NATO's new Strategic Concept discussed in Serbia 

On 30th March, TransConflict Serbia organized an initial public discussion
about NATO's new Strategic Concept in Belgrade. Supported by the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, this initiative has been designed to
promote active debate about, and involvement in, the development of a new
Strategic Concept amongst specific key target groups from throughout Serbia.

In her opening address, TransConflict Serbia's executive director, Mirjana
Kosic, emphasized that "our main aim is broaden and diversify
public debate on a variety of topics pertaining to the realm of security -
such as energy dependency, terrorism, the economic aspects of collective and
national security, the fight against organised crime and trafficking of
humans, arms and narcotics - primarily from a Serbian perspective". 

Ms. Kosic also explained how the "conclusions and recommendations resulting
from this initiative will be communicated to NATO's relevant structures",
therefore ensuring that the new Strategic Concept is "more in accordance
with Serbia's national strategic interests". 

Her Excellency Mrs. Hana Hubackova, the Ambassador of the Czech Republic to
Serbia, described the new Strategic Concept as "one of the major issues for
NATO this year", as "there has been a clear need after a decade to look back
at the threats and risks the Euro-Atlantic community is facing nowadays and
to reflect those appropriately in a new document". 

With respect to Serbia's role within the process of developing a new
Strategic Concept, Ambassador Hubackova spoke about how, "the Secretary
General has opened up the possibility for the wider public to contribute to
this debate...[this is] where we see the value added of the project that is
being launched today by TransConflict Serbia". 

In conclusion, Ambassador Hubackova underscored how, "the project offers a
very good framework for those in Serbia who have an interest and the
knowledge to get engaged and to formulate their views on the subjects that
TransConflict Serbia has wisely selected", adding that "we hope that the
foreseen workshops will contribute to understanding about Euro-Atlantic
issues; an understanding which is, in our view, important for the whole
Partnership for Peace community, whose important member Serbia is". 

In the final session, TransConflict's co-founder, Ian Bancroft, specified
that "even though each respective nation's concept of security may differ
from those threats perceived at the broader global level, it is imperative
that Serbia actively participates in the global debate about NATO's new
Strategic Concept in order to have its own say on matters affecting its
domestic security and defence policy. NATO's future shape, structure and
orientation will unavoidably be of relevance to Serbia". 

Mr. Bancroft went on to add that, "the ever shifting security landscape
ensures that the debate about collective security will not end with the
formulation of a new Strategic Concept. NATO will continue to adjust and
adapt to an ever changing security environment. However, the contours of any
future debate will certainly be defined by this new Strategic Concept". 

In their closing words, TransConflict Serbia reiterated the importance of
active engagagement by, and the committment of, the four key target groups
in the process of deliberation and devising of Serbia's contribution to
NATO's new Strategic concept, and placed particular emphasis on the dual
role and responsibility of the media to not only contribute to the
discussion, but also to inform the Serbian public in an objective and fair

This project, Facilitating Serbia's Contribution to NATO's New Strategic
Concept, will continue throughout the spring and summer with a series of
workshops exploring topics that are pertinent to the development of a new
Strategic Concept, including contemporary security challenges, the economic
dimensions of collective security and crisis preparedness. 

To watch a video of this initial discussion please visit:

For further information about this project, please refer to the following

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