and 
wounded included members of all three groups.

On the first day of the attacks, which started in the ethnically-divided city 
of Kosovska Mitrovica but soon spread to several other locales, personnel of 
the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) abandoned 
offices in the cities of Gnjilane, Prizren and Pec and one UN representative, 
alluding to the anti-Jewish rampage in Nazi Germany in 1938, said 
“Kristallnacht is under way in Kosovo. What is happening in Kosovo must 
unfortunately be described as a pogrom against Serbs: churches are on fire and 
people are being attacked for no other reason than their ethnic background.” [1]

The United Nations ombudsman at the time, Poland's Marek Nowicki, issued a 
similar warning, saying "there exists the intent to cleanse this land of the 
presence of all Serbs.” [2]

The government of Serbia, and Kosovo was still legally recognized as its 
province by every nation in the world except Albania, also characterized the 
attacks as designed to perpetrate ethnic cleansing. But NATO, in charge of KFOR 
and as such the Serbian sites that were destroyed, did not.

Four years later Albanian separatist leaders declared the province's unilateral 
independence on February 17. Despite a historically unprecedented campaign by 
the U.S. and its NATO allies to gain international recognition for "the first 
NATO state in the world" as Serbian Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica described 
the illegal entity shortly following its secession [3], after over two years 
and a combination of heavy-handed pressure and handsome bribery from the West 
only 65 of the world's 192 nations accord the breakaway entity diplomatic 

Those who do not include the BRIC nations - Brazil, China, India and Russia - 
and the overwhelming majority of countries in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and 
Latin America. Those who do include the United States and all other NAT0 
members except for Greece, Romania, Slovakia and Spain which have their own 
reasons for fearing the Kosovo precedent, and small (and very small) states 
particularly susceptible to economic incentives like Belize, the Comoros, 
Liechtenstein, the Maldives, the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of 
Micronesia, Monaco, Nauru, Palau, Samoa, and San Marino.

In early January the commander of NATO's Joint Forces Command Naples, U.S. 
Admiral Mark Fitzgerald, was in Kosovo and met with German KFOR
Commander Markus Bentler, afterwards claiming that self-governing Serbian 
enclaves, surrounded and besieged by Kosovo separatists, "represent a threat to 
Kosovo stability," and emphasizing "KFOR's readiness to answer any threat."

More specifically, Fitzgerald said that "All violations of UN Security Council 
Resolution 1244 pose a threat to security. Since the resolution does not 
approve of parallel institutions, they are cause for concern." 

United Nations Security Council Resolution 1244 was adopted on June 10, 1999 
and placed Kosovo under interim UN administration.

As for ethnic Serbs violating the terms or even the spirit of the resolution by 
refusing to surrender to an illegal secessionist regime not recognized by 
almost two-thirds of United Nations members, UN Resolution 1244 "Reaffirm[s] 
the commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty and territorial 
integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the other States of the 
region, as set out in the Helsinki Final Act...."

The Federal Republic of Yugoslavia devolved into the Western-engineered State 
Union of Serbia and Montenegro in 2003, which in turn split into its two parts 
in 2006. This created waters muddy enough for advocates of Kosovo separatism to 
fish in, but the fact remains that Kosovo was a province of Serbia during the 
eleven years of the Federal Republic mentioned in UN Resolution 1244. The State 
Union of Serbia and Montenegro was coterminous with and the successor state to 
the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. 

The Constitutional Charter of the State Union of Serbia and Montenegro of 
February 4, 2003 states:

"Should Montenegro break away from the state union of Serbia and Montenegro, 
the international instruments pertaining to the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, 
particularly UN SC Resolution 1244, would concern and apply in their entirety 
to Serbia as the successor."

Serbs in Kosovo don't desire to leave Kosovo but to remain in Serbia. Residents 
of the U.S. state of West Virginia can appreciate the distinction.

