From: "Jatras, James G." 

Bishop Artemije Condemns Violent Provocations Against Serbian Elections in 
 Calls on International Authorities for Protection
June 1 --  Bishop Artemije, spiritual leader of Orthodox Christian Serbs in the 
Province of Kosovo and Metohija condemned violent attacks on Serbs excercising 
their legitimate democratic rights in local elections held on Sunday, May 30.  
He called on the United Nations authority and foreign military forces present 
in Kosovo under UN authority to protect Serbs from violent provocations.  He 
also praised actions by local Serbs and called for the Serbian government to 
support them. 
In an exclusive statement to the American Council for Kosovo, Bishop Artemije 
"It is clear anyone what is the nature of these attacks.  According to media, 
these 'demonstrations' were launched by so-called 'Kosovo Liberation Army 
veterans' protesting Serbian local elections to ‘protect Kosovo’s sovereignty.' 
 We must translate this into normal human language: members of a Islamic 
terrorist organization headed by mafia figures Thaçi, Haradinaj, and Çeku, have 
organized attacks on Christian Serbs holding legitimate democratic elections in 
their own country for the supposed purpose of 'protecting' the nonexistent 
'sovereignty' of an illegal, lawless separatist entity.  
"I categorically condemn these attacks and call on all persons in any position 
of authority to do likewise.  When the United Nations and various foreign 
countries undertook civil administration in Kosovo and Metohija following the 
illegal NATO war against our country, they also undertook, under UNSC 1244, the 
moral obligation to protect peaceful people engaged in legitimate pursuits.  
What can be more legitimate than Serbs voting in Serbian elections in Serbia? 
Yet this is used as a pretext for violent attacks!  The UN and foreign military 
forces must not allow what are clearly intended as a practice run for a violent 
seizure of those small parts of Kosovo and Metohija where Serbs still enjoy a 
minimum degree of security.
"It is important for the Serbian local administration resulting from these 
elections to be formed as soon as possible, and for it to receive the fullest 
possible support from authorities in Belgrade.  I commend the Serbs of Kosovo 
and Metohija for the restrained but steadfast manner in which they have 
resisted these latest provocations."
The American Council for Kosovo ( is an independent U.S. 
nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting a better American understanding 
of the Serbian province of Kosovo and Metohija and of the critical American 
stake in the province's future. The Council's mission is to make accurate 
information and analysis about Kosovo available to officials of the Executive 
and Legislative branches of the U.S. Government; to think tanks, media, NGOs, 
religious and advocacy organizations; and to the general public. In particular, 
the Council’s educational activities will generate a heightened American 
awareness that an independent Kosovo – forcibly and illegally detached from 
Serbia, as is now being contemplated by the international community – would be 
harmful to U.S. national interests and to European and global security.
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