For those who may not have read Jim's commentary. And for those who have read 
it, it behooves them to read it again.  Stella

News from the American Council for Kosovo


The Debacle of Serbia's "Lobbying" in Washington
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source: The Lord Byron Foundation for Balkan Studies
By James George Jatras
Saturday, 27 February 2010 
Since the suspension of Bishop Artemije of Ras and Prizren from administration 
of his Eparchy, efforts have been made by some to use my role as a lobbyist in 
Washington on his behalf as a weapon in the campaign against him. I already 
have addressed elsewhere the questions, first raised last week by Blic 
(parroting an Albanian-American source), about the source of the funds used for 
lobbying in the U.S. and whether their use for that purpose was legitimate 
application of the ruling Bishop's discretion. 

But the more damaging thing about these attacks is the notion that lobbying for 
Serbia's right to keep Kosovo was somehow a "waste" of money, and that there 
were no results from it. This is more than a belittlement of the efforts that 
were expended by my firm and those working with us. It is, rather, a suggestion 
that it is immoral and futile for Serbia to struggle for her interests by 
lobbying to change US policy. 

When we started in the spring of 2006 we were the only professional (as opposed 
to volunteer) activity lobbying on behalf of the Serbian cause. Our activities, 
through a US nonprofit organization we created, the American Council for 
Kosovo, were not confined to narrowly focused lobbying in the form of quiet 
meetings with American officials and Congressmen. More importantly, we knew we 
had to change the terms of debate on Kosovo, from a place where the noble West 
saved innocent Albanian Muslims from evil Serbs, to a place where the criminal, 
terrorist UÇK was committing genocide of Christian Serbs. Most of our 
activities in the U.S. and elsewhere (Britain, Germany, Israel, India, Italy, 
the EU, Russia, etc.), often in cooperation with The Lord Byron Foundation and 
with the support of other volunteers, were focused on public opinion. We forced 
people to look at "the other side" of the Kosovo story, to the outraged howls 
of the Albanian lobby that we were trying to "hijack" US policy. While we were 
not able to overturn an American policy misinformed by decades of Albanian (and 
Croatian) anti-Serb propaganda, I believe were successful in helping to delay 
Washington's final push for almost two years, giving Serbia a chance to fight 
back. Our contract, only a part of which was ever paid, was for $100,000 per 
month, including (about 40% of the total) cost of advertising, conferences, 
travel, and other expenses. 

In evaluating our degree of success, it might be useful to make a couple of 
comparisons. A few months after we began our effort under the direction of 
Vladika Artemije, the Serbian government (under Prime Minister Kostunica) hired 
another firm, Barbour Griffith and Rodgers, to lobby officially on its behalf. 
That contract was for $60,000 per month, plus costs. As far as has been 
publicly disclosed, they were not specifically tasked with lobbying on Kosovo, 
but such concentration can be inferred. Their activities were entirely 
closed-door meetings, and they did no public activities to make Serbia's case. 
They were dropped soon after the UDI in February 2008. 

In the summer of 2009, Belgrade (the current government) hired another firm, 
Chicago-based Advanced Practical Solutions, for $85,000 per month, plus most 
costs. As a professional lobbyist, I don't generally like to throw rocks at a 
competitor, but APS seems an odd choice. They have no active website and 
apparently not even a Washington office. APS's President, Mr. Milan Petrovic, 
is known mostly as a top fundraiser for former Illinois governor Rod 
Blagojevich. According to press reports, when "Blago" was governor APS did a 
nice little business steering state contracts to its clients, mainly in the 
healthcare field. The operation fell apart with the Antoin "Tony" Rezko bribery 
conviction, Blagojevich's resignation, and Petrovic's withdrawal from the 
Indiana bar to avoid imminent expulsion. Maybe APS was hired by the Tadic 
government because it's a "Serbian firm," although that in itself means 
nothing. But an online search of US political campaign records finds several 
contributions to candidates (all Democrats: Blagojevich, John Kerry, Hillary 
Clinton, Barack Obama) by an APS employee named Shqipe Osmani, which doesn't 
sound Serbian. 

The APS contract appears still to be in force, but it's hard to be sure since 
there are no discernable activities being performed. And of course that's the 
real scandal, in which the "yellow" press organs obsessed with my work for 
Bishop Artemije seem to take no interest. I wonder why. 

I'm sure these figures for lobbying activities in the US must seem astronomical 
to readers in Serbia, where people are struggling to scrape by. The sad fact 
is, this is the kind of money it takes to array a battery of experienced media 
and lobbying professionals, usually with experience as government officials, 
Congressmen, Senators, and (like me) Congressional staff. These are people who 
have the access to make a foreign country's - or politician's, or political 
party's - case heard in Washington's corridors of power. 

Many countries a lot poorer than Serbia have made the decision it's an 
investment they need to make, if only for self-protection. It is a choice 
Bishop Artemije, to his credit, made when no one else on the Serbian side was 
willing to step forward. And now there are those who seek to punish him for it, 
and punish Serbia too. Thats not just a crime, it's a blunder. 


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