By an ostensible "threat to security" the NATO commander meant the 
unwillingness of Serbs and other non-Albanian minorities to vote in elections 
held by and entrust their fragile security to a renegade political anomaly with 
an ethnically exclusionary agenda and extensive, in fact inextricable, links to 
Europe's largest criminal underworld. (To wit, trafficking in narcotics, 
weapons, sex slaves, passports and, if accounts in the recent memoirs of former 
chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former 
Yugoslavia Carla Del Ponte are to be credited, organs extracted from murdered 

That is, refusing to submit to the West's carefully groomed client state and 
the first NATO pseudo-nation. As with the Georgia of Mikheil Saakashvili, all 
the West's much-celebrated "Euro-Atlantic" rhetoric about diversity, pluralism, 
rule of law, transparency, human rights and democratic values is exposed for 
the hollow, self-serving lie it is.

After 50,000 NATO troops poured into Kosovo in 1999, bringing with them their 
allies from the Kosovo Liberation Army which they had trained and armed in 
camps in Albania, hundreds of thousands of Serbs, Roma and other minorities 
fled the province. 200,000 Serbs alone remain in exile almost eleven years 

Roma sources have estimated that a comparable amount of Roma and related 
Askalis and Egyptians have been terrorized into fleeing their homes and 
relocating elsewhere in Kosovo, other parts of Serbia, Macedonia and further 

UN Resolution 1244, which of late NATO and U.S. officials have taken to evoking 
(as the Devil quotes Scripture) also "Reaffirm[s] the right of all refugees and 
displaced persons to return to their homes in safety."

Before NATO's entry and the KLA's return in June of 1999, Kosovo was one of the 
most ethnically, culturally and religiously diverse spots on the earth. Its two 
million citizens consisted of Muslims, Christians and Jews, including (to defy 
stereotypes) Muslim Slavs and Christian Albanians. Its inhabitants were 
Albanian, Serbian, Askali, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Egyptian, Gorani, 
Macedonian, Montenegrin, Roma and Turkish.

If the province was diverse, the so-called Kosovo Liberation Army wasn't. It 
was monoethnic. Fiercely so. It sought an exclusively Albanian Kosovo and after 
that Greater Albania.

The West is near to providing it with the first and is assisting its former 
members - ex-KLA chief Hashim Thaci is now recognized by the West as Kosovo's 
prime minister - to achieve the second.

In the late 1990s no one but ethnic Albanian separatist extremists, by no means 
all Albanians, felt constrained to wage unprovoked armed attacks against 
security and civilian targets in the province.

The fate of the smaller ethnic communities, those neither Albanian nor Serbian, 
since June of 1999 gives the definitive lie to eleven years of Western 
propaganda about Kosovo. Roma, Gorans, Turks and others have been murdered, 
driven in fear from their homes and forced to flee the province.

Paul Polansky, head of the Kosovo Roma Refugee Fund, wrote in 2008 (two days 
before Kosovo's unilateral declaration of independence) that "Before NATO 
troops arrived, there were about 17,500 Gypsy homes with a population of about 
120,000. By the time I did my survey [in 2007] more than 14,500 homes had been 
destroyed by Albanians and only about 30,000 Gypsies were still in Kosovo." 

He added:

"I witnessed many Albanians chasing out Gypsy families and then looting their 
homes before burning them down. This happened in front of NATO troops."

"Fearing independence, all minorities are still leaving Kosovo....After eight 
years of UN administration, there is still no freedom of movement for 
minorities outside their own villages."

"The German government acknowledges that there are more than 35,000 Kosovo 
Gypsies living today in Germany. Germany hopes to deport them when Kosovo has 
independence...." [4]

He further detailed that remaining Roma have been living in camps on or near 
toxic dumps (an abandoned mining and smelting complex with a slag heap
containing 100 million tons of poisonous materials) and suffering from epidemic 
rates of cancer and brain damage.

Polansky used the word appropriate to what is occurring: Genocide.

