Molimo SVE srpske organizacije i pojedince u Kanadi i svetu da na dole navedene 
e-mail adrese posalju protestno pismo (donje sadrzine ili slicno) protiv 
predlozenog zakona kojim se u Kanadi obelzava secanje na "genocid" u 

Pisite/Write to:

Prime Minister of Canada <>; M Harper <>;;,, Jason Kenney MP 
<>; Ignatieff <>;; 
Bob Rae MP <>; 



Dear Prime Minister and honorable Members of Parliament,

As concerned Canadian citizen, I call on you to seriously reconsider the plan 
to adopt a Bill Calling for a July 11th Srebrenica Remembrance Day.

The execution of Moslem prisoners in July of 1995, after Bosnian Serb forces 
took over Srebrenica, was a war crime, but it is by no means a paradigmatic 
event. Throughout the war period, 1992?1995, Serbian villages around Srebrenica 
weere subjected to widespread and systematic attacks by Moslem military forces 
concentrated within the Srebrenica enclave. The fate of Srebrenica Serbs is but 
a microcosm of their wartime fate in Bosnia/Hercegovina as a whole. Serb 
inhabitants in the villages surrounding Srebrenica were murdered in the 
hundreds, abused, expelled, and kidnapped for ransom by Bosnian Muslims.

There is nothing to set one crime apart from the other, except that its 
commission was more condensed in time. In a vicious civil war, in which all 
sides commit crimes, all innocent victims are entitled to compassion but the 
victims of one ethnic group should have no special moral claim to unique 
recognition. Putting the suffering of one group on a pedestal necessarily 
derogates from the right of the other group in this case Serbian non-combatants 
in the devastated villages surrounding the enclave of Srebrenica ? to an equal 
measure of sympathy.

More importantly, what really happened in Srebrenica in July of 1995 is an 
issue that is still not settled, or why it occurred, and who was behind it. The 
accepted version of events, shaped mainly by war propaganda and hyperbolic 
media reports, is becoming increasingly obsolete because it is being vigorously 
questioned and reassessed by critical thinkers in the Western world. Much 
reliable information on these events is still unavailable and needs to be 
researched, but without it responsible conclusions on the nature and scope of 
the Srebrenica massacre cannot be drawn. Both the events alleged scope and its 
legal description as "genocide" are intensely in dispute. It would therefore be 
very unwise for Canada and its parliament to formally commit themselves to a 
version of events that is thin on evidence but long on moral and political 
implications that are extremely detrimental to Serbian people.

I am also troubled by the prospect of Canada and its parliament might accept 
the thesis that the massacre in Srebrenica, regrettable as it may be, amounts 
to "genocide. That would unpardonably diminish genuine genocide as a phenomenon 
of the 20th century, of which the Holocaust of the Jewish people and the mass 
extermination campaigns against Armenians, Pontus Greeks, Assyrians, Kurds, 
Serbs and the Roma are some outstanding examples.

I am concerned that the politicisation of human suffering and the frivolous 
usage of the grave legal category of genocide greatly cheapens these important 
concepts and constitutes an undeserved insult to innocent victims of political 
violence everywhere in the world. 
For these reasons, I appeal to you to refrain from passing the Bill Calling for 
a July 11th Srebrenica Remembrance Day. 

[vas potpis/your signature] 

Also read:


Serbian victims

A chronicle of inhumanity and horror

Throughout the war period, 1992?1995, Serbian villages around Srebrenica were 
subjected to widespread and systematic attacks by Moslem military forces 
concentrated within the Srebrenica enclave. The fate of Srebrenica Serbs is but 
a microcosm of their wartime fate in Bosnia/Hercegovina as a whole. Serb 
inhabitants in the villages surrounding Srebrenica were murdered in the 
hundreds, abused, expelled, and kidnapped for ransom and exchange. Most of the 
villages were torched after the personal property of their Serbian inhabitants 
had been pillaged. The attacks were indiscriminate and they targeted Serbs as 
such, without any attempt being made to determine the victims personal position 
vis-a-vis the ongoing conflict in Bosnia/Hercegovina or the level of threat to 
Muslim armed forces they might have represented. It is important to note that 
the Muslim civilian and military authorities conducting these operations out of 
Srebrenica did not operate independently, but were linked in the political and 
military chain of command to the Alija Izetbegovic regime in Sarajevo. That 
government publicly claimed to be multi-ethnic and multi-cultural, and many in 
the West were misled by intense propaganda to accept its claims at face value. 
But all the while that regimes Srebrenica representatives were conducting a 
ruthless three-year pogrom in complete disregard of the fact that their 
targeted victims were peaceful peasants, indistinguishable from their Moslem 
neighbors except by the fact that they were Serb and Christian. This is 
probably a unique case where an internationally recognized government used its 
military instruments to conduct a carnage of inhabitants that, when addressing 
the international community, it duplicitously claimed as its own citizens. 
These witness statements, and others that we will soon add, will make it 
abundantly clear why Serbs in Bosnia/Hercegovina uncompromisingly insist on 
being masters of their own fate and why they are entitled to the Republic of 
Srpska as their safe heaven just as the Jewish people are entitled to Israel.



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