*       JULY 28, 2010

Kosovo's Disastrous Precedent 

Serbia will never recognize this unilateral declaration of independence; we 
seek peaceful compromise.



On Feb. 17, 2008, the ethnic-Albanian authorities of Serbia's breakaway 
province of Kosovo unilaterally declared independence against the will of the 
U.N Security Council and in contravention of my country's constitution. We made 
it immediately clear that we would never recognize the unilateral declaration 
of independence, implicitly or explicitly. This position will not change. 
Serbia will continue to use all diplomatic resources at the disposal of a 
sovereign state to oppose Pristina's attempt at partitioning our country. No 
democratic and proud nation—whose territorial integrity is under threat—would 
act differently. 

From the onset of this grave crisis, we responded to the unilateral declaration 
of independence peacefully. In October 2008, the General Assembly of the United 
Nations overwhelmingly approved a resolution seeking the legal opinion of the 
International Court of Justice on the lawfulness of the unilateral declaration 
of independence.

After many months of deliberation, the court delivered its findings. It neither 
endorsed the view that this unilateral declaration of independence was a unique 
case, nor Pristina's claim that Kosovo is a state. Moreover, the court failed 
to approve the province's avowed right of secession from Serbia, or any 
purported right to self-determination for Kosovo's Albanians. 

Instead, the court chose to narrowly examine the language of the unilateral 
declaration of independence. This strictly technical approach made it possible 
to say that the text of the declaration itself did not violate international 
law. The Kosovo Albanian authorities are deliberately misinterpreting the 
court's views as a legalization of their attempt at secession. 

This may produce extensive and deeply problematic consequences for the 
international community. Ethnic minorities across the globe could take 
advantage of the opportunity to write their own declarations of independence 
according to the Kosovo textual template. This would put them in a position to 
plausibly claim that such texts sufficiently legitimize their respective acts 
of secession, and for their proclaimed independence to be in conformity with 
international law. 

The inherent dangers of such a scenario must be prevented. Otherwise, the 
borders of every multi-ethnic state would be permanently threatened by 
secessionism, producing lasting instability throughout the world.

The court has left it up to the U.N. General Assembly to manage the political 
repercussions of the advisory opinion. This has been confirmed by U.N. 
Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, who stated that the General Assembly "will 
determine how to proceed on this matter." The forthcoming debate will therefore 
focus on the consequences and implications of Kosovo's unilateral declaration 
of independence in light of the court's findings. 

We must ensure that the outcome of this debate makes a positive contribution to 
global governance. We must find a realistic approach to close the Pandora's box 
opened up by Pristina. The only way forward is to commence peaceful dialogue 
between the parties that produces a compromise, a mutually acceptable solution 
to all outstanding issues.

The consequence of a failure to agree on Kosovo would be the establishment of a 
universally applicable precedent that provides a ready-made model for 
unilateral secession. 

Serbia is committed to working with the international community to prevent such 
a disastrous scenario. What we seek is an equitable outcome that both sides can 
embrace. This is the only way to reinforce shared priorities, to normalize 
relations, and to complete the democratic transformation of the Balkans into a 
stable, prosperous region fully integrated into the European Union. 

Mr. Jeremic is the foreign minister of the Republic of Serbia. 


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