Last October, twenty months after separatist leaders announced Kosovo's 
independence, Germany formalized plans to forcibly deport 14,000 Kosovo 
refugees including 12,000 Roma. A member of parliament of the opposition Left 
Party warned that the expulsion would put them in danger, as "Kosovo is a 
country in which minorities are deeply discriminated against and persecuted." 

There are an estimated 20,000 internally displaced persons in Kosovo living in 
dangerous and squalid conditions. A United Nations report estimates that 20 per 
cent of Roma remaining in Kosovo are stateless.

Albanians have not fared much better. A feature in Germany's Der Spiegel in 
2002 revealed that "After the war the cruelest cleansings took place
among the Albanians. Under the pretext that they were 'Serbian collaborators', 
the leaders of the KLA liquidated their political opponents; old blood feuds 
were settled, and Albanian civilians were executed by the Albanians 

"The number of the victims is estimated to be more than a thousand. The 
perpetrators or instigators were usually former senior KLA leaders; after the 
war they were integrated nearly without exception into the KLA successor 
organization, the civilian Kosovo Protection Corps." [6]

A report by the Reuters news agency last November documented that if 
non-Albanians fear for their lives in Kosovo, even ethnic Albanians were 
condemned to a plight that can barely be qualified as living. 

Eleven years and an estimated three million euros (over $4 million) in aid 
later, the official unemployment rate is between 40-50 per cent and the average 
per capita income is 1,760 euros, "less than 93 cents a day, according to the 
World Bank."

"That compares with average joblessness of just under 10 percent in the
European Union and an average salary of about 24,000 euros ($35,930)." [7]

Kosovo is the showcase for the West's self-styled humanitarian intervention and 
post-Cold War "nation building." The prototype for Afghanistan, Iraq and much 
of the rest of the world.

With the perversion - the inversion - of the intent of UN Resolution 1244, the 
U.S. and its NATO allies are well on their way to insuring a monoethnic Kosovo 
with a NATO standard army.

In late January of this year U.S. ambassador to Kosovo Christopher Dell "said 
that Serbia's efforts to once again impose its legal system on Kosovo are a 
clear violation of the UN Security Council's Resolution 1244."

He further stated:

"What has been forgotten over the last ten years is that Resolution 1244
clearly takes the power over Kosovo away from Serbia, and Belgrade's effort to 
impose a legislative system in Kosovo is an open violation of the 
resolution....This resolution recognizes Kosovo's territorial integrity and the 
fact that there is only one legal system in Kosovo. All countries that do not 
recognize Kosovo still recognize the validity of Resolution 1244." [8]

Again, the resolution unequivocally confirms "the commitment of all Member 
States to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of 
Yugoslavia and the other States of the region, as set out in the Helsinki Final 

Which is how Russia still views the mandate of UN Resolution 1244. Two days 
after the American envoy's egregious comments, Russian Foreign Ministry 
spokesman Andrei Nesterenko said that the current Western - U.S., NATO and 
European Union - plans for forcibly subjugating northern Kosovo and its Serb 
minority "violates Resolution 1244 of the UN Security Council."

"By this I refer to the so-called strategy for northern Kosovo, which
violates UN SC Resolution 1244 and generates tensions in the province."

He also said that Russia "insists on the UN mission in Kosovo,
UNMIK, fulfilling its obligations in representing Kosovo in regional and
international institutions." [9]

However, U.S. Ambassador Dell, in indicating that Western intentions toward 
surviving Serbian enclaves are not peaceful, referred to their autonomous 
governing bodies as "criminal parallel structures" and added "criminal 
structures organized in the north are completely linked with the so-called 
parallel governmental structures." [10] To exclusively single out Serbian 
communities in a Kosovo that is the most crime-ridden part of Europe is a tour 
de force of arrogance, underhandedness and Goebbelsesque distortion of the 

Serb and other threatened minority communities are to be subordinated to the 
European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX), which will transition 
them to the control of the Kosovo regime of former KLA chief Hashim Thaci.

