Pushing the Myth

A little while ago, several Liberal MPs in the Canadian Parliament proposed a 
resolution declaring July 11 "Srebrenica Remembrance Day." Fortunately, Prime 
Minister Harper would have none of it, so the proposal was taken off the table 
- for now.

The resolution was not a product of altruism and sheer goodness of the 
Liberals' hearts, but rather an initiative mounted by the Congress of North 
American Bosniaks, and something called the "Institute for the Research of 
Genocide" (whose URL identifies them as the "Institute for Genocide").

After Mr. Harper put the kibosh on the resolution, the CNAB and the Institute 
raised a ruckus. Their initial protest, on June 23, included a long list of 
people identified as an "international team of experts" and claiming 
illustrious academic titles. The post with the list, however, has since been 
taken down from the Institute website.

Here are just some of the names from the list:

* M. Cherif Bassiouni (former UN rapporteur on the events in Bosnia, who 
endorsed the ridiculously inflated casualty figures and the "mass rape" hoax)
* Francis A. Boyle (international ambulance-chaser and author of the "genocide" 
lawsuit by the Izetbegovic government against Serbia, rejected before an actual 
* Florence Hartmann (once spokesperson for Carla Del Ponte at the ICTY)
* Marko Attila Hoare (a world-renowned Serbophobe-cum-historian)

* Daniel Toljaga (listed as member of the Board of Directors at the Congress of 
North American Bosniaks, but better known as proprietor of the Srebrenica 
Genocide Blog)
* Dzemaludin Latic and Fatmir Alispahic, champions of militant Islam and 
Serbophobia considered even in Bosnia to be the lunatic fringe.Suffice to say 
that the list was a veritable who's who of professional victims, genocide 
entrepreneurs, and people who have built their careers on the myth of Bosnia. 
So, these folks have taken upon themselves to have the Canadian Parliament 
endorse their version of history by government fiat - i.e. by force, since they 
can't actually prove it in court. It is as if they don't believe their argument 
good enough to just persuade people, even though it has enjoyed almost 
uncontested dominance in the media for the past 15 years!

The much less organized Canadian Serbs have protested this proposal with 
letters. The response they got was pretty much a set of talking points 
reminiscent of the content found on the SGB, Hoare's blog, or the CNAB site.

The letter says that the "the genocidal nature of the particular incident at 
Srebrenica in the summer of 1995 has been internationally recognized." It 
specifically mentions the ICTY and ICJ verdicts, claiming they were "thoughtful 
results of fair and independent investigation and testimony."

Yet the ICJ verdict specifically said it had not considered the Srebrenica 
events itself, but simply accepted the ICTY rulings at face value. To call the 
ICTY's verdicts "thoughtful", their investigations "independent" and the 
testimonies of serial perjurers "fair" - that's just rich. Let's see: their 
crown witness, on which the entire case hangs, is a liar. They have conducted 
sloppy forensic work and later destroyed much of the evidence. They refuse to 
show the DNA evidence, then claim it proves something that is physically 
impossible for DNA evidence to prove (i.e. manner of death). And that's just 
the tip of the iceberg! The ICTY verdicts have more holes in them than a 
kitchen sieve.

Another argument in the response is that others have done this - the European 
Parliament, the US House and Senate, and hey, even the (quisling) government of 
Boris Tadic in Serbia! - so why not the Canadian legislature? Well, since when 
did "everyone is doing it" become a valid argument? Just because some lawmakers 
in Europe and the US have voted with their hearts for a well-prepared piece of 
propaganda does not have the magical power to transform that propaganda into 
fact. Truth is not a matter of majority vote - or even consensus.

>From the first days of the Bosnian War, the Izetbegovic regime's weapon of 
>choice was propaganda. They aimed to win the war by getting outside forces to 
>do the fighting for them, based on heart-rending stories of massacres, mass 
>rape, concentration camps and genocide. One after another, those stories have 
>been exposed as fabrications and deliberate distortions of the already 
>horrifying reality, while the full horrors of the war were never reported, so 
>as not to interfere with the mythical narrative. The Srebrenica "genocide" is 
>the last lie that remains, the one myth that was built up and reinforced more 
>than any of the others. By now, Srebrenica has become a post facto 
>justification for everything: the ethnic cleansing of Serbs, the foreign 
>mujahedin, the rise of Wahhabism and terrorism, the re-Islamization of 
>Bosnia's Muslims (a goal Izetbegovic set for himself in the 1970s, mind you), 
>the ongoing refusal of Muslim politicians to abide by the
country's Constitution, and the equally ongoing attempts to fulfill their 
wartime objectives politically, by overturning the Dayton Accords.

All of this rests on the foundation of a myth that what happened in July 1995 
in Srebrenica was "genocide". Even though the women and children were safely 
evacuated. Even though the column that refused to surrender and set off across 
the mountains and minefields to Tuzla was a military formation. Even though the 
actual number of people who died on that march was never established (the 
"8,000" figure is equally arbitrary as the "300,000" we'd heard for a decade, 
before facts became impossible to ignore), and the actual evidence suggests 
that the number of people actually murdered (as in executed, which indeed is a 
war crime) is several hundred. Even though nothing was ever produced to 
demonstrate intent on part of the Bosnian Serbs to actually exterminate the 
Muslims as a people - apart from the very strong belief by the Muslims that 
this was the case.

Yet in a proper court of law, it doesn't matter what one believes - only what 
one can prove. Fully aware that the ICTY judgments are based on belief and 
conjecture rather than actual facts, the believers in the Srebrenica Genocide 
Myth are now trying to impose it by force, by getting governments to pass 
resolutions. Next up will probably be demands that anyone questioning their 
myth be prosecuted as a "holocaust denier." So, not only are theydisparaging 
the actual Holocaust by declaring Srebrenica a "genocide," they are also 
exploiting and abusing the mechanisms established so no one could strive to 
rehabilitate the Nazis and deny the suffering of the Jews. When you consider 
the fact that the ancestors of many of those Muslims actually helped the Nazis 
in their ghastly "Endloesung", it becomes obvious that Srebrenica is not just 
about the present and the future, but also aboutwhitewashing the past.

I understand why it is in the interest of the Bosnian Muslims' religious, 
political and propaganda leadership (and their associates, fellow-travelers and 
useful idiots in the West and elsewhere) to promote the Srebrenica Genocide 
Myth. How that would serve Canada's interests, however, is beyond me. Stephen 
Harper appears to have reached a similar conclusion - and for that he deserves 
thanks, not just of the Serbs living in Canada, but all Canadians who care 
about their own country.

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