Thursday, 10 June 2010 

Israel, the West, and the Rest

A Realist Scenario

By Srdja Trifkovic <>  


The recent unpleasantness in eastern Mediterranean has unleashed a torrent of 
self-serving nonsense on both sides of the issue. In reality, it was a sordid 
affair. A bunch of nasty Jihadist types and their enablers who have taken over 
the government in Ankara devise a brilliant scenario for drawing Israel into a 
lose-lose situation. The Israelis play on cue, with their customary subtlety 
and sensitivity. Most of the rest of the world recoils in shock and horror. The 
elite class of the Western world is enjoying itself with a fresh focus for 
externalized self-hate, now that the Serbs are down and most Afrikaners out. 
(And needless to say, amidst the general brouhaha nobody takes notice of the 
jihadist murder <>  of 
Roman Catholic bishop Luigi Padovese in Turkey…)

What is a man of the Right with no horse in this race to do? He needs to ask 
himself, “How does this business affect the survival prospects of my 
demographically, culturally and morally decrepit civilization?”

For all their differences of emphasis and substance in foreign-policy making, 
Western Europe and North America share objective interests in the Middle East 
that require broadly similar policy responses. Since the notion of interests 
and the policies that they engender are defined by the ideological framework in 
which they are embedded, let me open my ideological cards before proceeding.

Wilsonianism, Neoconservativism and Realism have dominated American thinking on 
world affairs for some decades now, with the last of the three barely able to 
keep a toehold inside the Beltway. Wilsonian paradigm (to which most Europeans 
subscribe even without being aware of that fact) is embodied in Obama, Pelosi 
and the Clintons here, Javier Solana and Tony Blair in Europe, and George Soros 

The neocons include Marxist intellectuals like Podhoretz, Kristol, or 
Muravchik, and policy gurus like Wolfowitz, Perle, and Feith. Their blanket 
depictions as redesigned Trotskyites need to be corrected. In several important 
respects the neoconservative world outlook has some striking similarities with 
Stalinism and German National Socialism. Today’s neoconservatives share with 
Stalin and Hitler an ideology of nationalist corporatism at home and 
internationalist imperialism.

Though differing in practice, both Wilsonianism and Neoconservatism derive 
their assumptions from 18th century rationalist utopianism. Both hold that 
peace and stability are the natural order of the world and that Man is 
improvable, that violence and barbarity are either socio-political pathologies 
or the fruits of flawed policies by “the West.”

Wilsonians find remedies in multilateralism, foreign aid, and efforts at 
nation-building, while neoconservatives rely on the use of military power to 
impose their peculiar brand of “benevolent global hegemony” on a supposedly 
grateful world. On the whole, while the neoconservative mindset is apocalyptic 
(which is totalitarian trait), rather than utopian (which characterizes the 
Wilsonians), both are conducive to making the world as we want it to be, rather 
than dealing with it as it is, which produces policies that are invariably 
flawed, and occasionally fatal.

It is realism that, unlike either utopian school, accepts the tragic human 
condition and immutable human nature, and places national interest, 
pragmatically defined and quantifiable, as the basis of world affairs. It 
accepts, in sorrow rather than anger, the reality of a world where might is 
right and violence the norm.

Given the realities of the region, it is clear that the Middle East is too 
important an issue to be ceded to the anxieties and obsessions of either 
Wilsonians or neocons.

The realist knows that our primary interests in the Middle East are not to 
defend human rights, or to promote democracy, or to build a Palestinian state, 
or to treat Israel as an existential American ally “with no space between us 
whatsoever.” Our interests are continued access to oil resources that demand 
regional stability and containment of the Jihadist menace -- which entails 
countering the terrorist threat and stopping the immigrant invasion of the 
West. Only secondary interests include ameliorating the Palestinian-Israeli 
conflict and finding a solution that will leave both parties equally 

Peripheral interests lie in opening the region to trade, encouragement of more 
pluralist forms of governance, promotion of the rule of law, human rights, free 
enterprise, diversity, pluralism, tolerance, anti-discriminationism, 
multiculturalism, multiracialism, inclusivism, environmentalism, free abortion 
on demand, constitutionally guaranteed gay marriage, healthy diet and exercise, 
non-smoking, animal rights, prevention of global warming, etc, etc.

Secondary and peripheral must remain subordinate to the primary interests when 
policy outcomes come into conflict. Should we promote “democracy” even if its 
beneficiaries are Osama and Ahmadinejad? Should we seek “justice” for the 
Palestinians -- however defined -- at the cost of risking the disappearance of 
the state of Israel? No, heck no!

Even if an evenhanded and generous agreement were to be offered to the Arabs -- 
including the establishment of a viable Palestinian state, an equitable sharing 
of natural resources, and a generous compensation package that would resolve 
the refugee problem -- it would be unworkable in the long term -- the notion of 
Israel’s legitimacy is simply unacceptable to traditional Islam.