In late January Pieter Feith, the European Union Special Representative in 
Kosovo, disclosed that "EULEX personnel will be moving into northern Kosovo 

"Feith's strategy for northern Kosovo calls for the support of the
'international community' in direct links between Serbia's European
perspective and the decrease of Belgrade's support for the 'parallel'
structures in the north of Kosovo.

"The strategy was created by Feith and the temporary institutions in Pristina, 
and it is part of the decentralization process in Kosovo, with the goal of 
taking over control in the northern [Serbian] part of Kosovska Mitrovica." [11]

In the same week Feith visited NATO headquarters in Brussels with EULEX chief 
Yves de Kermabon to "take part in an informal meeting with the NATO
Council and...focus on cooperation between the EU and NATO in the field, and 
the situation in the north of Kosovo.

"The visit comes after the meeting of the NATO military leadership, who 
discussed Kosovo." [12] 

(Starting in December of 2007 the European Union worked in tandem with 
Washington to unleash an independent Kosovo on Europe and the world and to 
supplant the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo with the 
European Union Rule of Law - EULEX - Mission as the transitional mechanism for 
turning the province fully over to the new Republic of Kosovo. The EU nations 
that led the drive to recognize Kosovo's secession were Britain, France, 
Germany and Italy, the same four countries that met in Munich 70 years earlier 
to cede the Sudetenland and then all of Czechoslovakia to Nazi Germany.) 

Russian political analyst Pyotr Iskenderov wrote a few days afterward that "the 
plan for a final solution for North Kosovo is similar to the one Georgian 
President Mikheil Saakashvili had in mind launching an attack against South 
Ossetia in August, 2008. Even the stated objectives - the restoration of the 
constitutional jurisdiction in Saakashvili's wording - is the same in both 

"The contours of the Kosovo separatists' plan to suppress the Serbian 
resistance in the northern part of the province with the help of the US and the 
EU are becoming increasingly visible." [13]

After KFOR and EULEX secure domination over Serb communities, they will be 
transferred to the rulers in Pristina and their NATO-created army.

The month after Thaci and his colleagues declared independence with the 
assistance of the major NATO nations, KFOR and the revamped KLA that was the 
Kosovo Protection Corps began the conversion of the latter into the Kosovo 
Security Force (KSF). It was officially inaugurated in January of 2009. 

Described by Western powers as an "unarmed disaster-relief organization," it 
was recently identified by a German news agency more accurately as "Kosovo's 
fledgling army, mainly manned by former guerrillas...." [14] 

Last year it was announced that the Pentagon would supply it with uniforms, 
Britain with training - in the words of the Defence Ministry to NATO standards 
and according to London's ambassador to Kosovo to prepare the state for NATO 
membership - and Germany with 200 vehicles.

Last September NATO held maneuvers with the Kosovo Security Force, Exercise 
Agile Lion, and pronounced that the KSF had achieved Initial Operational 
Capability. "The next goal for the KSF is to reach Full Operational 
Capability." [15]
UN Resolution 1244 also explicitly calls for "Demilitarizing the Kosovo 
Liberation Army (KLA) and other armed Kosovo Albanian groups...."

NATO has instead rearmed them and is in the process of institutionalizing the 
former KLA as a national army.

The last time foreign powers militarily occupied Kosovo was in the early 1940s. 
They were Benito Mussolini's Italy and Adolf Hitler's Germany. The last time an 
Albanian military formation was created by an occupying power was in 1944 when 
Heinrich Himmler set up the Skanderbeg SS Division.

January of 2009 brought the official launching of the KSF "overseen by Nato." 

