Date: Friday, June 18, 2010, 10:36 PM

“Saudi Arabia Responsible For Crimes Against Bosnian Serbs”


By  <> Ljubica Vujadinovic  

 <> Belgrade :  
<> Serbia | Jun 18, 2010 

Source: Srna News Agency

In case that the Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) authorities don’t start 
processing the crimes committed by the death squad “El Mujahedins” against 
Serbs and Croats, the Republic of Srpska (RS) should sue Saudi Arabia through 
the relevant BIH institutions, the professor of the Belgrade-based Faculty of 
Security Studies Darko Trifunovic stated.

During the war in 1990s few thousands of the extremist Islam warriors from 
Saudi Arabia came to Balkans to fight the Christians in Bosnia. They were 
invited by the Al Kaida but the official Saudi authorities were also providing 
them with support, he said.

The best example of the Saudi involvement is the so-called humanitarian 
organization “Saudi High Commission for Aid to Bosnia”, through whose accounts 
millions of dollars for weapons supply arrived to Bosnia.

“Someone has to be held responsible for that”, Trifunovic added.

Seikh Mahmud Abu Abdul Aziz, known as Barbarosa, who is among the most loyal 
followers of Osama Bin Laden, had established one of the deadliest squad of the 
BIH Army in the village of Mehurici in autumn 1992. It is believed that he is 
detained in one of the Saudi prisons at the moment.

“I do not see any reason why the BIH wouldn’t request his extradition or legal 
processing”, professor Trifunovic said.

“In the verdicts against the former General of the BIH Army Rasim Delic, and 
the BIH Army officers Enver Hadzihasanovic and Amir Kubura, the Hague Tribunal 
had established the responsibility of mujahedins in the crimes against Serbs 
and Croats. If today the responsible for those crimes are out of the BIH 
territory, the authorities of the RS have no choice but to sue those who sent 
those criminals in the BIH, and provided them with a safe haven when the war 
was ended.”

The original article in Serbian can be found at  


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