Panel Discussion, Craving For Great Romania? Traian Basescu's Intents In Regard 
To Moldova And Transnistria And Stakes For Ukraine (11:00, Thursday, June 17, 

At 11am, June 17, the press centre of Ukrainian News agency is hosting a panel 
discussion by the American Institute in Ukraine (AIU), entitled "Craving for 
Great Romania? Traian Basescu's intents in regard to Moldova and Transnistria 
and stakes for Ukraine." 

At the panel discussion they discuss Romanian President Traian Basescu 
promoting a new campaign targeted, as it appear, at restoring domination of 
Bucharest over the territories Romania Mare ideologists set forth in the 1919 
Treaty of Versailles. Rehabilitation of this ideology may entail possible 
annexation of 'indigenous Romanian' territories, namely eastern Serbia (Banat, 
Homolje), north-eastern Bulgaria (Dobruja), and Ukraine (part of Odessa region, 
including Izmail and Chernivtsi). At the same time some Western groups, 
especially in the United States, are dismal in their admonition that Moscow and 
Kyiv have a 'secret protocol' on bringing Moldova and Transnistria under their 

Thus the AIU panel discussion will try to answer the following questions: 

*       What facts are known for today and which are the stakes for Ukraine? 
*       Will Traian Basescu take advantage of his country membership in the 
NATO and the European Union to create new Romania, going beyond its current 
*       After a visit of Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili to Bucharest 
and Romania's backing Tbilisi's shelved application for NATO admission, will 
the Romanian president go the way which did the Georgian President, who brought 
discredit upon himself, in August 2008? 
*       Role of Washington, Brussels and European governments in the prevention 
of likely territorial conflicts in Eastern Europe. 
*       Which conclusions can be made from the public sentiments and opinions 
of elitists from Bucharest, Kyiv and Tiraspol? 
*       What can and should the Ukrainian government do to avert a threat to 
the national security and the country's territorial integrity? 

For the panel discussion are invited such Ukrainian experts as Vitalii Kulyk, 
director of the Centre for Research of Civil Society Problems; Oleksandr 
Vasenko, deputy director of the Ukrainian Research and Development Institute of 
Environmental Problems, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of 
Ukraine; Serhii Tolstov, director of the Institute for Political Analysis and 
International Research. 

The AIU also invited one of the leading American experts for south-eastern 
Europe's policy and history, a well-known publicist and analyst Srdja 

Dr Trifkovic is a widely known conservative publicist and a renowned expert in 
European and global issues. He published articles and commentaries in such 
media as The Times (London), the San Francisco Chronicle, the American 
Conservative and The Philadelphia Inquirer, and appeared at many television and 
radio channels, including CNN, CNN International, SKY News, BBC Radio 4, BBC 
World Service and CBC. 

Trifkovic earned a Bachelor of Arts (with honours) in international relations 
from the University of Sussex, UK in 1977 and another, in political science, 
from the University of Zagreb in 1987. Since 1990 he has held a Philosophiae 
Doctor degree in modern history from the university of Southampton, UK. 

James George Jatras is deputy director at the American Institute in Ukraine. He 
is a principal in a public advocacy firm based in Washington, DC. Prior to 
entering the private sector he was senior foreign policy adviser to the 
Republican leadership of the United States Senate. He earlier served as an 
American Foreign Service Officer, where among other assignments he was assigned 
to the then Office of Soviet Union Affairs. He graduated from the law school of 
the Georgetown University (doctor of law degree) and the Pennsylvania State 
University (bachelor degree). 


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