Kosovo: Serbia sees an uphill fight after court ruling 

Belgrade, 26 July (AKI) - Serbian foreign minister Vuk Jeremic said on Monday 
that 55 more countries were ready to recognize the independence of Kosovo, 
proclaimed two years ago, and vowed to continue diplomatic battle to preserve 
Serbia’s territorial integrity.

Addressing the parliament, Jeremic said Serbia’s position in the fight for 
Kosovo has worsened after last week’s ruling by the International Court of 
Justice that Kosovo declaration of independence wasn’t contrary to 
international law.

“We must be fully aware that the situation in which Serbia finds itself today 
is much worse than before ICJ ruling,” Jeremic told parliament.

Apart from 69 countries which have recognized Kosovo, including the United 
States and 22 EU members, 55 more countries were under strong pressure by 
western powers to do so, he added.

Jeremic said Serbian president Boris Tadic was sending special emissaries to 55 
countries to lobby against Kosovo recognition and called for national unity in 
the uphill diplomatic battle which will resume in September in the United 
Nations General Assembly. 

Jeremic, Tadic and prime minister Mirko Cvetkovic came to parliament to ask for 
support to Belgrade’s initiative in the General Assembly to pass a resolution 
against Kosovo independence and calling for new negotiations on the Kosovo 

“We are sending today a message to the world that we are unified in the 
continuation of policy which centres on the preservation of sovereignty and 
territorial integrity of the country in a peaceful, diplomatic and dignified 
way,” Jeremic said.

But judging by parliamentary debate, the government was unlikely to get 
anything more than a 126 vote simple majority in the 250 seat parliament.

Opposition leaders said the government policy towards Kosovo was a “total 
failure” and the new initiative in General Assembly was another “suicidal act” 
in which they won’t participate. 

Several opposition leaders called for the resignation of Tadic, Jeremic and the 
entire government, because they haven’t consulted the parliament on Kosovo 
policies for the past two years and made too many concessions to western 
powers, which yielded no results



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