Belgrade: Tadic will not attend the conference in Slovenia 



March 19, 2010

Serbian President Boris Tadic will not participate in the regional conference 
on the West Balkans, scheduled for tomorrow in Slovenia, in Brdo Kod Kranja - 
the office of the Serbian President communicated. As underlined, from the very 
beginning Serbia has defended the principle by which the delegation of Kosovo 
can participate in regional meetings only in accordance with UN documents, 
especially Resolution 1244. Unfortunately, the organizers have not been able to 
organize the gathering in accordance with such principles, which prevented the 
presence of the Serbian president - the statement reads. The Office of the 
Serbian President indicates that Serbia had a constructive role in talks on 
modalities of the organization of the conference and demonstrated a desire not 
to block the participation of the Kosovo representatives. At the beginning of 
the talks, the principled position of Serbia was clearly demonstrated to the 
organizers in order for them to have a criterion and find a formula that would 
be in accordance with the principles of the UN - the statement reads.



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