Hello: After many edits and revisions by the editor he finally agreed to 
publish my article about the Croatian genocide in WW II. He added the paragraph 
about Srebrenica, Nevertheless I give the paper and its editor Josh Burek every 
thanks for having the courage to publish it. I am not aware of any other major 
US paper that would have done it, Now wait for the Croatian backlash!! Joe 



Croatia should apologize for World War II genocide before joining the EU
Croatian fascists murdered hundreds of thousands of victims as part of a 
campaign against Serbs and Jews. 

By James Bissett / April 2, 2010 

Croatia is nearing the finish line of a multiyear race to join the European 
Union. Its accession has been pushed along by traditional ally Germany, and by 
the United States, which has encouraged the EU's southwest expansion to include 
all of the Balkans and even Turkey. 

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Croatia has complied with most of the formal entry requirements and is expected 
to join in 2012. 

However, there is another - moral - requirement Croatia should have to meet for 
its own sake before being admitted. 

It should fully and publicly acknowledge its role in World War II as a loyal 
ally of the Nazi cause, and its ardent participation in genocide against its 
Serbian, Jewish, and Gypsy (Roma) populations. The scattered, vague, and 
half-hearted denials masking as apologies that Croatia has used to improve its 
image in recent years don't count. The country should come to grips with its 
genocidal role in the same way Germany has come to grips with its Nazi past. 

Just this week, the Serbian parliament apologized for its role in the infamous 
Srebrenica massacre of 1995 that killed some 7,000 Bosnian Muslims. Such an 
apology was considered unthinkable even a few years ago, yet the pressures of 
joining the EU helped nudge that nation to account for this war crime. 

It's time Croatia did the same. Croatia has more than its share of apologies to 
make for crimes it committed during the Balkans conflict of the 1990s, but it 
can start with the massive killings it unleashed during World War II.

Although estimates vary, between 300,000 and 700,000 victims were murdered by 
Croatian fascists during the war. 

When Hitler's forces invaded Yugoslavia in the spring of 1941, Croatian 
right-wing extremists, under the leadership of Ante Pavelic and his fascist 
"Ustashi" movement, were given control of Croatia. Pavelic aligned the country 
enthusiastically to the Nazi cause and immediately launched a horrific 
onslaught against the Serbian minority. The official policy was popularly 
expressed as: Kill one-third of the Serbs, convert another third to Roman 
Catholicism, and expel the remaining third from Croatia.

The Roman Catholic Church insists it condemned the atrocities, but the record 
suggests a mix of official responses, ranging from weak condemnations to tacit 
support. While the killing was under way, the Croatian archbishop, Aloysius 
Stepanic, blessed the new regime and Pavelic was granted an audience with Pope 
Pius XII. A number of Franciscan monks participated in the killing. After the 
war ended, the Vatican helped Ustashi criminals evade capture and flee to South 

During the war, Serbian Orthodox churches were burned and many Serbian 
communities wiped out. Serbs, Jews, and Gypsies were interned in concentration 
camps, where thousands of victims were slaughtered like animals. 

The nature of the carnage was so horrific that senior ranking German officers 
in Croatia, including SS-Obergruppenführer Artur Phleps, sickened by the 
slaughter and worried that it was driving Serbians and anti-Ustashi Croats into 
the ranks of resistance groups, urged Berlin to demand a stop to the slaughter. 
These protests were in vain and the genocide continued. Senior Italian officers 
also were appalled at the killing and are on record as not only complaining but 
frequently offering protection to fleeing victims. 

When the war ended and Josip Broz Tito's communists took command of Yugoslavia, 
they had no desire to renounce these dreadful events. Yugoslavia's slogan was 
"Brotherhood and Unity." Every effort was made to bury the past and, because 
Yugoslavia did not align itself with the Soviet Union, Western democracies had 
little interest in exposing the genocide. 

Unlike Germans, who recognized the moral obligation to acknowledge their crimes 
committed under the Nazi regime, citizens of Tito's Yugoslavia and the Croat 
state felt no such obligation. Consequently, the slaughtered victims and their 
surviving family members still await justice. 

Even today, Pavelic is looked upon by many Croatians as a national hero, as are 
some of the most vicious Ustashi criminals. 

In 2001, Croatian President Stepjan Mesic apologized to Jews in an address 
delivered at the Israeli Knesset. In 2003, he joined Serbia's president in a 
mutual apology for "all the evils" each side had brought during the Balkan 

Such carefully worded official apologies are a step in the right direction, but 
authentic repudiation of the past should be demonstrated by Croatians 

Evidence suggests they still have a long way to go. Crowds at Croatian soccer 
games and concerts flout Ustashi and Nazi symbols and sing old fascist chants 
and songs. Croatians indicted by the International Criminal Tribunal for the 
Former Yugoslavia are also hailed as defenders of the nation. 

Croatia needs to purge itself of its dark past. Its prolonged denial of 
outrageous crimes committed in the 20th century has created what the Croatian 
exiled writer Dubravka Ugresic has described as a "culture of lies." Until 
Croatia can learn to tell the truth about its history, there should be no place 
for it in the European Union.

James Bissett is the former Canadian ambassador to Yugoslavia (1990-92).
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