Within days of assuming the post of NATO's Supreme Allied Commander Europe 
Admiral James Stavridis affirmed that "We are interested in having modern 
equipment and advanced training for KSF, and I will try in my capability to 
assist widely during my three-year mandate." [17]

On March 15 a NATO website disclosed:

"Since achieving Initial Operational Capability in September 2009, the Kosovo 
Security Force (KSF) has continued to develop its skills and capabilities in 
core areas, with the assistance of NATO forces in Kosovo....NATO nations 
decided to support this task with a Donation Programme established In June 
2008. The value of all the equipment and infrastructure projects required by 
the KSF to be fully capable is 37.4 million euros. [18]

On March 7 the Kosovo Security Force, erstwhile "unarmed disaster-relief 
organization," brandished arms at what was described as a Kosovo Liberation 
Army memorial service to mark the twelve anniversary of the latter's rebellion 
against the government of Yugoslavia and the death of its commander at the 
time, Adem Jashari. An "armed honor guard" also displayed the NATO flag during 
the parade.

KFOR commander General Markus Bentler pretended to be offended at what, after 
all, is only the KLA renamed and with new insignia reverting to form, and even 
mentioned suspending NATO's training of the 2,500-man force the day of the 
armed march.

The nominal president of Kosovo, Fatmir Sejdiu, responded by stating "KFOR is 
an important investor in the enlargement of KSF and...all the steps thus far 
were undertaken in agreement and partnership and I believe that in the future 
(it) will contribute to our NATO membership." Hashim Thaci's deputy Hajredin 
Kuci added the assertion that "nobody should expect Kosovo not to behave like a 
sovereign state." [19]

However, the bond between the North Atlantic military bloc and its KLA allies 
is an old and unbreakable one, and the next day relations between the NATO 
Kosovo Force and its Kosovo Security Force subordinates were restored and "a 
new agreement was reached by which the KSF ceremonial unit could carry weapons 
in a manner agreed upon in advance." [20]  

Russian analyst Pyotr Iskenderov, cited earlier, wrote that "The statements 
emanating from Pristina and the intensifying international debates over the 
Kosovo theme do not only show that the Albanian separatists are preparing an 
attack against their opponents but also give an idea of its potential scenario, 
the distribution of roles in it, and the extent to which Hashim Thaci and other 
former leaders of the terrorist Kosovo Liberation Army are relying on 
international support in the process." [21]

>From January 15-24 of this year NATO's KFOR conducted military exercises 
>throughout Kosovo. The stated purpose of the maneuvers was to "enable KFOR 
>forces to maintain a high degree of readiness and be prepared to quickly 
>deploy in response to any scenario." [22]

Afterward a Serbian news agency reported on a KFOR press release which stated 
"the exercises were conducted so as to check the full operational capability of 
multinational combat groups after the structural changes in the international 
military forces have taken place.

"More than 5,000 soldiers from 31 countries, 700 tactical vehicles on land, and 
21 helicopters for air support, were included in this military simulation of 
real-life battle conditions....[T]he exercises confirmed that the multinational 
battle groups are 'fast, very flexible, mobile, and ready to deploy in response 
to any situation which might endanger security on the whole territory of 

"KFOR said there will be further exercises so that the groups could be trained 
and their operational capability preserved at the highest possible level." [23]

Toward the end of last month the U.S. deployed two companies of soldiers based 
in Camp Bondsteel, the largest overseas military installation the Pentagon has 
constructed since the Vietnam War, to the north of Kosovo.

"The KFOR command in Pristina has announced that their deployment will confirm 
operational ability to reinforce and support any combat group in Kosovo."

The U.S. exercises in February and the KFOR ones the previous month occurred 
against the backdrop of the threats by NATO commander Admiral Mark Fitzgerald 
and U.S. ambassador to Serbia Christopher Dell examined earlier and are part of 
"an ICO [International Civilian Office - European Union Special 
Representative]/Kosovo Albanian government strategy to 'integrate' this 
[northern Kosovo], predominantly Serb area of the province, and bring it under 
Pristina's control. 

