Srebrenica: The Sacred Lie
by Nebojsa Malic, July 10, 2010 

In February 1991, Bosnian Muslim leader Alija Izetbegovic declared, "I would 
sacrifice peace for a sovereign Bosnia-Herzegovina." He was true to his word; 
his government’s declaration of independence in March 1992 sparked off a civil 
war, pitting Bosnia’s ethnic communities — Serbs, Muslims, and Croats — against 
each other over the following three and a half years.
The timing of Izetbegovic’s statement was particularly interesting, and often 
overlooked. He was promising a war to get an independent Bosnia at the moment 
the U.S.-led coalition was launching Operation Desert Storm to liberate Kuwait 
from the Iraqi invaders. Initial reluctance of the Western public to back the 
operation was transformed into an eagerness to "get Saddam" through reports of 
Iraqi atrocities, such as the one of babies being thrown out of incubators and 
killed. Though it turned out much later that the story was a complete 
fabrication, it had already served its purpose.

This lesson was not lost on Izetbegovic, who hired the same PR agency that 
launched the "incubator babies" hoax, and decided to fight the war not in the 
trenches, but on CNN. The goal was simple: through real, imagined, or 
exaggerated suffering, the Muslims would attract external military 
Just like in Kuwait. So the manufacturing of myths began.
Weapons of War
One after another, the claims came in: the war was "aggression" from Serbia, 
intent on "genocide." There were Serb "death camps" in western Bosnia. Serbs 
were systematically raping Muslim women. The siege of Sarajevo was worse than 
Leningrad and Stalingrad combined. Some 300,000 Muslims alone had been killed 
1993. Izetbegovic’s Foreign Minister, Haris Silajdzic, and UN Ambassador 
Sacirbey tirelessly repeated whichever message of the day was on the agenda, 
to whoever would listen. Bereft of an enemy in the aftermath of the Cold 
War, the West ate it up. So did Islamic militants, after the end of the Afghan 
Eventually, however, the myths were exposed. The total death toll of the war 
just under 100,000, and included many Serbs and Croats. The war in Sarajevo, 
however brutal, was exaggerated and manipulated for propaganda purposes. There 
was no evidence of mass rape, let alone its alleged systematic nature. The 
"death camps" were a hoax.
In 1993, the Izetbegovic regime sued Serbia before the International Court of 
Justice, alleging aggression and genocide. Francis Boyle, the American lawyer 
who wrote the lawsuit, asserted in 1995 that, "the claims of the Bosnian People 
for genocide will be vindicated for the entire world to see and for all of 
history to know." Yet in 2007, the ICJ rejected every single claim from the 
The sole exception was Srebrenica, where the ICJ took for granted the decision 
by its bastard cousin, the ICTY, that "genocide" had been committed there. 
Srebrenica thus became the last remaining myth of the Bosnian War, and the 
foundation on which the entire war "narrative" came to rest.
Facts and Fiction
The story officially espoused by the Muslim government is that, following the 
capture of Srebrenica in July 1995, Bosnian Serb forces separated men and boys 
from the civilian refugees and summarily executed them. The exact number of 
victims is never specified, ranging from 7,000 to "over 8,000." Though vague 
riddled with inconsistencies, this story has been accepted unquestioningly by 
the Western media and the ICTY, and is repeated ad nauseam.
When the Bosnian Serb troops entered Srebrenica on July 11, 1995, they did so 
unopposed. Some 5,500 Muslim soldiers, members of the 28th Division of the 
Bosnian Army, had abandoned the town — and their families — and set off on a 
march towards Muslim-controlled Tuzla. The civilian population sought shelter 
the UN compound in the hamlet of Potocari. Serb forces provided them with food 
and water, then commandeered buses and trucks from the surrounding Serb areas 
evacuate them to Muslim-held territory. Today the Dutch UN peacekeepers 
are accused of "complicity" while the Serbs allegedly massacred Muslims before 
their very eyes. But nothing of the sort happened. UN investigator Henry 
Wieland, who in July 1995 spent a week interviewing the Muslims evacuated from 
Potocari, reported, "we have not found anyone who saw with their own eyes an 
atrocity taking place."