The tragedy of the Israeli-Arab conflict is that a problem that may have been 
amenable, a few decades ago, to the conventional conflict-resolution approach 
has morphed into a civilizational and religious dispute beyond politics. Most 
principal actors now perceive it as a zero-sum game.

Before 1967, Arab nationalism had tended to be secular, socialist, and 
anti-Western.  Its opposition to Israel also took a secular form: Israel was 
seen as a Western colony settled by Europeans and Americans in an Arab land. 
Europe and the United States created it both as a strategic outpost and as a 
means of getting rid of their Jewish populations.

Until roughly 1990, broader Arab trends also applied to the Palestinian 
political and intellectual mainstream. The opposition to Israel, in the 
occupied territories and in the diaspora, depended for support on pan-Arab 
sentiment, notably embodied in Egypt’s Nasser. Parallel with that sentiment, a 
nondenominational Palestinian identity was actively promoted. It was rooted in 
the myth of an idealized pre-1947 polity, and it amounted to a belated attempt 
to build a nation without a state and without much of the claimed land.

The great realignment came with the collapse of the Soviet Union and the 
disappearance of its satellite regimes -- notably in East Berlin, Bucharest, 
and Prague -- that had provided help to various Palestinian factions when 
Moscow was reluctant to be seen as doing so itself. In the absence of the 
failed secular god, young Arabs turned to Allah in droves. The fall of the 
Berlin Wall was soon followed by the defeat of militant Islamists in Algeria 
and Egypt, forcing them to shift their focus from the internal to the external 

The founder and leader of Hamas, the late Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, blended the 
nationalist slogans of the secularists’ pre-1990’s struggle against Israel with 
principles derived from the doctrines and values of Islam. The Islamic 
component in the equation, however, goes well beyond inspiring youngsters to 
sacrifice themselves and to hope for either victory or martyrdom: “Nationalism, 
from the point of view of the Islamic Resistance Movement, is part of the 
religious creed.”

>From the orthodox Muslim point of view, there is nothing remarkable about such 
>statements. They are derived from the Koran, and from the political tradition 
>and social outlook of 13 centuries. Relinquishing any part of Palestine at the 
>negotiating table is a disobedient act of blasphemy against Allah, and the 
>alternative is the only right way (al-hal-wahid). As a modern Muslim 
>commentator points out, “Such an outlook renders struggle a religious duty, 
>not a nationalist or patriotic one.” The struggle against Israel is more than 
>a “war of national liberation”: It is an act of worship for which God rewards 
>a struggler in the form of victory in this life and eternity in the hereafter. 
>Islamic groups have brought a qualitative change to the Middle Eastern 
>discourse: no permanent peace is possible because it would be against Allah’s 
>will to grant any piece of land once controlled by the faithful to non-Muslims.

A mirror image of this view, of metaphysical sophistry seeking to push its way 
into legitimate discourse, is the claim -- embraced by many in the American 
evangelical movement -- that the modern state of Israel is the embodiment of a 
biblical covenant: in other words, a Waqf under another name. Eretz Yisrael is 
the visible expression of the faithful God Who wills by covenant the permanence 
of the Jewish people (klal), whether Jews live in Israel or elsewhere. Israel 
“is the beginning of the flowering of messianic redemption” (resheet tzmihat 
geulateimu). The Jews have the right and the duty to settle the entire land, 
Eretz Ysrael: as per the book of Numbers, “the people that dwells alone, and 
that will not be counted among the Nations.”

The development of a Realist anti-jihadist strategy should go hand-in-hand with 
demystifying the relationship between America and Israel, redefining it in 
terms of mutual interests devoid of metaphysical or emotional mists. This would 
help Israel mature into a “normal” nation-state and help her to overcome the 
paradox that the state of Israel, instead of solving the perennial problem of 
Jewish insecurity, remains beset by it. Her real and eminently legitimate 
security concerns after 1948, and notably after 1967, were aggravated by the 
reemergence of an outlook predicated upon the premise of an inherently hostile 
world at large. America should grasp the causes of that insecurity from without 
-- by scrutinizing the structure of the Middle Eastern conflict and the nature 
of the Islamic threat -- rather than pander to its symptoms from within by the 
undissenting acceptance of whatever Israel does as her right to do, from U.S.S. 
 <> Liberty 43 years ago to 
the Gaza flotilla today.

Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin was on to something real when he declared, 
in December 1992, that his country’s “struggle against murderous Islamic terror 
is also meant to awaken the world, which is lying in slumber.” In the aftermath 
of the Gaza convoy we should be no less aware, however, that the problem of 
global Jihad -- real and present as it is -- can be used by Israel as a cover 
for actions that facilitate its expansion.

The common Western interest demands the destruction of global jihad in all its 
forms and the continued existence of the state of Israel, but both these 
imperatives are based on geopolitical and realpolitical, rather than emotional, 
moral, or scriptural grounds. Giving aid and comfort to the cynical plotters of 
the bloody flotilla farce is not a step in the right direction.

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