"Serbs in the north, however, are refusing any kind of connection to the Kosovo 
institutions. Pristina’s intent is to start shutting down local governments 
supported by Belgrade." [24] 

In conjunction with coordinated moves against Serbian communities in the north 
of Kosovo by KFOR, EULEX, the Kosovo regime of Thaci and Sejdiu and its new 
army in formation, attacks against Serb civilians have also intensified in an 
effort to drive them out of the province.

Three firebombs were hurled at the home of a Serb family in northern Kosovoska 
Mitrovica last month and the house of an elderly Serb couple in Klina was 
stoned at the same time. 

On February 18 in Gnjilane, in eastern Kosovo, the grave of a Serbian woman 
buried earlier in the day was dug up and robbed. A local Serb official remarked 
of this desecration: "The deceased's last wish was to be buried in the upper 
part of the Gnjilane cemetery. This was the first burial in this cemetery since 
1999. The digging up of her grave is a clear message to Serbs that they cannot 
even bury their dead in Gnjilane." [25] 

Two days later a Serbian male was assaulted in Istok, in northwestern Kosovo, 
by a gang of Albanians and afterward taken to a hospital in Kosovska Mitrovica. 
The coordinator for returning Serbs in the city said "that the situation in 
Istok has drastically worsened over the last week, and that the attack has 
further upset Serbs living in the municipality." 

"There are five homes almost complete for returning Serbs...and it is
obvious that someone does not like it," Vesna Malikovic added. [26]

Almost eleven years ago the U.S. and NATO brought their KLA allies to power in 
Kosovo. There was no way they could have achieved that objective on their own.

To demonstrate to whom the likes of Hashim Thaci, Ramush Haradinaj, Agim Ceku 
and other former Kosovo Liberation Army leaders see themselves indebted to for 
the opportunity of purging the province of all non-Albanian inhabitants - and 
eliminating Albanians not deemed sufficiently subservient - they have named the 
main street in the capital of Pristina after George W. Bush, who engineered 
Kosovo's formal secession two years ago.

Major streets in the capital are also named after Tony Blair, Madeleine 
Albright and William Walker, and last November 1 Bill Clinton arrived in 
Pristina to join Hashim Thaci in unveiling a grotesque eleven-foot statue to 
the former American president. 

While promoting NATO's new Strategic Concept with her 12-member Group of 
Experts last month, Madeleine Albright said that "If you wish to know what I 
think is the most important thing I accomplished as U.S. secretary of state, I 
think it is the stopping of the ethnic cleansing in Kosovo," though local media 
reported she initially used the phrase "conducting the ethnic cleansing in 
Kosovo." [27]

There was no need for her to correct herself. She stated the matter accurately 
the first time.

1) B92, March 17, 2004
2) Ombudsman office, Pristina, Kosovo, Statement to the Media, 18 March 2004
3) Serbian Government, April 26, 2008 
4) The Statesman (India), February 15, 2008
5) Reuters, October 14, 2009
6) Der Spiegel, September 21, 2002 (In German)
7) Reuters, November 20, 2009
8) Beta News Agency, January 27, 2010
9) B92/FoNet/Tanjug News Agency, January 29, 2010
10) Beta News Agency, January 27, 2010
11) Tanjug News Agency, January 30, 2010
12) B92/FoNet/Tanjug News Agency, January 29, 2010
13) Strategic Culture Foundation, February 3, 2010
14) Deutsche Presse-Agentur, March 8, 2010
15) North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Kosovo Force, September 16, 2009
16) BBC News, January 21, 2010
17) Kosovo Times, July 30, 2009
18) North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Allied Command Operations 
    March 15, 2010
19) B92, March 7, 2010
20) Southeast European Times, March 11, 2010
21) Strategic Culture Foundation, February 3, 2010
22) Radio Serbia, January 13, 2010
23) Tanjug News Agency, February 6, 2010
24) B92, February 22, 2010
25) Beta News Agency, February 19, 2010
26) FoNet, February 20, 2010
27) Tanjug News Agency, February 11, 2010

                                   Serbian News Network - SNN



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