Israeli Act of War on NATO Country: Will the Alliance Put Up or Shut Up? 


01.06.2010 Pravda.Ru 

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Pages: 12 <>


The NATO Charter is crystal clear on the obligations of its member states in 
the event of an attack against the vessels of one of the signatory parties. 
Since NATO is always quick to make belligerent declarations against Russia or 
Iran and is obliged by its Charter to take joint action, let us see what it is 
going to do after Israel’s act of piracy on the high seas, its massacre, its 
kidnapping and illegal detention of civilians and seizure of property. 

For Israel, what happened on Monday was an “unfolding event” in the words of 
Prime Minister Netanyahu <> , who ran 
away from yet another embarrassing meeting at the White House while in the 
words of its Foreign Ministry, the actions of its soldiers were justified, 
because they were frightened. Such arrogance is typical of today’s State of 

If a group of pirates board your ship in international waters, you attack them. 
Period. If an armed group belonging to the armed forces of a State boards a 
ship in international waters, then commits a massacre, then seizes the vessels 
and kidnaps the occupants, it is not only a crime under international law but 
also an act of war. 

Here, the NATO <>  Charter is crystalline: 

Article 5 States: 

“The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them in Europe 
or North America shall be considered an attack against them all and 
consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in 
exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by 
Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or 
Parties so attacked by taking forthwith, individually and in concert with the 
other Parties, such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed 
force, to restore and maintain the security of the North Atlantic area. 

“Any such armed attack and all measures taken as a result thereof shall 
immediately be reported to the Security Council. Such measures shall be 
terminated when the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to 
restore and maintain international peace and security”. 

The UNSC has predictably stated that it “deeply regrets” the loss of life and 
injuries resulting from Israel’s operation and has called for an enquiry which 
is “prompt, impartial, credible and transparent”. However, Israel has gone even 
further. It has impounded the ships it seized illegally in international waters 
(piracy) after committing (yet another) massacre and it has kidnapped the 
members of the international aid delegation taking humanitarian aid supplies to 
the starving people of Gaza. 

Article 6 (1) describes what constitutes an “armed attack”, namely, among other 
actions, “an attack on the forces, vessels or aircraft of any of the Parties” 
in a theatre which includes the Mediterranean Sea. 

So, what is NATO going to do about The Chosen Ones 
<> ? The answer: absolutely nothing 
whatsoever, apart from making a few noises. The reason why is because the 
United States of America will veto each and every resolution from the UNSC 
which creates difficulties for Israel to act as it pleases. In that case, why, 
then does NATO exist and where is the freedom of its member states to act 

Let us be honest. NATO is controlled by the USA. It was not elected, yet it 
runs its member states’ foreign policy. How long will it be before this becomes 
part of a party political agenda, for surely, NATO membership contradicts the 
terms of national Constitutions? 

If NATO and the international community will content themselves with soundbites 
and not actions, the citizens of the world can act. Products with the numbers 
729 on the left of the bar code come from Israel. 








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