That the "genocide" memorial and cemetery were built on the site of the UN 
compound in Potocari is an act of supreme cynicism and manipulation.
Neither Corpus nor Delicti
Advocates of the official story point to a number of verdicts by the ICTY, 
thousands of bodies found in mass graves, and the confessions of executioners, 
and demand that the entire world accepts the Srebrenica "genocide" as "judicial 
fact." This type of approach is typical for PR, where what matters is what 
people believe. In law, however, what matters is what one can prove. Yet when 
comes to proof, both the ICTY and the advocates of the official story 
consistently come up short.
The crown witness, on whom the entire case hangs, is a liar. Other witnesses 
have been exposed as serial perjurers. The ICTY’s own forensic evidence, 
gathered over the past fifteen years, has yielded 3,568 autopsy reports, but 
fewer than 2,000 actual bodies. Only 442 bodies in the mass graves have 
ligatures and/or blindfolds, strongly suggesting execution. The DNA evidence 
allegedly collected by the International Commission for Missing Persons (a 
quasi-NGO run by the U.S. government) has not been shown to anyone — including 
the ICTY prosecutors and judges! Even so, DNA evidence can only identify the 
bodies; it cannot prove the manner of death. Yet the ICTY maintains that the 
evidence collected by ICMP somehow "proves" these people were executed.
Genocide is defined by a 1948 UN Convention as actions "committed with intent 
destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as 
such" (emphasis added).  
No proof of such intent was ever produced by the ICTY. Instead, the intent 
was inferred based on the bodies recovered, whose final number itself was 
inferred back from the alleged genocidal intent. If this sounds like circular 
logic, that’s because it is.
But who are the dead, then? Overwhelmingly, members of that 28th Division 
mentioned earlier, who abandoned their families and set forth towards Tuzla. 
Reports and testimonies of those who survived, along with the combat logs of 
Bosnian Serb units, paint a picture of a harrowing trek through minefields, 
under artillery fire, and constant skirmishes with Bosnian Serb units pursuing 
them or seeking to bar their path. Some people just gave up and died of heat 
exhaustion, hunger, and exposure. And as the forensic evidence mentioned 
indicates, a number of them were captured, bound, and shot. This was clearly a 
war crime, and should be prosecuted as such. But to call it genocide requires 
stretching the definition of the act beyond recognition.
Politics of Genocide
This approach fits, however, into the pattern of PR propaganda concerning 
Bosnia. From the very beginning of the war, the Serbs were presented as the new 
Nazis. Croats and Muslims were presented not as combatants, but as innocent 
victims. James Harff, of PR firm Ruder Finn, explained the purpose of this to a 
French journalist in a 1993 interview:
"…the Croatian and Bosnian past was marked by a real and cruel anti-semitism 
[sic]. Tens of thousands of Jews perished in Croatian camps. So there was every 
reason for intellectuals and Jewish organizations to be hostile towards the 
Croats and Bosnians. Our challenge was to reverse this attitude. And we 
succeeded masterfully."
By cynically manufacturing false parallels to the Holocaust, then exploiting 
them to gain support in the Western public, the regimes in Zagreb and Sarajevo 
were not just demonizing their current enemy, but whitewashing their own past.
Meanwhile, some Americans have tried to use Srebrenica (and subsequently the 
equally imaginary genocide in Kosovo) as justification for the American Empire, 
the only force capable of "stopping genocides" that were apparently commonplace 
all over the world — in what one commentator dubbed the "weaponization of human 
rights." The tears shed by Imperial officials at Srebrenica commemorations are 
supposed to wash their consciences clear of their own murders in Iraq and 
elsewhere. Such are the politics of genocide.
Read more by Nebojsa Malic
* The Endless Summer of 1914 – July 1st, 2010 
* Empire’s Deal – June 13th, 2010 
* A Meeting in Sarajevo – June 4th, 2010 
* Butchery at Wakefield Prison – May 14th, 2010 
* Stirring the Bosnian Pot – April 30th, 2010

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